Ch. 26

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MY FELLOW MANIACS. I started this fanfic for a friend who was desperate for some Spideypool floof, and now it's got over 40k reads. This is as insane as Deadpool himself holy shit i feel like I should be holding a speech or smth idk thanks guys :')


Deadpool, unsurprisingly, jumped out of the window and slid down the trail of ice from Iceman like a little child, while I did my spider things and landed next to them on the ground. Or, I thought I would be landing next to them, but the only thing I saw was ice, no X-man or boyfriend. 

I followed the trail of ice that lined the roads until I caught up with them, Deadpool on Iceman's back (who looked incredibly offended, may I add) while Iceman was rushing towards whatever he was going to show us. 

"Where are we going, exactly?" I tried to ask, as I swung myself from building to building to keep up with them. 

"You'll see," Iceman replied.


It took us a little while to get there, and once we did, Iceman immidiatly dropped Deadpool to the ground and let out a huff of annoyance, while Deadpool just laughed as if he was having the time of his life. 

"Next time, you be his taxi," Iceman scowled. I just shrugged, and pointed towards the building we were stood in front of. Or, what was left of it. 

It seemed like there had been a fire of some sort, and once I got a look around to reckognize where we were, I remembered reading about something like that in the newspaper a few months back. 

A research facility had burned down after an accident with an experiment, several people died and the rest were severely injured. Not much was known about the actual fire, though. How it started in the first place being one of the biggest unsolved mysteries. 

Wait...did Heat Lamp have anything to do with that fire? 

"Believe it or not, Adam Long is actually a victim," Iceman said. "A victim who was made into a villain. He was an experiment. And not just any experiment; the one that started the fire here." 

I glanced at Deadpool, knowing very well that he too had been an experiment, and my heart broke a little for every time I thought about that.

Peter. Mission. Focus. 

"Well then, what did they do to him? Set him on fire to see how it went?" Deadpool asked, taking a closer look at the burnt-down building. Iceman shook his head. 

"I spoke with one of the survivors from the fire, who said they locked him in an isolated room with a bunch of - you guessed it - heat lamps, to see how it would affect him or if it was lethal." 


"Eventually, he dropped dead. At least, that's what the scientists thought. The radiation from the heat lamps gave him not only the powers of heat, but it also burned away any any hint of sanity he had in his brain, so he set the building on fire and escaped." 

To say the least, I was quite speechless. I had no idea Heat Lamp's insanity had such deep roots. But then again, I should've expected something like that. Deadpool was crazy, too, after all the shit he'd been through. It made only sense that it was something similar that had driven Adam Long to madness. 

"You know," I said after a short silence. "I'm very glad you're a different kind of insane." I looked at Deadpool, who just raised his hands. 

"You don't know me!" he exclaimed, making me roll my eyes. Before I could reply, Iceman broke us off with a sigh. 

"Spare your flirting for later, we have to take care of this," he said, and I blushed under my mask. We weren't flirting... all...

"Right," I said, coming back to my senses. "What's your strategy, then? Should we-" 

I didn't finish that sentence, because in a matter of seconds it felt like my spine was on fire and I dropped to the ground while shouting out in pain. Before I passed out, I cursed this Heat Lamp for always attacking me first, wondered how come my spidey senses seemed to be slower than usual lately, and like a weak little kid I begged silently for Wade to be my hero once again. 



i found a really cute septiplier fic and i finished it in one day what should i do now

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