Ch. 15

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Before I start, let me just say thanks to all of you who's commented/messaged me, telling me what you think about the story! Makes me smile, guys :') *wipes tears* okay let's get on with it, you don't really care about me do you xD



I know you're all wondering, so here's the answer to all of your questions;

Yes, Lady GaGa is my fashion icon.

Oh, and about Peter, and the kiss? Nothing more than making out happened.

[You're such a liar]
[Don't keep secrets, Wade, tell them the truth]
I am! Nothing else did happen...
<Then why are you shirtless in bed with the bug boy in your arms?>
............because I spent the night?

Okay, so I did spend the night at Peter's, but we didn't do anything other than sleep. That's the truth! Stop glaring at me! I would never let Peter take my virginity.

<Sometimes I wish I could leave your mind...>

Anyways, like the white box already said; I was currently shirtless in bed with Peter in my arms. I had woken up a few minutes ago. Or hours? I don't even know. I couldn't tell time when I was around Peter, it seemed.

It was dark outside, and I carefully climbed out of bed, without waking Peter up. I grabbed my suit from under the bed and slid into it, and made sure to strap all my weapons to me, not leaving a single one behind. What would May say if she found a pair of katanas in Peter's closet?

I quickly climbed out of the window and jumped down, ignoring the pain shooting up my legs as I landed. I would heal.

Oh, sorry, you're probably wondering why I was running away from Peter? Well, you see, my dear reader; Adam Lo - ... Heat Lamp - may be our main priority at the moment, but I was still Deadpool, the mercenary. Since Heat Lamp was still breathing, I hadn't gotten paid since my last kill. Which was, how long ago?

I knew a girl who wanted her ex-girlfriend gone, so I decided to be a good little creep and find her house.

Yay, death! How I've missed you!

I was standing outside the window of her bedroom, watching her sleep-
[Have you really sunken that low?]
-when I saw something flash in the reflection of the glass. Or rather, someone.

"I knew you couldn't stay away from me!" I chirped, turning around to meet the glowing eyes of Heat Lamp.
"Did you come up with a better name, or are you still lame?"

He didn't answer. Instead, he sent out a wave of heat, so strong it pushed me into the wall, probably waking my target. I was sweating in under a second.

"Not in the mood for talking?" I asked. "That's okay. I can fight."

I ran towards him and crashed into him, pushing us both into the fountain that was behind him. I held his head down, my hands wrapped around his throat in an attempt to drown him. Before long, the water started boiling. I should've predicted that one, really.

I didn't move until the pain became too unbearable, and with scorched hands I stumbled out of the fountain. The few people that had crowded the street had already disappeared in panic.

"Motherfucker!" I hissed, looking at my hands. The fabric in my suit had melted, and revealed my already burned skin. "Oh, you're gonna have to pay for that!"

Heat Lamp still didn't say anything, he just shot what would seem like small balls of heat waves towards me, which I dodged with ease. I was about to mock him, when suddenly ice covered his hands, and I looked up to see Iceman come to my rescue.

HERO - Spideypool [fanfic]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon