Ch. 18

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Fair warning, I can't write fight scenes for shit so there's that and sorry for shitty writing in general lmao



I knew Peter wanted a plan before we attacked, but there was no time. In a matter of mere seconds, Iceman could no longer hold up the constantly melting wall of ice, and Heat Lamp grinned at us, the air around him thick.

There was no time to think. Just attack.

Iceman shot icicle after icicle towards Heat Lamp, as I took a second chance to run forward. I readied my katanas, but Peter's voice in my head stopped me from driving them through Heat Lamp's heart.

[Woah, woah, woah, what's going on here?]
<Don't you see it?>
[What? I'm a box, not a psychic]
<Killing means losing Bug Boy>
[You mean...]

....Don't ask.

I cut a deep wound in his forearm, and jumped out of his way when he turned around to punch.

"Missed!" I teased. While he was distracted, Iceman made his way up to above Heat Lamp's head on a road of ice, and just started pouring ice over him. Ouch, brain freeze deluxe.

Peter was half-sitting, half-laying helplessly on the floor, clutching his shoulder, but he still wanted to fight. Of course he wanted to fight. With sweat dripping down his forehead, tears visible in his eyes, and burns all over his torso, he reached out his hand and shot a string of web around Heat Lamp's feet, dragging him to the ground. I followed by cutting two simple cuts over his achilles tendons, paralyzing his legs.

And making him scream out in pain, but no time for fun, guys!

Despite the pain he was in, he was still trying his best to fight back, and he sent Iceman flying into the wall above me.

"An idiot, but a stubborn idiot," I mumbled, and looked back at Heat Lamp just in time to dodge something that looked like a ball of hot air.

If he didn't stop, I was going to have to kill him...

As if on cue, police sirens could be heard in that moment, and after taking a hit from one of those heat balls he kept firing at me (which went straight through my thigh, burning a hole in it), police men and firefighters bursted into the building, drowning heat lamp in cold water, and putting him in chains. Yay!

Peter had hurried to put his mask back on, but was still not able to move, so walked over to him, limping from the...y'know, the hole in my body, that was making walking a notably more difficult act than usual.

"Pete," I whispered. He grunted something back that I didn't understand. Leaning down, I put a hand over his and removed it from his shoulder.

"Get away from me," Peter mumbled, but growled in pain as I tried to lift him up. Okay, that won't work, Wade, new plan.

"Look, I know you're mad about me going out to kill someone, but in the end I didn't kill her. Even Heat Lamp only got a few cuts, and I haven't really killed anyone since that crack head in the caravan." Despite wearing a mask, I could feel the guilt running through Peter as I mentioned that, so I grabbed his hand tighter and looked him dead in the eyes.
"Which, by the way, wasn't your fault. It was just me being dumb. See, there I said it. I'm dumb. I'm an idiot for killing people, and I want to stop. So can you please just trust me and relax?"

And he did. He intertwined his fingers with mine, and carefully leaned back against my body. Just glancing at his shoulder, where the flesh had been burned away enough for me to see the bone, half broken, with blood pouring out everywhere, was enough to tell me he wouldn't make it to a hospital.

"Hey, did you see that Rapunzel movie?" I whispered, stroking the back of his hand with my thumb. He didn't answer. Oh, spoilers for that movie ahead, guys, just letting you know.
"Where she heals that guy's cut....and sort of resurrects him too, I guess.."

I slowly, gently, take off his mask. His eyes are shut, but I can feel his heart is still beating. Please, don't stop beating. Ever.
I then take off my own mask and internally roll my eyes at myself. What was I doing? This was real life. You can't heal other people with magic. It doesn't work like that.

I looked down at my thigh, which was now whole again.

[No longer a hole, your thigh is whole]
No one asked for cheap puns, yellow box.

As I was saying, I looked down to my now healed thigh. If I could heal myself like magic - what was stopping me from healing Peter?

"Just do whatever you're thinking of already!" Iceman urged, sounding amused. Right, I had audience, probably watching my every move with a smug smirk around his lips. Ah, well. He would probably laugh about this and tell Wolverine all about it. Why should I care?

Without thinking more of it, I leaned down and pressed my lips against Peter's, shivering when I felt how cold he was.
Whilst still kissing him, I led our intertwined hands up to cover his wounded shoulder, and prayed to whoever was listening for this to work.

I don't know how much time passed, but when I pulled away and opened my eyes, Peter was awake again. He was staring at me with those irresistable innocent eyes, and then he looked down at his shoulder, which was -

His shoulder was healed.

"THAT'S IT I'M THE NEXT DISNEY PRINCE" I announced, and Peter looked at me again.

"Did you just...?" he mumbled. I nodded proudly.

"Give you some of my healing factor? I sure did, babycakes." He just blinked, before he reached up and stroked my scarred cheek.

"Then Disney can't have you. You're my prince." And yes, he followed up with a kiss.

"Aren't you two adorable," Iceman commented, making Peter push me away from him, furiously blushing. I smiled.

"We're goals and I know you're jelly," I joked, and turned to look at the X-man. "Thanks for helping out," I said, and I meant it. Damn, Peter really did have a good influence on me, didn't he? Now I was getting all polite and civilized, almost to the point of acting socially acceptable. What have I let him do to me?

"Nah, thank you, Deadpool. And you too, kid!" he said, winking at Peter, who had put on his mask again to hide his blush.

"'Til next time," Iceman said, and then he was off to wherever the fuck he was going. Who knew where these X-men disappeared to when they weren't sucking up at boss X's mansion..
I stood up with a sigh and reached out for Peter.

"C'mon, I bet that aunt of yours is worried sick," I said. Peter, however, just smirked back at me, as he let me drag him up from the floor.

"I think we have some time before we have to get home," he teased, and I raised an eyebrow.

"An hour ago you hated me" I reminded him. He just pushed me into the wall.

"And now I don't. So shut up and let me love you."


This started out with fighting and shit and ended up being a cheesy disney movie wth xD speaking of Disney, I WATCHED CARS AGAIN YESTERDAY AH MEMORIES :D anyways, more fluff coming up, hope you enjoyed this one :D (eeh eeh cheeky Spidey at the end eeeeeh ;)))))

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