Chapter Fifteen :Luna Tate

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"I meet people and they become chapters in my stories."

-Avijeet Das


Alex's POV

Let's go, Luna.

I had a very bad feeling about this. It was like I was walking through uneasiness.

"Where are we going? "

"You're going to introduce yourself to your pack after I announce that I have found my mate" that halted me in my steps

"WHAT! You can't do that. You don't even want me" It was still difficult saying it. I felt as if a dagger had been plunged into me and it was being twisted. Nicolai abruptly turned towards me and pulled me closer to him such that his chest was flush against mine. I sucked in a sharp breath.

"You have no idea what you're saying about, mi luz" Nicolais voice caused ripples to glide across my skin.

"What does that even mean?"

"You'll find out soon enough" Was that a smile I was seeing on his face?

A wonder of the dark Alpha.

"It's time. And don't worry. You'll do great out there."

"Who are you and what have you done to my mate?" Freedom of speech, right?

"Enough already. Let's go" with his hands at the small of my back Nicolai gently guided me forward.

Oh my God! I can't believe we are actually doing this. He's seriously good to introduce us to his pack as Luna-His Luna.

Shush it wolf!

The auditorium was dead silent. I could literally read the thoughts of the people. People shared confused glances and others asked who I was in whispers.

"A few weeks ago, we attacked Midnight Moon Pack. In the course of the fight I found my mate." Gasps and smiles broke out from the lips of his pack members. Nicolai lifted his hand and the room became silent again.

"I brought her back with me. Come" he beckoned me.

"I present to you your Luna. Alexandria Marie Tate!" Applause and cheers echoed throughout the room. I smiled at them and gave a shy wave.


"He found his mate "

"It was about time he found his mate "

I heard snippets of their conversations.

"Let's go. I'll show you around" Travis offered and I accepted his offer. We went around greeting a few people - or maybe the whole pack.

"Welcome Luna. The Alpha may be stubborn but he's good. Tame him for me yeah?" I laughed.

''I'm Stella. A friend of the family. My boy is a good boy. Just be patient with him." we turned to look at the said Alpha. He looked handsome.

He was spotting a five o'clock shadow. Jaws set in that fierce line. His black shirt hugged his body putting his abs on full display.

"Chill she wolf." I hadn't noticed I let loose a growl. A blush creeped to my cheeks.

"Come and visit anytime "

"Thanks Stella. I'll come when I get the time."

"Bye dear" Stella said as we moved to a different group.

I was so exhausted by the time we got to the pack house. Things had turned out okay right? I got what I wanted- for Nicolai to formally introduce me to his pack. But for some reason I wasn't satisfied. I wanted something else. I wanted Nicolai himself to accept me.

I showered and fell on my bed to catch some sleep. After all I was to begin training tomorrow.


"Clench your fists, tuck your elbows in, and then swing the punch. I did as I was told.

"No not like that. Turn your fist just before it makes contact with the punching bag. Like turning a knob."

"Like this? "I said

"Yes, like that. So now try that over and over again till you are good at it."

"Sir, yes, sir!" Jake laughed. We've been at it for two out of three hours of our training session already. I must say I had made progress.

Nicolai taught me how to position myself when swinging a punch so I didn't fall. Jake has taught me to...

"What's going on here?" Oh, I sure can detect this voice from far away.

"Training of course. Since a certain someone decided that he was too good to train me, I got someone willing and happy to train me. Any problem... Alpha?!" I sneered. A growl sounded deep within Nicolai's throat. I didn't back down from our stare off.

"Al, stop it. "Jake said

"Let's go somewhere else where this... He wouldn't disturb us.'' I grasped Jake's hand and we started walking. I dont even know why I was acting this way. I mean id wanted him to acknowledge me and he had right? That was why he introduced me to the pack right?

But why did I feel like that changed nothing between us? Was it too bad that I wanted the person more than the title?

Someone had a different thought though. Nicolai ripped Jake's hand from mine and punched him. I screamed.

That has got to hurt!

"Get off of him this very instance. You have no right whatsoever to lay your hand on Jake. He's much more to me than you ever will" I shouted and shoved him off Jake.

Different emotions flashed in his eyes but I wasn't going to fall for them. Not anymore.

He couldnt just treat me as if I didnt even exist and the next moment act as a jealous mate.

"You're despicable Nicolai. C'mon lets go." I helped Jake up from his temporary bed, that is the floor.

I felt a breeze and when I turned Nicolai had shifted and he was already going to God knows where.

"You were hard on the guy." He coughed.

"See what he did to you. You're bleeding."

"I bleed all the time. Not that I am a female. But you get me. I'll heal soon enough." I sighed.

"What I don't know is if he will heal soon enough"

"Go after him." I opened my mouth to protest but Jake was having none of that.

" Go... Follow your mate. "

So what's going to happen when she catches up with Nicolai?

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