Chapter Thirty-Three: Confrontations

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"Most people, when directly confronted by evidence that they are wrong, do not change their point of view or course of action but justify it even more tenaciously."

-Carol Tavris

Nicolai's POV

I had to go after Travis.

I hadn't known he was standing at the door all along. Oh goddess! What was I even going to say to him? I am sure he was very hurt at the moment and I just hoped he would be able to understand the position I was in.

I walked out of the hospital and I saw him sitting dejectedly under an oak tree. I joined him on the bench. The atmosphere surrounding us tense. For some time neither of us spoke a word, each lost in his thoughts.

"Is all that I heard true?" Travis asked and at the end his voice cracked. It was quite difficult to see my best friend like this and more so because I knew I was the cause of it. I know I hadn't been the best friend to Travis and for that I was very remorseful.

"Exactly how much of our conversation did you hear?"


"Then yes, what you heard is true." I let out a sigh and waited for what he would say.

"Why Nich? Why didn't you tell me? Why keep something like this from me? We're best friends! Or do you not consider me your best friend?" Trav's words were laced with so much emotion that it surprised me. I honestly didn't know he cared for me that much.

And this just made me feel even more terrible for not telling him sooner. Maybe he would have been able to help me out or even if he couldnt, at least I wouldn't have been so lonely during all these years.

"I don't know? Maybe because my dad told me not to breathe a word of it to anyone else or he would just take things up a notch and hurt whoever I told."

"Or maybe it was because I was ashamed to tell you that my own father didn't love me and hated me with a passion as great as the love he felt for my mother."

"Or just maybe it was because I didn't know how I was possibly going to tell you that my own father blamed me for the death of my mother!"

"I didn't know how you'd react. I was frightened out of my mind. I had started my alpha training at that time and I hardly had the time to play. Heck, I was practically a prisoner in my own house and I wasn't allowed to do things I liked. My dad was almost with me all the time with the excuse that he was training me to be the best alpha there was. My life sucked. That time of my life was the worst. I felt I was falling down a bottomless pit and that there was no possible way I would be able to break out of the immense darkness surrounding me."

But all that changed when I found my mate. She gave me hope. She rekindled a part of me that had laid dormant for a very long time that when that part was working it didn't know how to act right.

"Nich, you should have made me the judge of that. I would never have looked at you any different; you would have still been the best friend I knew and was growing up with. I would have been with you through it all and we could have found a way to get you out of your father's clutches. Best friends are supposed to stick together and be there for one another." Travis was facing me now. I looked into his eyes and saw the pain and sincerity behind his words.

I guess I was so preoccupied by what I was going through that I never realized what a wonderful and loyal best friend I had in Travis. Scratch that, he practically is my brother.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about any of these things and you had to find out in the way in which you did. And moreover what could we have possibly done? You know my dad was still the alpha at that time and there was nowhere I could have hidden without being spotted by other packs"

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