Ch. 3

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A week went by before I met this strange Spider-Man again, during another mission. Apparantly he was serious about keeping an eye on me, because just as I was about to drive my katanas through some drugdealer shithead I had been appointed to kill, spider webs wrapped around my hands and they were yanked away from my target.

"Hey!" I whined, and turned my head to the side. Spider-Man shot the oh-so-magical threads from his wrists again, this time towards the drug dealer, wrapped him up like a freaking prey, and kicked him to the ground. The web was too strong for the criminal to break free on his own, whereas I got my own hands free, put my katanas on my back and gave the spider freak an applause.

"Yay! Look at the good guy taking down the bad guy with no blood being shed!" I squeeled mockingly. Spider-Man looked at me and sighed, as I opened my arms as if to embrace him for a hug. "My hero" 

"You know, it's never too late for redemption," he started, but I cut him off by throwing a knife at him, which he dodged easilly like he'd seen it coming way before I'd even wrapped my hand around the hilt of the blade. Luckily, I predicted that would happen - judging by the speed of how he'd grabbed my wrist before I could touch him during our last meeting I figured this guy's reflexes weren't something you messed with (but I liked danger so of course I was going to mess with them.) I threw a second knife at him instantly after throwing the first one, and this one he was too late to get away from. It pierced through the fabric just above his shoulder and glued him to the wall behind him. 

"Is it too late now to say I'm sorry?" I sang, and he reached his hand up to yank the knife out, but I was already in front of him, and I put my hand over the knife so he couldn't. 

"What do you want?" he growled, annoyance dripping from his voice. I could, however, detect a hint of impressed by how quickly I had stopped him from freeing himself in the muffled voice. 

[Yeah, what do you want from him]
<Wait, we don't know?>
[Apparantly we're attacking people for fun, now...]
"Shut up, please" I muttered. 

"What?" Spider-Man asked confused, but I ignored him. He didn't necessarily need to know about the talking boxes in my head. You guys are the only one who knows my secret right now, so please don't tell him. He'll think I'm crazy, which...I kind of am, but still. Hush hush. 

[You know, he probably already thinks you're crazy]

"How do you do it?" I asked, and let my free hand grab one of his. He tried to yank it free, but I was stronger. With ease, I ripped a small hole in the suit, just by the wrist, and examined his skin. 

"I'll tell you, if you tell me why you jumped off that bridge last time we met" he replied. I frowned, and let go of him. I yanked the knife out of his suit, and chuckled. 

"Really? Is that all you want to know?"

"You couldn't have known you'd survive. Why'd you willingly jump? If you hadn't landed on that car, you would have died". I pointed a finger at him, smirking under my mask.

"Wrong! I did know I'd survive. I have a healing factor Wolverine can only dream of" I said. "I'm basically immortal. Now, your turn; how do you produce spider web? I thought scientists have been looking for a way to do that for years". Spider-Man shot a web out at me and dragged me towards him, but then he moved away so that instead of crashing into him, I was glued to the wall instead. Well, I deserved that one, I guess. 

"Well I do love science" he said, shrugging simply. "And there's always my good ol' web shooters, who I just accidently left at home today. But, if you must know, I was bitten by some radioactive spider an woops! Superpowers." I raised my eyebrows at him through my mask, as if to say "really?"

"So you're a super hero, is that it?". He shrugged again, but didn't deny it. I rolled my eyes. "Seriously, what is it with you good guys and your friendly neighbourhood motto?

"Frie-what?" Spidey said. "Are you mocking me? Cause if you are, I'd say it would be out of jealousy since no one likes you?"

<You tell 'em>

"Ouch" was all I said. "I'm very lovable, mind you. You just don't know it yet". Spider-Man came closer, and placed a hand on the wall right next to my face, as he leaned closer. I couldn't deny that I liked his confidence. 

"You're a murderer" he stated. Well duh.

"Then why don't you treat my like our buddy Travis over there?" I nodded towards the drugdealer who was wrapped up in spider web. He looked at him as well, and then he looked down. He didn't meet my stare.

"Stay out of trouble" he muttered, before he shot a thread out of his wrist higher up on the wall I was glued to, and swung himself up. When I broke free from the spider web and looked up, he was already climbing to the top.

"Nah. Throuble's the only way to get your attention!" I yelled, knowing he'd hear me. That spider bite probably gave him enhanced senses, if my feeling about clichès are right. 

'Til next time, Spider-Man.


I don't even know what this chapter was, but I hope you enjoyed xD please vote/comment if you did, you're awesome ^^  

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