Ch. 27

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wow look who's updating


I caught Spider-Man in my arms as he fell forward with a scream, and when I looked up again I was staring into the ironically cold eyes of Heat Lamp.

"Oops," was all he said, raising his hands.

Stay calm.

"You should really get your senses checked," I grumbled, trying to help Spidey stand up again. He wouldn't.

"You gotta work with me here, when your spidey senses fail you."

I barely registered that Iceman shot an icicle towards Heat Lamp, which he melted in a second, making Iceman keep going at him trying to take him down, while I stood there with a useless spider boy in my arms.

"Peter," I whispered. No, my voice did not break. Don't look at me like that!
"Stop getting attacked, seriously."

[He dead]
<C'mon, he's handled a lot worse than whatever that Heat guy just did>
[....looks dead to me.]

As carefully as I could, I laid the idiot down behind me, quickly checking his pulse.

[Told you.]
"He's not dead."
<Dude, he's not very alive when his heart isn't beating.>
"Shut up, he's not dead!"

I drew my katanas and turned around quickly, facing Heat Lamp again. He was laughing like a maniac while effortlessly melting all of Iceman's attacks. Looking at him, it even looked like Iceman himself was slowly melting.

Me? I think the heat of the anger that was slowly creeping up on me was enough to block out the heat Heat Lamp was trying to kill me with.
Why was I growing so angry anyways? Peter had been near death a billion times before. I should expect that if I wanted to date someone who was considered a "superhero".

<Ugh. Get rid of them.>
[Wooptidoo too late]

While Heat Lamp was distracted by Iceman, I managed to throw one of my katanas at him and landing it right in his thigh. He let out some sort of pained croak, but I was already on my way towards him, pointing one of my guns at his head and holding my other katana ready to attack.

<Remember the rules>
<Spidey's rules. Only maim if you wanna play the game. Killing isn't an option.>

-a shot in his right shoulder-
-a shot in his left shoulder-
"doompety doo"
-two shots in his stomach-
"I've got a perfect puzzle for you,"
-I jumped to the side to avoid getting hit by another wave of murderous heat-
-I reloaded my gun-
-I aimed at his head-
"doompety dee,"
-all of a sudden I was dragged back, as if someone threw a lasso over me and shoved me into the wall behind me-

"If you are wise, you'll listen to me." Wait...did Spider-Man just finish my song?

As I looked down, I noticed that it wasn't a rope that had pulled me away, but spider web. Peter was barely standing, facing Heat Lamp and making sure I didn't kill him.

Iceman was almost just a pool by now, and had to take cover in order to survive, so Spider-Man was alone. And me? I was currently helplessly laying on the ground, too stunned to even comprehend what was happening.

"Told you he wasn't dead," I told my boxes.

But then, as I noticed how little alive Spidey looked - blood covering his entire back, and his knees were buckling as if he didn't have the strength to stand - Heat Lamp grinned.

"What do you get when you try to save lives," he sang, mockingly.
"Throwing away all your boyfriend's cute knives?"
-He quickly drew my katana out of his thigh and threw it away, smiling creepily-
"What are you at, being terribly nice?"
-He lifted his hands towards helpless little Spider-Man, and I knew he was going to blow him away easilly. I didn't doubt for a second that he could let out something as strong as an atomic bomb after what he'd done to the research facility.

"What do you think of good, cold, ice?"
Was Iceman joining in on our musical, too?
Apparantly, 'cause he fired away icicle after icicle, tearing through Heat Lamp who had been too caught up in Peter's misery to expect anything coming at him.

However, as he screamed out in anger and agony, I could see how he was using it to fuel one final attack - one that would doubtlessly kill not just Spider-Man, but probably everyone within a mile away.

So, grabbing my gun, I decided to end the song. Sorry, Peter.
"I don't like the look of it," I mumbled, and fired.


I hope y'all know the oompa loompa song from the 1971 movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? xD Anyways, this chapter was a lot of fun, and despite losing some people's interest I'm somewhat happy with where this story has come. I never wanted a pure cheesy romance story, since this is Spideypool we're talking about. I wanted action, like in a comic, and as my first SP fanfic and one I'm just going with the flow with - not following any specific plan as I write - this is decent enough for me. ^^ Thanks to everyone who's still here! :D

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