Ch. 24

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*idk what this chapter is it's sort of a filler idk*


When I came home, dripping wet and with a goofy grin on my face, aunt May couldn't do anything other than stare.

"Wade," I shrugged, chuckling.

"Of course," she mumbled, but then she cracked a smile and sent me upstairs to change.

Like everyone, Wade has his flaws. Now, he may be trying to cut out the killing, he's still...Wade. The kind of guy who invites you over to shoot a gun in his home.

I should've known picking up a gun would only trigger flashbacks of uncle Ben (no pun intended), but the excitement in Wade's eyes was enough for me to go through with it anyway. That is, until I accidently shot him in the eye.

Thinking back, I feel stupid for being mostly upset about how I had somehow dishonored uncle Ben's memory by shooting someone, instead of thinking about Wade.

Wade, who doesn't give a shit about himself. He jumps off buildings and lets himself get shot, all with a laugh and a joke. He's not only insane, he's also...unhappy.

I realized that, while some people tear themselves apart when they get upset, Wade tore the world around him apart until he was the only one left standing; alone in a broken world with no idea how to fix it.

Maybe I shouldn't judge him too hard for the choices he had made in the past. That didn't mean that the lives he had taken didn't matter, but for now I'd settle with the lesson that you should never judge someone who looks to be only taking the wrong choices. You don't know their reasons.

I wiggled out of the wet clothes and put on some dry ones, a permanent frown stuck on my face, before I headed downstairs again and was met by aunt May.

"Dinner's in the fridge," she said, glancing up from the newspaper. "How was your date?"

I opened the fridge to find cold pizza ready for me. Ah, thank you, aunt May, for allowing your nephew to be unhealthy.

"It was allright," I said. I probably shouldn't mention that it started out with a gun and Wade losing an eye.

"And do you want to explain how you ended up dripping wet?"

You know what else is wet? a familiar voice spoke in my mind, and I held back a laugh. Damn, I spent too much time with this guy.

"We kind of fell into a fountain?"

I took a bite of the pizza, my mind going back to Wade again. Unhappy little Wade.

"Aunt May?" I asked, and she looked up again. "Have you ever known someone who's been...depressed?"

She furrowed her eyebrows together, and put the paper down.

"Why would you ask that?"

I looked away, more interested in the pizza than meeting her eyes.

"I want to help Wade," I admitted. "Sounds as cheesy as this pizza, but I want him to be happy."

Aunt May sighed, and when I looked up she was smiling sympathetically. She reached her hand out across the table to take mine.

"We can't save everyone. Some people needs to save themselves, and all we can do is stand by the sideline cheering them on." 

"Are you saying I can't help him?" I asked, confused. This wasn't your typical May-advice. She'd usually encourage you to try your hardest, and if that doesn't work then try a little harder.

"No, by all means; I want you to try your best, to be everything he needs you to be, but don't beat yourself up whenever he's sad. He looks like..." she hesitated, biting her lip as she looked for the right words.
"It seems like he's been through a lot, and you obiously know him a lot better than I do, so you probably know more specifically what he's been through. Knowledge is enough to let you know how to handle a person."

I guess she was right. I couldn't save Wade the same way I saved my city. I couldn't mend his broken...everything, by patching him up with spider web. I couldn't capture the demons in his head and hand them over to the police.
All I could do was listen - whenever he was in the mood for talking about his problems - and learn.

"Thanks, aunt May," I said, before my eyes caught something on the newspaper she had been reading.
"What's that?"

She turned it around so I was able to read, and my heart sank.

"Things are getting stranger and stranger around here," aunt May muttered. "Spider people, roads covered in ice in the early fall-"

Thanks, Iceman, for confusing my aunt.

"-and people melting the bars of prison cells."

When everything seemed to be doing somewhat fine for once, Heat Lamp decided he wanted to break out of prison. Great.

"I gotta go," I said, finishing the last of the pizza before I kissed May's head and rushed upstairs to get my suit and my phone.

"Where?" she asked, but I didn't answer.

Looks like our friend wasn't done playing, Deadpool.


pizza gives me life

A/N: I know some of you have been requesting it, as I mentioned before, but I doubt there will ever be any smut in this story. It'd be too far out of my comfort zone, plus it'd probably just be awkward and filled with sarcasm, knowing me xD So, sorry, enjoy the fluff instead ^^

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