Ch. 7

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Honestly I have no idea what bread costs even here in Norway, let alone America, so excuse me for just putting a random price on your food xD Besides I have no idea how your dollars and shit work soo yeah okay read on



I knew the guy from the cemetary sounded familiar. I knew he wasn't a stranger. I fucking knew it.

<Okay, calm down, he wasn't that cute>
"Did you fucking see his face, or what?!" I ask, collapsing on my bed. It was way past midnight, and it had taken me hours to get home, my body still healing from the fall. All I wanted was sleep, when suddenly-

Food. I needed food. I hadn't eaten in all day, and all this healing was starving. As much as I tried to close my eyes and drift off, I was constantly woken up by the sound of my stomach craving food.

<You didn't think it would have been a good idea to go by the grocery shop on your way home, before they closed?>. I rolled my eyes. Why didn't I have any food in the house when I needed it.

With great reluctance, I finally got up from the bed, put my mask on, and left. There was still one shop open at 2 am, and as far as I knew they at least sold candy.


It didn't surprise me when the man behind the disk pointed at me with a stern look and said;

"Gotta leave those outside", referring to my weapons. I sighed.

"I'm not gonna kill you" I said, annoyed. He just shook his head.

"Safety rules". Fuck safety.

"Why don't you just give me my damn bread and I'll be gone?" I asked, probably too harsh. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Okay, that's 1 dollar and 50 cent" the man said, and I handed him some coins. That was all I had. Roosevelt stared at us from the side facing up on the desk.

"That's not enough, buddy" the man said.

"Well, that's all I've got, that and my hunger".

"It's not enough" he repeated. I leaned over the counter and stared at him from under my mask, an evil smirk plastered across my face.

"There are other ways I could pay you" I whispered. Yes, I just offered him a blowjob. Yes, it was just to see the hilarious look on his face once the words sunk in. His face turned red, and he looked half angry, half embarassed.

Before he could answer, someone put 5 dollars on the desk and grabbed the bread and my hand, dragging me out of the shop. I only saw the back of his head, which was covered by a hood, until we came outside.

"No wonder you're always in trouble" he said, and I grinned when I recognized his voice. I pulled his hood off, revealing the bruised, tired face of Peter.

"Hi Spidey" I said, chuckling. He just rolled his eyes. "What are you doing here so late?".

"I was going to buy eggs for my aunt, but..." He looked through the window, at the man behind the desk, who was now taking the money on the desk.

"I.." I started, and looked at the bread in his hand with a dumb look. "Thanks". He handed me the bread.

"Don't mention it". We started walking down the street, and I glanced over at him, trying to get a good look at the man behind the suit. Chocolate brown hair, matching eyes, skinny but muscular. Tiny wrinkles at the corner of his eyes which told me he either smiled a lot in his life, or squinted a lot. Perhaps he wore glasses.

"Where are we going?" he asked after a while. Oh, so he was just...following me?

Oh, plan! I have one, I mean.

"Eggs!" I cheered, and grabbed his hand. I dragged him with me towards some crack head I knew lived in a caravan with his hens, him protesting all the way.

"Deadpool!" he whisper yelled. "What are you doing?". I turned around once we got there, and took off my mask.

"I told you. My name is Wade". For a moment Peter just stared at me, and I suddenly regretted my decision to reveal my face. Earlier that night, my scars maybe just shocked him. Now he had already seen them once, so he was ready to judge.

I was about to take my mask on again, when suddenly he reached his hand up and stroke my cheek.

"Okay. Wade" he whispered.

Heart, stop beating so fast. It's not healthy.

"Eggs" I mumbled, and pointed behind me at the caravan. "The guy who lives here is never home at night". Peter's eyes widened, and he drew his hand back.

"Are you going to steal his eggs?" he asked, bewildered. I smirked, and he smacked my arm. "You know what I mean".

"Come on, Spider-Man. Your aunt wanted eggs, we shall give her eggs!" I said, and broke into the caravan.

And met the face of a very angry drug addict. "What the hell..?" he asked, looking from me to Peter, then back to me. Okay, so tonight he was home.

"Boo" I said, and quickly grabbed one of my guns and shot him. Peter panicked.

"Shhhh!!!" he hissed, and I laughed.

"You're adorable" I commented. I pushed one of the hens aside and picked up the eggs on the counter, handing them to Peter.

"See? That was easy. Now, before the police comes, let's run away together". Peter sighed, but carefully stuffed the eggs in his pockets and we took off, running towards the back of the closest building. I looked at him.

"Hop on" he said, gesturing for me to hop onto his back. I stood still. "Wade, we don't have all night. I can carry you, trust me". So I did. And then, once I was on his back like a 4-year old, he started climbing up the building, as if his fingers glued themselves to the wall as he moved.

"This is awesome" I said, when we were half way to the top. And then, the bread slipped out of my hand and I gasped. "My bread!". I felt Peter giggle under me, as we reached the top. Then he shot a thread of spider web towards my precious bread, retrieving it from the ground.

"Do you live far from here?" he asked. I shook my head, and hugged the bread. Food.

"Nope. Three buildings from here, actually" I said. Peter nodded.

"Okay then. I trust you can get there yourself". I nodded. He stood there awkwardly for a moment, before he pointed behind him with his thumb.

"I-I gotta go. See you". I waved.

"Later, Spidey". And then he took off.


Long chapter, hope you're happy xD I wrote this while having a migraine, so I'm sorry if it's shit ;-;

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