Ch. 21

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apparantly a lot of you want me to write some sexy action for you, so I'm just letting you know; seeing as I'm asexual, it wouldn't exactly be anything near my comfort zone, but since i want to give you guys what you want i'm torn ;-; so...idk what's gonna happen tbh

on another note; this chapter references to stuff that happened in Deadpool vol 3 (I think? It's the one with the dead presidents) js


<Our point of view two chapters in a row?>
<Aaaand you've ruined it...>

Peter pulled away abruptly, and a second later I registered what had caught his attention, too. Gunshots, quite far away, but of course he'd hear them before me.

"Nothing gets past those spidey senses, am I right?" I muttered, not even bothering to hide my bitterness. Criminals always found a way to take away my happiness, and right now they were taking those soft lips far away from mine and hiding them behind a stupid-looking mask.

"My butt isn't a drive thru, I have other priorities that comes before your dick I'm afraid," Peter retorded. Oi, where did that come from?

"Might not be a drive thru, but is sure is a storage for all the sass you're pulling out of it," I spat back, teasingly. Peter put on the web shooters while shaking his head, chuckling lowly.

"That makes no sense," he mumbled, but a strange hint of adoration lined his words. I smiled.

I geared up as quickly as I could, before I slid my arms around Spider-Man, and we were off to fight crime again.

Couldn't we at least have one minute of peace after defeating Heat Lamp?


"I'm totally taking you out for some chimichangas after this!" I yelled over the gunshots, as I dropped from Peter's back and chopped an arm off one of the bad guys. Couldn't reckognize who it was, but like the friends who had followed him here, he had the HYDRA logo on the sleeve of his jacket.

"Chimi-what?" Peter just asked, before he was defending the S.H.I.E.L.D agents as well. Yes, we just dropped in on a S.H.I.E.L.D vs. HYDRA match.

Speaking of S.H.I.E.L.D, I could spot a very familiar face among the agents, with her dark skin and curly hair, shouting and cursing as she fired away, not missing even once.

"PRESTON!" I yelled in excitement, cutting down a few HYDRA people as I made my way over to my good ol' friend.

"Deadpool?" she just questioned. She aimed for a new target, but just as she was about to shoot, spider web wrapped itself around the gun and pointed it downwards, making her shoot the enemy's leg instead. She turned her head towards the hyperactive human spider, and quirked an eyebrow at me.

"What are you doing with the friendly neighbourhood?" she asked suspiciously. I just raised my hands, firing a few shots at the HYDRA agents while doing so (none of the shots being fatal, of course. Spidey taught me well).

"I'm a virgin," I exclaimed, and Preston just rolled her eyes. She looked back at Spider-Man, who was defending...agent Coulson?


"And I bet he is too," she said in a suggestive tone. I smacked her in the head with the hilt of my gun, and waved it at her afterwards.

"Naughty Preston," I said, shaking my head disapprovingly.

She was about to aim at another HYDRA agent's head, when she was knocked to her feet by my marvellous (pun intended) boyfriend's spider web again, as it this time glued her to the ground. I smirked, and watched as Spider-Man gathered all the HYDRA agents in one big cocoon of web, and the S.H.I.E.L.D agents put away their guns in astonishment.

I got my katana out and cut Preston free from the web, as Spidey made his way over to us.

"Nice job, babycakes," I said, patting his head lightly.

"I thought it was babybutt?" It took me a moment to understand what he was saying. Oh, right, I did call him that once...

"Glad to hear you're enjoying my nicknames," I replied. "Anyways, Spider-Man, this is agent Preston, the S.H.I.E.L.D agent who invaded my head once," I introduced. Preston raised her eyebrows at me, and I sighed.
"And a friend," I admitted.

Spider-Man reached out his hand.

"Promise you're not going to glue me to the ground again?" Preston joked, but shook his hand. "How exactly do you know Deadpool?"

Spidey didn't even hesitate, he just linked our fingers together, and I could already picture the sheepish grin plastered across his face behind that mask. It probably looked somewhat similar to the one Preston was wearing right now.

"Right," she said, looking like a smug little devil. "Well, I've got more work to do. It was nice seeing you again, Wade. It really was." Then she pulled me in for a hug, and I smiled against the poofy hair I was pressing my face against.

"You too," I replied honestly. The moment she disappeared with the other agents, was the moment Spider-Man turned to me and kissed my cheek through our masks. Weird, despite the double layer of fabric seperating his lips from my skin, it still felt like the spot he kissed was on fire, sending waves of warmth through my entire body.

"Good to know I'm not the only idiot crazy enough to care about you," he mumbled.

"Dude, everyone loves me, okay?" I spat back, in the most sassy way I could. Spider-Man scoffed.

"And here I was, thinking I was special," he sighed. I smacked him in the back of his head.

"I didn't say I love everybody, though, so yeah, you're still pretty special," I smiled.


Y'ello! and thanks for reading ^^

I'm actually in love with this chapter I was high on coffee while writing it

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