Chapter 3- Dream on bad boy

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Alley's P.O.V.

My head was heavy and hurting as I stirred awake. It felt like a truck ran over my head last night.

Last night!

It was then that I remembered I went to a party last night and got wasted to the point I didn't know my own name. I removed the covers to see that I was in the same blue dress from last night. Blue like the colour of his eyes.

His face flashed before my eyes and I immediately shook my head to get rid of the image.

Really Alley? That's the first thing you thing about when you wake with a pounding headache!?

I ignored the battle in my head and slowly pulled my aching body out of bed.

I really hoped I hadn't done anything too embarrassing, beacuse I know drunk me was very reckless. I didn't even know how I got home, but knowing me, I probably drove while drunk and was probably thinking I was on Santa's reindeers. Yup, told ya drunk me was weird.

I really hoped that wasn't the case though.

I felt a lump rising up my throat and quickly rushed to the toilet to empty the contents of my stomach. I didn't know how long it was, but I sat there on the floor for a while, vomiting my guts out.

Once I was finally certain that I was done, I slowly rose from the floor and went to brush my teeth to get rid of the nasty taste lingering in my mouth. I took my time as I was afraid if I moved too much and too fast, my head would finally explode.

After I was finished with that task, I got in the shower and washed away as much dirt as I possibly could. Few minutes later, I stepped out of the bathroom and went to get dressed in a simple shorts and blouse.

I went to retrieve my phone from the nightstand when I saw a glass of water and painkillers. In that moment of my hungover, those two simple tablets seemed like heaven to me.

I wasted no time in swallowing them and washing them down with the water in one big gulp.

I realised that it was almost 12 so I trudged my way down the stairs to find something to fill my empty stomach.

As I walked I could feel the pills slightly working. Thank God for the kind soul that placed them there!

When I reached the living room I saw  my friends sitting on a couch in the living room, watching TV. They were all wearing clean clothes and seemed as if they had showered too. I guessed they got them from my closet while I was sleeping.

"Hey girls." I greeted them, my tone grumpy.

"Hey." They all replied in the same tone.

"Did you eat as yet?" I asked them.

"Yup." Kay replied for everyone.

I nodded, said nothing else and turn to head towards the kitchen.

Luckily for me there was left over food from last night. Seemed like mom cooked when she got home, when we were out.

I happily heated it and ate like I would die any second. After I was finished, I made myself a huge mug of coffee to get me through the rest of the day.

I liked my coffee creamy, but still a little bitter, so I avoided drowning it with too much cream and sugar.

I decided to join my friends in the living room with my coffee.

"What are we watching?" I asked as I made myself comfortable on a single person sofa.

"I don't really know. Some new series." Lola replied.

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