Chapter 16- Meeting Xavier

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Alley's P. O. V

"Bye Chrissy!" Selena and I both shouted heading out the door. Chris was the only one home with us as mom and dad had already left for work.

"Sure you don't want me to bring you girls to school?" Chris shouted from the kitchen before we were fully out of the house. It was Monday so lucky us had to go back to hell after a fun weekend.

"I think we're go-" Before Selena could finish her sentence Chris was already at the door grabbing his jacket. He snatched Selena's keys from her hand before exiting the house with us, closing the door behind him.

I rolled my eyes at his actions. Of course, he's the oldest protective sibling. The three of us got into Selena's car before Chris pulled out of the driveway and drove us to school.

The car ride was filled with laughter and chatting as we chatted about any and every thing.

Pulling up at school a few minutes later we all got out of the car. Immediately all attention turned to us and I wondered why. Whispers broke out and it was then that I realized everyone was staring at Chris. Oh that's why.

"Who is he?"

"Damn he's hot!"

"He's so cute!"

"Oh shit what is Alpha doing here?"

With my advanced hearing I heard a few of what everyone was saying. The last one caught my attention though. I had no idea wolves came here. Well it all makes sense since our pack owns this area.

In case you're wondering, no, Jake's family is not trespassing. It's all a complicated mess that has my head whirling in confusion and I really don't want to go into that as yet until more explanation is given.

"Er Chris? Everyone's staring." Selena whispered.

Chris smirked at this.

"Of course they are. After all, I'm hot!"

I rolled my eyes at his cockiness. Please dear God let me meet a boy without a huge ego.

"Just go would you?" I said to him.

"Hold up lil sis. I have to scare off some dudes first. They need to know to stay away from my little sisters." Chris said which caused both Selena and I to roll our eyes.

"I'm sure Jake and Mark will take care of that." I said to which Selena nodded in agreement.

"Speaking of. They haven't seen us since we got our makeovers. It's gonna be a surprise." Said Se.

"Yeah! And where are they?" I asked. I haven't heard from Jake since we left him at my house yesterday. He didn't even call or text last night. Hell, he didn't answer my calls or texts and I'm worried.


"Alright c'mon. I need to speak with your principal." Chris said tugging on our arms and dragging us towards the school.

"Why?" My sister and I asked in unison.

"She's a member of my pack and now that you're both 'unlocked' I need to ensure you're safe and alert her of potential dangers to come. Also, if there is a case where you need to leave for unexplainable reasons then there will be no problem." Chris answered our question.

"Mrs. Grant is a werewolf?" I asked incredulously.

"Yes Alley dear." Responded Chris as if he was talking to a 2 year old.

I rolled my eyes at him.. Again!

It all makes sense now as to how she'd of known dad and probably why we weren't suspended. Which means she knew we were the Alpha's daughters which got my friends and I an easy let off.

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