Chapter Twenty-One: Unpleasant Surprises

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"Life throws up unpleasant surprises; we can always expect the unexpected."

-Radhanath Swami


Alex's POV

I woke up feeling disoriented and out of place. And maybe it was because I was really out of place. This place, wherever his place was, wasnt my place. My place was wherever Nicolai was. I know this doesnt sound anything like me but I guess the mate pull was affecting me. I wanted to be near Nicolai.

Scratch that, I needed to be near Nicolai.

Even if he infuriated and annoyed me, and made me feel like I was useless at times, I still felt something in his presence. I couldnt really tell if it was the mate pull or it was truly my feelings for him that had changed but werent they both kind of intertwined? My emotions were all over the place.

The mate pull affected our feelings so I guess it is what it is. I was getting drawn to Nicolai, and though I didn't want to officially admit it and seal my fate, I didnt really mind. Nicolai wouldnt hurt me, well intentionally at least. He liked me too. Or?

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I tried getting up to take in my surroundings. I couldnt move. I could move but I couldnt move like Id want to be able to. I was chained up. And though I squirmed and writhed, there was little it did to help get me loose of the chains.

Where was I?

Why did this keep happening to me?

I am human and not bait for Nicolai! Why cant they just leave me- leave us alone?

Last time it was a human that had kidnapped me soon after I found out Nicolai was my mate and now I dont even know who it was that had taken me.

Was it a rogue that took me or was it a pack wolf or even a hunter?

So many questions run through my mind and not having the answers to those questions was unbearable. But what hit me hard was the memory of what happened before I was captured and knocked out.

The fight was going on with both packs giving it their all. There were bodies all over and grunts of pain and exertion. But what was life changing was when I heard the bones breaking and a hush fell over the fighting grounds. The hush was momentary but we could all sense that it was an alpha that had been killed.

We were all connected to our alphas and should something happen to our alpha, we would all be able to feel it. And that was exactly what we felt. That was what had happened.

An alpha had been killed. Was it Nicolai that had had his life ripped out of him? Or was it Trevor? The thought of it being Nicolai that had been killed, killed me. The thought didnt sit well with me at all.

I didn't realize it till it was quite late. I was whimpering and soon enough sobs racked my body. Nicolai couldn't be dead. We hadnt been good to each other. We had just tried to make each others lives difficult. It might have been the mate pull but we did have something blooming between us. Granted, the process was slow, but we would get there. We were getting there.

I was ready to accept him. He would change for me. I would change for him. We would tolerate each other and let love grow between us. I dont know for how long I cried but I only stopped when I heard a door open and close somewhere around where I was being held captive. I sat up, quieting my racing heart so I could hear well.

There seemed to be someone approaching me. I waited rather impatiently, not that I had any other choice for the person approaching me. Finally, the door to my room opened and a little girl stepped forward.

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