Chapter 35- Preparations

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"Nope. No. You're both going to school. Our men will handle this." Our dad dismissed the idea of having us help in rading the demon lord's HQ.

"But dadddd-" Selena and I whined simultaneously.

"No buts young ladies." He interjected. "That man has Alley's blood. Who knows what harm he could do to you two with it."

"Dad's right." Chris agreed.

Mom nodded as well and said, "I'll go just in case they need a witch. We can't risk you girls."

Great. No one was on our side.

"Are you sure you can do it without us?" Selena asked after a while of contemplating the situation.

"Don't worry. As long as Daniel walk us through it properly we will be fine." Dad commented.

I saw Chris' eyes furrow as if in deep thought.

"What is it?" I asked already having an idea of what he was thinking.

"Do you trust him?" He asked.

"You don't trust him." I realized.

"Can you blame me, A. After everything?"

"Well maybe if you were around more for the past few years then you would've known more about the situation and the note too." As soon as the words left my mouth I regretted them. I knew it was not his choice but in that moment I couldn't seem to think rationally.

I saw his eyes flashed with hurt before he looked away.

"Chris I'm sorry. I didn't-" I tried apologizing but he got up before I could finish.

"Yeah I get it. It's always him. You'll always defend him. Maybe even over me." He left before I could say anything else.

My family gave me disapproving looks as they watched what just took place.

"Alley." Selena called out, giving md an apologetic look when she realized I was leaving.

"It's okay." I whispered then left.

I wanted to talk to Chris but I sure as hell knew that he probably did not want to see me. Despite that, I still went to his room. I knocked on the door but there was no answer so I opened it. His room was empty. I looked to see that he was on the balcony that's connected to his room.

I knew he registered my presence but didn't acknowledge it. I stood beside him, hands on railing as I stared at the beautiful back garden below.

"I really didn't mean what I said back there. I'm sorry Chris. It's just that-" I took a deep breath as I felt my voice break. "He was my bestfriend for a very long time and I lost him two years ago. I have always thought he had no control over the situation and once it was finally confirmed I couldn't be happier. I know everyone else doesn't trust him and that makes me upset because I know the messed up shit that he went through. I felt it and I hate that he has been labelled as a bad person because of things out of his control."

"I get it, A, but you shouldn't have said that. No one has ever made me feel so shitty in my entire life." His voice was low and filled with pain. Guilt swallow me whole and I didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry." That was all I could think of to say.

"Do you know how guilty I feel each day because I was barely there for you and selena when you were growing up? I blame myself for every wrong thing that happened."

I looked at him shocked. "It's not your fault."

"Yes it is. I should've fought harder." He insisted.

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