Chapter Thirty-One: Más Dolor (More Pain)

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"Pain doesn't just show up in our lives for no reason. Its a sign that something in our lives need to change."


Alex's POV

I was worried about Nicolai. He has gone back to acting strange and closed off. I knew there was something seriously bothering him but I couldn't quite tell what it was.

I didn't think it was anything I'd done. Or maybe it was because I had gone out of the cottage and gotten hurt again.

I was just confused. Honestly, why would anyone not have a scent? All werewolves had a scent so I was pretty surprised the one that hit me didnt smell. And the other question was why in the Moon Goddess name would he hit me? What had I done to him.

An inkling at the back of my mind told me that his sudden change in attitude had something to do with the guy that hit me, and the message hed asked me to deliver.

Nicolai had left our room to God knows where and hadnt still returned. I tried to sleep but I just couldnt. I lay in the bed looking up at the ceiling wondering what was bothering my mate.

"Nicolai, where are you?" I mind linked.

No answer.

I waited for a few minutes to pass to mind link again.

"Nich, I'm sorry for going out alone. Please come back; lets talk things out." This time around there was a sense of worry in my tone. I just hoped he wasn't angry at me for going against him.

I gave up mind linking him because it was pretty obvious he wasnt going to answer me. I continued staring up at our ceiling while silently praying that Nicolai was okay and not angry at me.

I was about drifting off to sleep when I felt a stinging pain at my back. It was as if I had been stabbed by a knife. I gasped from the sheer intensity of the pain and sat up in bed.

A few seconds passed and I had managed to control my breathing but then I felt pain shoot through my left breast.

What at all could be happening to me?

The pain still lingered. So now I had two suddenly aching body parts and I didnt even know what the cause was. I got up from my side of the bed and switched on the lights in the room. I walked to the full length mirror where I striped of my pajamas shirt to check my back and left breast.

This put a strain on my already aching muscles but I still went through with the action. I needed to make sure I wasn't hurt and I didnt realize it till just now.

There was absolutely nothing there. No mark. No nothing. Zilch! I slowly put back the shirt, confused and wondering how it was possible I was feeling this way.

"Nicolai. Please answer me. Something is happening with me and I don't know what." I cried, desperation laced in my tone.

I sat back in bed trying to wrap my head around what was happening. The wheels in my brain were spinning with the sole purpose of unravelling the mystery behind the sudden stabbing sensations I felt in my back and left breast.

At this point all traces and thought of sleep had dissipated. I had to figure out what was going on with me. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh of frustration.

I jolted when I felt a stinging sensation across my cheek; specifically, my left cheek. I brought my hand up to touch my cheek and it stung. A few seconds passed and I felt the same painful sensation across my cheek with this one being more painful.

If this was someones idea of a joke, I wasnt finding it too funny. In fact, I wasnt finding anything humourful about this whole ordeal.

A third slap was delivered across my cheek and this one was the most painful of them all. I guess three is a charm huh? I say slap because thats what they all felt like. The only queer thing was that there was no one here in the room with me who had physically laid their hands on me.

Strange much?

All this was letting my head spin and draining me of my energy. I was getting tired. My breaths came out in heavy pants. I looked around the room hoping something in the room would offer me some sort of direction towards uncovering what was going on.

I found absolutely nothing!

I stood from the bed and dawdled to the door. I opened the door and was about to take a step out when I felt it. It was more painful than all the pain I had and was still experiencing.

I let out a bloodcurdling scream that sent tremors through my body. The wave of pain, anguish and sheer torture that flowed through me sent me straight to the ground.

I curled up in a ball as I waited for the pain to subside but not quite believing it would. Whenever I thought it was about stopping another wave of pain hit me. The searing pain was unbearable. My vision became foggy as my eyes watered from the intensity of the pain.

I tried thinking calm thoughts to help alleviate the pain but my head was spinning, trying so hard to shut down altogether.

I heard faint mumbles and silent cries of my name but didn't think much of it. At this point the overwhelming pain that hung unto me had clouded all my senses. There were moments I felt like my skin was literally on fire. And there were also moments where I could have sworn my bones were breaking.

I let out another earth shattering scream when I felt as if my arm had been twisted at an awkward angle. I whimpered in pain as tears freely cascaded down my face. At this point the pain was beyond unbearable.

All my senses seemed to be working in overdrive. I couldn't bare it any longer. I could feel a blanket of darkness looming over me and I awaited it with open arms. Anything to block out this pain was absolutely welcomed.

Unable to take it any longer, I finally allowed the darkness to engulf me in its embrace.

So what do you think of the chapter?

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