Chapter Thirty-Eight: Preparations

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"One cannot be prepared for something while secretly believing it will not happen."

-Nelson Mandela

Alex's POV

It's been two weeks now since Nicolai told me the whole truth about the mark on his hip and the curse associated with it.

I was still hurt he had kept something as serious as that from me but deep down I could understand why he would do that. Aside the fact that he was already heaping on me the news of his abuse, he probably didn't want to upset me more by telling me that there was a possibility that we could never truly be parents of our biological children.

I had been devastated. It was as if a part of me had been ripped out of my mind. Jake and Aiden tried their very best to cheer me up but it was not really working. My mum too had spoken to me, encouraging me to try very hard to accept the news and then help Nicolai in whatever way I can so that we could undo the curse.

What she said made sense. It was then that I actually took a minute to think about this whole mess. And I came to a realization that I was being selfish.

In fact, very selfish. I was being selfish because I focused more on being angry at Nicolai for concealing this from me, most especially since it was going to affect me directly as I was the one carrying our child, that I forgot that Nicolai too would equally be affected.

He had had to live with this truth practically all his life. I could just imagine how he had been feeling and I didnt even stop for a minute to consider that he was also going to lose a child should anything happen to our child.

We were in this together and we had to stick together to fight this. We needed all the courage and strength we could get.

It was at this instance that I remembered the Moon Goddess words when she had bid me farewell when I was on the verge of death.

"Keep courage Alexandria. You need the strength for what is ahead of you."

At that time, I hadnt really known what it was she was talking about but looking back at everything that had happened since after, I can say she was referring to everything I have had to endure these past months.

Making up my mind, I headed out to Nicolai's study where he has been cooped up doing research and making calls to reach a certain old woman who is rumored to be able to undo curses.

I knocked lightly on the office door and entered when I was called in. My mate looked older than the last time I had seen him. His eyes looked dull with circles underneath them. He was unshaven as I could clearly spot stubble from where I was standing at the door.

I saw relief flash across his eyes at the sight of me. I must admit I had been ignoring him but I was tired of that. I missed my mate and husband.

"Mi luz"

"Nich" we both said at the same time and moved towards each other. Nicolai engulfed me in a tight hug upon reaching me and I savoured the feeling of my mates arms around me.

"I missed you so much. I'm very sorry for not telling you earlier." Nicolai cried into my shoulder.

"I know and I'm also sorry for being too hard on you. I missed you too." I went on my tiptoes and squeezed him tight just to convey how much I meant what I said.

I really had missed him. His scent, his presence and essence. He was my everything.

"I'm sorry for being selfish and not considering the fact that the child is also yours and you would be as devastated as I would be should he/she not make it. I know that now and the best thing for us to do is to stand together and win this fight." I confessed to Nicolai and I watched as a smile stretched out across his face. This was the first time I had seen him genuinely smile since he broke the news to me.

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