Ch. 8

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A/N: The video on the side is not mine, but I'm in love with it so just watch it okay xD



When I finally got home, my aunt was surprisingly asleep. She tended to stay up all night if I didn't come home, pushing more and more guilt upon me for every time I saw that worried frown on her face.

As quietly as I managed, I snuck in to the kitchen and emptied my pockets. It didn't shock me to see that two of the eggs were crushed, smeared inside my pockets, but the rest were fine. I was about to put them in the fridge when I noticed one of them had something written on it.

A number.

"When did he even have time to write that?" I whispered to myself, but automatically fished my phone up from my pocket to save Wade's phone number. Then I put the last egg in the fridge, close it, and lean against it.

And then I let my self hatred wash over me and drown me.

I should have stopped him. I could have stopped him. Why didn't I stop him? I'm Spider-Man. I'm the hero, I save people's lives; why did I let Deadpool kill that man? And just for some stupid eggs? It was ridicilous. I didn't do that. I wasn't that kind of person. I was the hero.

At least that's what everyone said.

"Fuck" I mumbled. "He's turning into my weakness, isn't he?". I made a note to myself to remember that this was the first, the last ,the only time I would see Deadpool kill someone right in front of my eyes when there's a chance for me to stop him.

I angrily picked my phone back up, and typed in a message to the new number. Why the fuck hadn't I stopped him?

"I hate you" I sent, not even bothering to write my name. I hurried upstairs and into my room, stripping out of my clothes and jumped in bed without brushing my teeth, because since I was already failing as Spider-Man why not fail as Peter Parker With The Shiny Teeth as well.

My phone buzzed.

"I know you mean love ;)" Cheeky bastard. Despite my frustration, I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. This guy was trouble - a fucking mercenary - he shouldn't even be allowed to make me smile.

"Nah, pretty sure hate is the right word" I texted back. And hate was the right word, but the more I thought about it, the less I hated Deadpool. I didn't expect more of him. Let's be honest, his first instinct was to kill, of course I didn't expect anything else. I, on the other hand...

I had sworn to make sure he didn't kill anyone, and there he went and did it right in front of my eyes. What had I been thinking while he was doing that?


Deadpool didn't have any trouble with breaking up the door of the caravan, of course. However, I could see by the way he freezed for a second in surprise, that he wasn't expecting the man who lived there to actually be home.

I waited for a witty comment, but before that he pulled up a gun and whispered "boo", as he pointed it at the man's chest. I stood still.

I was hanging out with a killer. An insane, crazy, messed up killer, who could just as easily kill me as he was about to kill the man in front of us.

I barely got time to see the life leave the man's eyes before he fell backwards, and a loud ringing sounded in my ears. Panic spread through my body, suddenly scared of getting caught. One could easily tell that a gun had just been fired - we're american, not deaf - and the police would probably be here in 10 minutes or so. And they would find Peter Parker, an ordinary 20-year old hanging out with a maniac with a gun and some eggs, and a dead body. Not Spider-Man, their city's hero, arguing with the anti-hero.

"Shhhhh!!!" I hissed, pathetically, earning just a laugh from Deadpool.

"You're adorable" he commented, and I forced the blush away from my ears. He picked up some eggs and turned back to me.
"See? That was easy. Now, before the police comes, let's run away together!". He handed me the eggs, and with a frustrated sigh I glanced at the dead body and stuffed the eggs in my pocket.

I guess I was the wanted one again, now.


I woke up the next morning with a headache, and aunt May hanging over me with a stern look. I rubbed my eyes and squinted against the bright light coming from the windows.

"At what hour did you come home yesterday?" she asked, and I tried to shrug while still laying down.

"Late" I mumbled. "I got your eggs"

"Well I'm glad you were willing to sneak out of the house just to get me some eggs, Peter, I'm so thankful".

"I'm sorry, I should've told you" I apologized. She sighed, and turned sharply around to march out of my room.

"There's a number on one of the eggs, so I know you weren't alone" she added, standing in the doorway. I blushed, but tried to hide it. Wait, why was I blushing?

"Don't worry, aunt May, I was with a..." I started, but didn't know what to say. Friend? Enemy? Acquaintance? "Guy" I just said, and I meant for it to sound nonchalant, but apparantly I failed, because aunt May turned her head towards me with her eyebrows raised.

"Come again?". I groaned, realizing how she could've misinterpreted my reply, but too tired to correct myself.

"Get out of my room, aunt May" I yelled tiredly, throwing a dirty sock at her, so she closed the door and escaped. Ah, thank you, smelly feet.

Then I collapsed back into the bed, Deadpool once again creeping into my mind.

I just wanted to sleep.


It's late at night, I've had way too much sugar, it's two hours until my birthday, and I wanted to give you guys this shitty chapter. Yay, two days a row xD

HERO - Spideypool [fanfic]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon