Chapter Twelve :Let It Go

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"Desire is expressed by the caress as thought is by language."


Alex's POV

I was fuming! He had no right to do what He did in the first place. I don't know if I will be able to stand it should something worse happened to Aiden. I mean it. Nicolai would surely hear from me. I mean it wasn't his fault I was in nothing but a towel and he was the one who even informed me I was in nothing but a towel and he just outright beat the guy into unconsciousness.

"Hey" I turn abruptly when I felt a hand no my shoulder. I turned and came face to face with Travis. I smiled at him but he didn't return it.

"Stop it. I know you are not okay. You shouldn't keep it in you. Let it out. Let all the anger, frustration and tension out" I looked up at Travis as if he was crazy.

"How do I release all these negative emotions I am feeling"

"Run" I looked at Travis like he had grown into Godzilla.

"I don't mean literarily run as in run away from here. Just run around the pack till you are drained of all your energy and go home for a cold bath" What He said did make perfect sense. I mean I wasn't going to lose anything so why not? I nodded my understanding and turned to go. Travis put his arm on my shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"He will come around" I smiled up at him and jogged of.

The wind whipped my hair away from my face and I felt much better instantly but it wasn't enough. I run as fast as my legs could take me. I felt a shiver course down my spine and I knew I was about to shift. I lunged into the area as if I was pouncing on a prey and shifted.

My senses were heightened and sharpened. I run and run not caring a hoot about what people might say about me.

The sound of my paws against the leaves and twigs on the ground accompanied by the whooshing of the wind in my face made me think of nothing. I just enjoyed the pleasurable feeling. I got the hint to go home when I started slowing down. My muscles were beginning to ache as I had strained them too much.

I shifted into my human form and realized that I didn't strip out of my clothes before shifting. I headed to a place where I put a dress for situations like these. I wore the dress conscious of the fact that I was wearing no underwear.

I arrived safely and I let out a sigh of relief because I hadn't met any guards on the way. Frankly speaking, I wouldn't want to speak to anyone when I am in no underwear (Most definitely not a guard who is also a guy like Aiden for Nicolai to get worked up and beat the crap out of him). I went to my room and headed straight for the bathroom. I gingerly pulled my dress over my shoulders. I made way to the tub. I filled it with water and poured into it my shower gel. I stepped into the cool lathered water and relief washed over me. I closed my eyes and smiled.

Travis was right and I am grateful I listened to him. The water felt good against my skin. I stayed in the tub for like thirty minutes and deciding I had had enough I got out, dried myself and wrapped the towel around body.

When I entered the room the first thing, I noticed was the foreign yet familiar and tantalizing scent of Nicolai. He was wearing a fitting V-neck blue tee-shirt with faded jeans. I glanced up at him and he was already looking at me with this new emotion.

I didn't know what to make of it because Nicolai had more often than not proved what a-sorry to say- heartless mate he was.

His eyes darkened immensely and he took a step towards me. I took a step back and a fierce growl sounded from deep within him.

The desire and lust in his eyes made my knees go weak. I had never seen Nicolai give me such a look before... I licked my dry lips and contemplated whether I should go along with this.

As soon as I came back to my senses Nicolai was directly in front of me. He growled and slammed his lips on mine. I felt it.

The connection.

The connection Nicolai avoided. I didn't kiss him back though. I couldn't. After all I had been through as a result of this one guy, I couldn't bring myself to kiss him back.

All effort and attempts to push him away proved futile. I was no match for his strength. His kisses were becoming more frantic. He bit my lower lip but I still kept my mouth shut.

"No, Nicolai. Stop it." he still continued. His wolf was in charge now. He continued pressing kisses to my face and when he reached where my neck met my shoulder, he lingered there.

The towel was pulled away from my body and let to fall to the ground in a heap. Nicolai pulled away and his eyes now raked over my body. His gaze on me was very intense and caused me to shudder. He moved closer and resumed kissing me, more ferociously this time around. Without warning, I kicked his groin and ran for the door.

But of course, I wasn't fast enough. I was captured and not knowing what else to do I screamed my lungs out. I writhed and screamed. Kicking my legs. Nicolai fought his wolf for control and realization dawned on him.

Followed by shock.



Then his eyes softened when he saw the tears running down my face. He moved closer to where I was cuddled on the floor and as if asking me for permission his eyes, I nodded my approval.

Nicolai wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. In one swift move I was sitting on his laps. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes. Nicolai remained silent as he stroked my hair and repeatedly apologized for his actions.

I wanted to see and experience more of this side of Nicolai.

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.



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