Ch. 10

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I opened my eyes and squinted against the sun shining through the open window across from the couch. Wait...I didn't remember having a window placed there? And I definitely didn't remember my room to look like the room I found myself in. Also; I didn't remember any Deadpool in my house.

Shit. Did I fall asleep at Wade's place?

I sat up more straight and looked at where I had been laying.

Did I fall asleep on top of Wade?

"Morning sunshine" he said with a sly grin. I couldn't help the blush that immidiatly rushed to my face, making me as red as my suit, probably, and quickly avverted my gaze from his and looked down to my side. 

I remembered, now. I was shot, and Wade took me home and patched me up. I must've been so exhausted and hurt that I couldn't be bothered to go home. 

Aunt May was probably more than pissed. Without thinking, I grabbed the phone I saw laying on the table in front of us and typed her familiar number. Wade sat up next to me and rested his cheek on his hand, while he stared at me with a weird look in his eyes.

Go away, creep.

"Hello, May Parker speaking" she said from the other end of the line when she picked up, and I could hear the concern in her voice. As usual, I felt the guilt wash over me and wanted to apologize over and over for being such a horrible nephew, always leaving her after she had already lost so many.

"Aunt May, I am so so sorry" I started, nearly choking on my own words. I hated worrying her, but I always seemed to manage to do so. 

"Peter?" she asked, but before I could answer, she continued. "Where have you been?! It's one thing that you keep disappearing late at night, leaving me with all my theories about everything from girls to even drugs, but now you want to stay away from me a whole night, without telling me where you go? How do you expect me to ever trust you? I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't function sometimes, Peter! Where are you?"

"I'm sorry, I really am, I didn't mean to stay away the whole night, but I fell asleep" I blurted out. "I'm at a..." I looked at Deadpool, who was still staring at me, and frowned. "Friend's?". 

Wade raised an eyebrow at me, as if challenging. He was still wearing that sly grin, and I felt the urge to wipe it off his face.

"Just friends, is that what you're saying?" he murmured, and I ignored how it seemed like my lungs were closing in on my heart, making both of the organs stop working. I didn't break the eye contact, though, for once not allowing my manliness to be crushed by this mercenary again. 

"Who?" Aunt May pushed. I hesitated, when I finally noticed how close me and Wade actually were. If only he sat up a bit more straight, I would probably feel his breath on my face. If I just leaned a little bit closer...

Because who cares about heterosexuality? 

"Uh, a guy?" I said, but it came out more like a question. "His name is Wade, he's cool".

"Well, where does he live? I want to meet this Wade. I'm picking you up". Wait, what? No. Embarassment coming up.

"Aunt May, I'm 20 years old, I don't need you to pick-" I didn't get to finish the sentence before Deadpool grabbed the phone and told her his adress, and then hung up.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked, almost pouting. So much for being mature. Wade poked my nose, a smug smile appearing on his lips. 

"Cause I want to meet my future husband's family"

"Don't plan my future, merc" I said, but smiled. He was silent for a moment, searching my eyes for whatever. 

"Why do you live with your aunt?" he asked, suddenly. That's when I finally looked away. I never liked talking about that topic. My family.

"Can't afford my own place just yet" I said, with a shrug. I began to bounce my foot against the wooden floor, and pressed my nails into my palm, hating how the memories of my uncle flashed before my eyes. 

Wade slowly grabbed my hands, and ran a finger over the mark I had made with my nails. 

"There's obviously more to it" he stated, but not without sympathy. I just shrugged again, letting my eyes focus on our hands to stop them from welling up with tears. The anxiety was creeping up on me, and I couldn't stop it, so I mindlessly intertwined my fingers with Wade's. 

"My parents died, leaving me in the hands of my aunt and uncle. Then, not too long ago, my uncle died, so aunt May is all I have left, and I suppose I'm all she has left as well." I explained shortly. 

"She's all you have? That sounds too depressing. Your friends would be offended if they heard you didn't count them in" Wade said. I almost laughed at that. 

"Yeah, I had a friend once. Too bad he went mad on pills and misunderstanding. And even before that, his father killed my girlfriend, so yeah". I didn't even know why I was telling him all this, but I could hear the bitterness in my own voice. It seemed like everyone I cared about eventually died anyways. 

Wade was silent for a long moment before he finally spoke up again, but I enjoyed the silence. There was some comfort in holding his hands, with these thoughts occupying my mind. It was nice to see that he could actually care, through that thick layer of humor he usually used to shield himself from the possible harm the outside world could do to him. I wondered what had made him like this in the first place. Why he seemed to try to solve all of his problems with humor - as forced as it may be some times. Who had taught him to always be in defense mode? 

"I killed my own parents" Wade suddenly said, breaking my chain of thoughts. Then the doorbell rang. 


Yep, that's the backstory I'm going with. Like I've mentioned before, I'm not the biggest Spider-Man reader, so it's sort of mixed between what I have read and from the movies, but since DP's backstory has been re-written so many times I chose one of those I've actually read myself, one of the most recent ones (though it's kind of mixed, as well, you'll see)

Hope ya liked it ^^ fluff fluff i like it :3

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