Chapter Fourteen :Serious Matters

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"It is an unfortunate fact that we can secure peace only by preparing for war."

-John F. Kennedy


Alex's POV

"They are coming and they are coming with all that they have got." Jake's words rang in my head over and over again. Come to think of it I shouldn't be this surprised. It was to be expected. After all that Nicolai had done.... slaying rogues, fighting battles he never lost...

Yes!! It was only logic that those against him would rise to fight him with all that they have got.

"Alex... Alex, are you okay?" that was Jake asking me. I remained mute. I actually didn't know if I was okay.

"We have to prepare adequately and meticulously. But first let me ask you a question. Are you going back to your pack?" I sat up so I could listen to Jake's answer and see the expression on his face.

"No! I don't really have anyone there now. And I don't want to be a part of this massacre. Innocent people are going to be killed for no just cause and I can't be a part of it."

"Good. That settles it then. Welcome to Bloodhound Pack" he sent a curt nod in Jake's direction and we moved on to serious matters.

Nicolai was in his element. If I thought he was cold and stiff before then I didn't know what to call him this time. He barked orders at anyone and everyone.

I stood in the corner and out of the way because I knew there was nothing I could do yet to help.

"Gather all the pack warriors and fighters in training. "

"Yes Alpha"

"We have to close all borders. No one goes out and no one comes in. Get it? "


"Travis, tell the women to start sending food off to the safe house. Enough food, water and the necessary things needed by the women and children to stay there for a few days"

Everything was happening too fast for me to get a drift of what at all as happening in the study. People just walked in and out of the place. Nicolai barked orders and everyone carried them out without asking questions.

There has got to be something we can do to help the pack. Someway we could also be a part of this.

Then a light bulb went off in my mind.

"I want to take part in the fight."

"No" that single word came out from the mouth of Nicolai Sharpe.

"But why not? Why can't I also take part? Think about it. The new fighters will be fighting for the first time and so will I."

"It's still a no" he was hell bent on not making me do anything. Argh!!

I turn and exited the study. I went straight up to my room. I needed to clear my mind a bit and take the necessary actions towards this war that has been waged against us.

"Come in" it was Jake

"Hey, long time" I just engulfed him in a hug. And I don't know why but I burst into tears.

"Hush now Alex. Everything will turn out great. Hush now "

"How are things between you and the Alpha? Is he treating you well?"

"Well he isn't maltreating me and neither is he pampering me." Jake gave me a blank expression

"Does that perhaps answer your question" I gave an unsure smile.

"I should think so"

"Al, you know I am a fighter right, and you want to learn how to fight and Nicolai is or will be too busy to train you s-" I jumped on him.


Jake's POV

"OF COURSE! HOW COME I DIDN'T THINK OF THIS? YES, I WOULD LIKE IT VERY MUCH FOR YOU TO TRAIN ME" Alexandria's scream caused me to place both hands on my ears to protect them from the vicious assault against them.

"Jake, thanks so much. You have no idea how much I want to be of help." she hugged me again.

"But there are some rules I have to establish before I can start. And before I do tell you the rules, you have to promise me to abide by them to the latter."

"Promise me Al. I know you better than anyone. Give me your word on this."

"Fine I promise to abide by your rules... Happy now?" I pulled the sides of her lips up so that the once frowning face was now a smiling one.

"I will train you for three hours every day. In the morning. And even though I am your best friend and all I will train you like I would a warrior and not go easy on you. I won't stretch you, that's for sure but I won't treat you as some broken glass either." A smile broke out on her face.

It always gave me great joy to put a smile on her face. She was my sister after all. Though not by blood.

"I understand. I wouldn't even want you to treat me that way when training. Thanks pal. I really missed you" she hugged me again and placed a kiss on my cheeks.

"We start first thing tomorrow morning. For now, we have a lot of catching up to do"

Alexandria's POV

The day was full of jokes and laughter, squeals of excitement from me and Jake telling me stories about Midnight Moon.

Selene and Selena, my little sisters, were growing fast and look prettier than ever. Jake's words not mine.

I am glad Jake decided to come to us. My wolf said and I had to agree with her wholeheartedly.

"Al are you even listening to me? What was the last word I said?"

"Erm... I- Y-you said that we are headed to the ice cream truck over there" I took Jake's hand and dragged him to the ice cream truck

"A scoop each of chocolate, vanilla and strawberry flavoured ice cream for me"

"Just chocolate for me" Of course Jake paid even before I could pull the money out of my pockets.


"Don't even mention it" we headed back to the pack house. I was so happy Jake was going to be with me here. At least I wouldnt be as lonely as I was and Id have my best friend here with me. Someone I actually knew.

"Follow me?" Nicolai didn't even wait for me before going into his office.

"I'll be right back I shut the door loudly behind me so that my dickhead for a mate could see how exactly I took his ordering me like some puppy.

"What" standing in akimbo I waited for him to speak.

"As you know we are going into war a-"

"Get straight back of the point Nicolai. I havent got all day"

"You will be closely guarded as of now"

"No! I can take care of myself. And what do you expect your pack members to think seeing me around with body guards? Surely they will be suspicious"

"Then let them be. I don't care. All I care about is for you to be safe" I saw a glimpse of another emotion in his eyes but maybe I was hallucinating.

"And why do you care? You don't want me as a mate remember?" my emotions were getting the better of me.

"You want me to acknowledge you as my mate, right? Fine I will." Demetri walked in a few minutes later.

"Gather the whole pack. I have a very important announcement to make."

"Alpha" Demetri bowed in reverence before going to do as told.

"Let's go, Luna"

Oh no.... I didn't like this


Do you think what Jake did was good? Betraying his old pack???

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