Ch. 19

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I'm sorry for not updating in a while, every time I've been on Wattpad I just get distracted and read all your comments instead (thanks guys, your comments always makes my day better) lol but HERE I AM


Wade followed me home after we had defeated Heat Lamp, holding around me tightly as I climbed up the wall to my bedroom, my shoulder still aching but at least it was working.
He didn't say much - oddly enough - but it wasn't weird or anything. We didn't really go too far on the whole "intimate" thing that happened right before we left, but I'd say it's pretty clear by now that we're way more than friends. And we're in too deep for me to escape now.

Of course I couldn't forget how many people he'd killed in his past, but I could forgive him for it. I was raised better than to not give people I care about a second chance. His past shouldn't define him - he showed me today that he's more than willing to let go of his old habits and adapt to mine.

And what he did to heal me ?

It still blew my mind to think that I was dying - literally - and Deadpool out of all people, was the one to save me. That was proof enough for me that he showed he could be a true hero, too. If anything, my hero.

Okay, that sounds too clichè, I'll go now...

He let go as soon as we climbed through the window and into my room, but reached his hand up and stroked my cheek lightly. I just leaned into his touch, no words needed to be spoken. It only felt natural, to take off his mask and hold it tightly to my chest, as he did the same with mine. It only felt natural to lean in and pour all my emotions and feelings into one action, as my lips danced alongside his, and we stumbled towards the bed, where he dragged me down with him.

"Peter?" someone called from the stairs. My eyes instantly widened, and I grabbed the blankets and threw it over the both of us to cover our suits, not having the time to get off of Wade's body before aunt May came in through the door.

"Oh" was all she said, taking in the view. I couldn't help the furious blush that spread across my face, and closed my eyes as I tried to hide it in the crook of Wade's neck. He, of course, was calm as ever, smiling goofily at my flustered aunt.

"Hi!" he chirped, and I wanted to smack him. I heard aunt May shift awkwardly where she stood.

"Uhm, good evening, Wade. Didn't know you were here" she said. "In fact, I thought Peter was out."

"Oh, don't worry, he's gonna come out sooner or later-" Wade deadpanned, and that's when I did smack him, lifting my head to glare at him. Of course, the stupid grin that spread across my face didn't exactly help me look mad.

"I hate you" I muttered. Wade lifted his eyebrows - or, moved the muscles which would have raised his eyebrows if he'd had any.

"I bet that's why you're laying on top of me right now," he teased, making me blush impossibly more. Aunt May cleared her throat to remind us of her presence, and Wade -unaffected by the whole situation- let his eyes shift back to were she was standing,

"I'm...I'm sorry if I interrupted anything, boys" she said, and I could see Wade holding in his laughter as I bit my tongue.

"You didn't, aunt May!" I assured her, but I doubt she believed that.

"Right. Glad to see you're home, Peter." She walked out again and closed the door, but while walking down the stairs we could hear her shout;


"Always!" Wade yelled back, and I hit him softly on the shoulder.

"Hey! The boxes agrees with her!" he defended, making me roll my eyes as I rolled off him.

"Why did I fall for a lunatic?" I mumbled to myself, as I started taking off my suit. Wade stared seductively at me as I undressed, and started singing the Fifty Shades version of "Crazy in love", as he, too, undressed. I just shook my head and chuckled lowly.

"I'm taking a shower, feel like home" I announced, and headed for the bathroom.

"I told you I'd get him!" Wade whispered, but I already knew he wasn't talking to me anymore. Despite the thought of his split personality and generally crazy behavior, I smiled.

It was inevitable that I'd meet aunt May on my way to the bathroom, and I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the look she was giving me.

"Hiiii" I said, my voice reaching an octave higher for each 'i' I drew out. I leaned against the doorframe and smiled awkwardly. "Sorry for, y'know...disappearing again."

I was just out saving the world and everything.

"Quit it," she snapped. I shut my mouth and looked down. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and sighed deeply.

"Peter," she started. "I love you. You know that. And you worry me to death when you disappear all the time with no explanation, coming back bruised and beaten up every night. I've been wondering if it's drugs, girls, bullies, or simply you just rebelling to deal with whatever you're feeling. I've blamed your father for it, and I've blamed myself for it; but I've had enough. If you're not going to tell me what you do when you go out at night, can you at least tell me one thing;"

I waited, expecting the worst.

"Are you gay?"

My eyes widened, and I looked up at her in horror, shaking my head while fighting the blush once again.

"No!" I exclaimed. Aunt May reached her hands up and smiled softly.

"There's nothing wrong about being gay, Peter-"

"I know it isn't, but I...I-I'm just...I'm not gay," I stuttered, running a hand through my hair. Aunt May frowned.

"Then what's Wade to you? What's going on between you?" she asked, curiously. I hesitated, giving it a thought.

What was between me and Wade? We had never adressed it. Though, whatever it was that was going on between us, it was most definitely not platonic. So what was Wade to me?

"Wade..." I mumbled, but didn't get anywhere. Aunt May cocked her head to the side, smiling smugly.

"Not gay, huh?" she huffed. I gave in.

"Okay, maybe a little gay. For Wade," I admitted. Aunt May didn't say anything. She just pulled me in for a hug, and laughed softly.

"Gwen would be happy for you," she whispered. Though hearing her name hurt, it didn't pierce me with guilt like before. Aunt May was right. I was allowed to have feelings for Wade - the same feelings I had once had for Gwen. She wouldn't want me to hold on to her forever. She would want me to find new happiness, now that she couldn't be it.

Now, maybe Wade could be my happiness.



anyways, this chapter is a mess, but HEY I UPDATED FINALLY love me

hope you liked it as much as I like your comments lol

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