Chapter Thirteen :Surprise

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"Life is full of surprises. Not all these surprises are pleasant, so you need to be ready for what life brings you."


Alex's POV

I tried to go on with my life as normally as I could but that proved to be very difficult. What with the whole Aiden incident and the forceful way Nicolai almost marked me? I couldn't help but be concerned for myself and for Aiden.

He still was in a coma. It had been two weeks since he slipped into the coma.

I have been going to visit him every single day. I hadn't been to the training grounds and frankly speaking I didn't really care.

What was the point anyways when all that I would achieve would be almost the same fate as Aiden? I also haven't spoken to anyone but the pack doctor and Travis.

I didn't notice that I had bumped into someone until I heard a shriek.

I look down at girl of about the same age as myself look up at me with a scowl on her face. I couldn't say I blame her. After all it was my fault.

"I am so sorry. I didn't see you there. "I stretched out my hand and she took it. She swatted the dirt from her jeans.

"Of course, you didn't. "she said it under her breath but I still heard her.

"I am Alexandria. And you are...? "

"Veronica. I haven't seen you here before are you new here?"

"Uh-huh" I nodded. She seems like a nice person and for some strange reason I wanted to get to know her better.

"What do you say about us going for ice cream? To compensate for bumping into you" I took her hand and started running which made her squeal in surprise.

If the smile on her face and the fact that she hadn't complained was anything to go by then I would say she had no objections whatsoever.

Well that was until we neared the pack house that she stopped and also pulled me to a stop. I didn't understand why we had stopped.

"I can't go in there. Alpha Nicolai hasn't given me the permission." There was fear in her eyes and I guess she didn't want to defy her Alpha.

"Look at me Veronica, Alpha Nicolai wont mind and secondly you are with me."

"Come on "

I plopped unto by bed with a smile on my face. Hanging out with Veronica was fun and I was glad I followed my instincts. We took the ice cream and headed straight for the cinema- fulfilling my earlier made promise of putting it into use.

We decided to watch a horror movie- Wrong Turn even though it was in the afternoon. We later decided to play video games which I sucked at, by the way. Now, thinking about how the day had gone I realized that not even once did I think of Nicolai.

I was actually surprised because I always seemed to be thinking about that guy. I had to go visit Aiden at the hospital but not until I have gotten a shower and changed into a new set of clothes.

I walked all the way to the pack hospital with a wide grin plastered on my face. I was in a good mood and I sensed that Aiden was going to sail through this and come out healthy and strong.

Releasing a sigh, I pushed open the door to Aiden's room and was surprised to see Demetri; Nicolai's beta, sitting beside Aiden's bed holding his hand in his.

I proceeded quietly towards the two even though I was sure that Demetri already sensed my presence.

"How is he?"

"Same, getting better, I guess. He has come out of the coma though." I noticed the bags under his eyes and had this edge to try and relief him of this stress.

"He's my cousin." he said quietly and I instantly felt bad all over again. But before I could apologize, he beat me to it.

"Don't you think of apologizing. It wasn't your fault; Nicolai did this to him"

"But it wasn't his fault either. He was the one that told me I was just in a towel. I turned to go put on something more appropriate when I bumped into Nicolai and he was seething. I am really sorry I got Aiden into this mess."

He smiled at me and I noticed his smile was similar to Aiden's.

"You should not beat yourself about this Alexandria." we both whipped our heads to were Aiden was laying and sure enough Aiden was awake smiling up at us. I squealed and engulfed him in a hug which caused Demetri's eyes to almost pop out of his head.

"Suffocating in here" Aiden said and I released him giving him a smile.

'Welcome back" Demetri said and they did one of those bro hugs. I watched as the two smiled at each other before Demetri left.

I hugged him again and the time he didn't say anything. Maybe because it wasn't as hard as before.

"So how are you coping? For a fact I know you beat yourself up for what happened but seriously you shouldn't. Nicolai is just possessive. And aggressive if I do say so."

I spent the rest of the day chatting about anything and everything. I left a few minutes after 7pm. Sensed something was seriously wrong when I saw Jake in the sitting room with Nicolai, Demetri and Travis.

"Jake" I exclaimed and run to him as he stood and bear hugged me. He whirled me around and placed a kiss on my cheek before setting me down on my feet.

"I have missed you too." I said as I hugged him again and also placed a kiss on his cheek.

"As much as I would like this to continue, we have serious things to discuss"

For one I wasn't surprised it was Nicolai who spoke, two he was lying, he didnt want this reunion to continue and we all knew it and three what is more serious than my reunion with my best friend?

The four of us followed silently as Nicolai led us to his study. I realized it was the second time Ive actually come here. Nicolai took his place behind the brown mahogany's desk. No one spoke and honestly the wait was making me impatient.

"Someone tell me what's going on now before I lose it I said out through gritted teeth. The suspense was killing me slowly and I wasn't ready to deprive the earth of my presence. Seriously earth needs me still alive.

"There's a problem." Jake was the one to break the silence

"Trevor is planning an attack. And what more he isn't the only one. They are coming and they are coming with all that they've got, Alex"

I just slammed into a chair and allowed Jake's words to sink in. His words repeated one and one again in my mind.

"You okay?" It was Jake. I closed my eyes and nodded.

I guess we had a fight to prepare for.

Hey guys! Please continue to root for my story.




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