Ch. 9

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I didn't see Spider-Man for a few days after that night before. My days went by with few assignments, and though they weren't that big I was still expecting him to show up at least once, to yell at me for mercilessly killing people.

Of course, if he'd have the time he'd be there. I guess he had more important stuff to do. Like saving innocents and catching up with homework. He was still in school, wasn't he? I mean, he looked young enough to be in school.

I looked down at the picture in my hand, of a middle aged man with blonde hair and a creepy mustache, who apparantly raped and killed young girls. Classic. He was my current target, and I already had my eyes on him.

"Come to papa" I whispered with a grin, looking through the window of the empty restaurant I was standing outside of. He was sitting in a booth all alone, with a cold coffee on the table.

I kicked the doors open and stood by the entrance for a moment, staring him down while dramatic music from your typical western movies played in the background.

<There's not really any music, man>

"I know who you are" the man said. I walked towards him.

"Then you probably also know why I am here?" I asked. I placed my hand over one of my guns, ready to attack. The man pushed the cup of coffee away from him, and stood up, slowly. I narrowed my eyes.

"You think you can kill me" he said. I almost laughed. I thought he knew who I was? Then he'd know I always kill my targets. No one escapes.

[What if Spidey shows up?]
<He manages to stop us>
[Cause we're weak]
<Only for him>
"Woah, hold up, I am not weak-" I said, shaking my head. The man smirked.

"Ah, yes...I heard you were a bit...out of it" he commented. I rolled my eyes. I was perfectly normal. If you say anything else remember who has the gun here.

"You think you can beat me?" I said, and pointed the gun at him. "Funny".

I pulled the trigger, but the man moved so quickly that he managed to dodge it, reminding me of a certain spider boy. He started to run towards me, and in my shock he kicked me to the ground and got on top of me.

"Let's get one thing straight;" I said, kicking him where men should not be kicked, and rolled us over so he was under me instead. "Deadpool is not a bottom".

"Am I interupting?" someone spoke from the entrance, and I turned around to meet Spider-Man's eyes. Or..mask. Whatever. You know what I mean.

"Why, wanna join?" I asked. Before he could answer, the man under me punched my jaw, and threw me off him. He was stronger than I thought. I saw him run towards the door, but Spider-Man shot spider web towards his feet, making him stumble and fall.

Spider-Man was about to walk over to him, and I looked around. Where the fuck was my gun?

Then I heard a shot, and when I looked up again, Spider-Man was falling, and the man was escaping. With my gun.


Spidey screamed out in pain, and clutched his side. I ran over to him, forgetting about the bastard running away with my gun, and leaned down next to him.

"Are you okay?" I asked, dumbly.

"Does it look like I'm fucking okay?" Spidey almost spat, and I gasped.

"And you kiss your mother with that mouth?".

Spider-Man ignored me, and leaned back in agony. Oh. Maybe I should help him. Not everyone healed like me.

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