Chapter Twenty-Eight: Daddy-O

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"You are strong enough to face it all even if it doesnt feel like it right now."


Alex's POV

For about a minute nobody seated around the table uttered a word. The silence in the room was as dense as a room plunged in thick darkness. I took my time to take a quick glance at all the faces of my new found family.

Demetri, Aiden and Travis had their eyes planted in their plates, not once lifting the heads as I took turns to look at them. Kaithlyn was looking behind Nicolai and I at the owner of the voice, Jake stared back at me; clueless as to who the person was but he kept switching his gaze between me, Nicolai and the new arrival.

I tried to look at Nicolai's face in hopes that I would be able to at least read his facial expression but he only just held unto me firmly.

"No te pasaránada, mi luz." Nicolai kept on whispering as he gently stroked my back and occasionally placed a kiss on my head. I didnt understand what language he was speaking but the repetitive stroking of my back was calming and very much soothing. For a moment there I forgot we had new company no one had bothered to acknowledge or speak to. (Nothing will happen to you, my light)

"Seems like nobody is going to answer me so I'd just leave you guys to it. It was nice meeting all of you-" he was leaving already? I kind of felt bad because what if he had come to eat breakfast. But come to think of it too no other person came to the pack house except those already gathered at the dining table.

"-especially you Luna Tate." He added. A growl escaped from Nicolai which startled me, causing me to jump in his arms.

"Nich, are you okay?" I whispered into my mates chest but I received no response from him. He only just let out another growl and squeezed me some more.

At this time our companions had resumed eating but this time around it was in complete silence unless someone asked for something to be passed on to them.

"Nicolai, what's wrong? You seem very upset about something. Please talk to me." I mind linked him and hugged him in the seat so he could feel my presence. I honestly felt he was just with us physically but not mentally. He was elsewhere thinking about or doing God knows what.

"Nicolai" I called out to him again.

"Dria" he replied. That was enough for me to let out a sigh of relief. Nicolai finally let go of his grip on me and I turned in his lap so I was facing our friends this time.

"So is anyone going to say who it was that came here and got your knickers in a twist?" Jake asked. Leave it to him to ask or say what no one wanted to say. The others all shared glances before all of them simultaneously fixed their gaze on Nicolai.

"That is my father. Kano Sharpe."


I didn't know what to do.

Nicolai was out of it and I think it has something to do with his fathers appearance at breakfast but he wouldn't also talk about what happened with him in there.

I wanted to be there for him and share in his obvious state of unease but he was blocking me out. I had tried reading his thoughts but he blocked me, saying that it was for my own protection that I didnt know what was going on in his head.

I didn't want to argue with him so I just let it slide- for now that is.

I had suggested we spent the day in the pack house or even in his room but Nicolai had refused saying that he had already decided to take me somewhere and our day was already planned out. He asked how he was supposed to make it up to me if he wasnt even able to keep his word and spend just one whole day with me like he had said he would.

"Watch out!" I heard a little too late as I run into a child. He fell and began crying. Feeling bad, I crouched to his level and picked him up, cooing in his ear with the hopes that he would stop crying. He did stop crying after soon after.

"I'm so sorry." A lady I guessed to be the mother of the little boy approached me with a worried expression on her face.

"You don't have to apologize. On the contrary I should rather be the one apologizing to you because I was so lost in thoughts I didn't look where I was going. I am very sorry ma'am." I said in hopes of calming the worried mother.

"It's fine." She said as she took her reluctant son from my arms. It was after that she looked at who was standing behind me and saw Nicolai beside me. She tensed and one could visibly see that she was uncomfortable standing in the presence of Nicolai.

"Hey, I'm sure you already know who this is but Id still introduce you guys. This is Alpha Nicolai and I'm Alex. I didn't quite get your name." I said friendly.

"I-I'm Darlene, and this is my son Zane, Luna." She said.

"Nice meeting you Darlene. Nicolai and I have to run along. Goodbye Darlene."

"Goodbye Luna, Alpha."

"Have a nice day Darlene. It was nice meeting you." Nicolai told the mother who only just now looked properly at Nicolai and smiled. I also smiled because Nicolai was trying.

We continued on our way, walking through the pack as Nicolai held my hand this time around and showed me the expanse of our land.

We met people on the way who greeted us and were all nice and receptive of me. I must say it felt very nice because though I had interacted with them when Nicolai first introduced me as his mate and Luna, I hadn't really had the opportunity to be with around them.

"Hope you're enjoying my company?" Nicolai asked me with a sheepish smile on his face.

"Yes I am, thanks." I gave his hand that was holding me a gentle squeeze.

"I want to show you something." Nicolai said and steered me towards whatever he wanted to show me. We walked a little till we got to a clearing in the woods not far away from the settlements.

"Nich, is this what you wanted to show me? I was hoping it'd be something much more that a clearing." I let out a laugh while staring at my mate- wondering what he was thinking.

"Of course not. Listen closely." Nicolai instructed and I did just that. It was then that I heard the distant slosh of a waterfall.

"Come on." Nicolai said and ushered us to where the waterfall was. The site was as breathtaking as it had been the first time I had seen it. I couldnt forget it. It was the day that I had run to look for Nicolai after he had punched Jake and I had said harsh things to him.

"Do you remember?" Nicolai asked with a smile on his face. He sneaked his arm around my waist and drew me closer to him.

"Yes" I whispered.

"It was right here. It was at this point that we had our first challenge. I wouldn't touch or try to do anything to get close to you until you admitted I was well endowed." Nicolai recounted to me and I blushed at the memory. Of course my mate is well endowed. Anyone with eyes would see that.

"Yes I do remember perfectly well." At this point I was flush against Nicolai and with his arm around my waist, brought his other hand up to cup my cheeks.

"Dria, I really care about you. I know I have a lot to make up for and a lot to tell you but I would like very much to be a part of your life and for you to be a part of mine. What do you say? Would you be my girlfriend?" I was speechless. Never could I have imagined that Nicolai was going to bring me here and ask for me to be his girlfriend.

"Yes!" I whispered just before Nicolai brought his lips closer to mine and claimed my lips.

Heyyyyy loves 💃💃💃
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