Chapter 24- Actions Speak Louder than Words

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^Banner thanks to ma bbyg Abbi.. Thanks bby. 💞💕😘😘

Alley's POV

The stupid ringing of my unused phone for more than a week, woke me from my peaceful slumber.

"What?" I grumpily answered after blindly reaching for and answering my phone.

"Morning to you too sunshine." A male voice chuckled.

"Who's this and what the hell do you want?" I basically growled.

"Woah chill Alley. You really aren't a morning person." The voice laughed again.

"Well it's my spring break which means sleep for as long as you want but no, you had to wake me at 7 in the damn morning!" I snapped grumpily. Hey, can't blame me; I did warn from the beginning that I was not a morning person.

"Well since you've been avoiding me after agreeing to give me a chance, I decided it was time to do something about that." I instantly realized that it was Lucas who I was speaking with.

"Yeah well sorry about that. It's nothing personal. Ask anyone and they can tell you the same thing."

"So what has everyone done to you?" He asked.

"Nothing. My life is a mess and ignoring everyone and demon hunting is how I dealt with it." I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Wooooww. And how's that working out for ya?" His voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Greeeaaattt... My boyfriend probably gave up on me, my sister is tired of my shit, my brother probably wanna knock some sense into me, literally, my friends probably don't wanna talk to me, my parents probably think I need therapy and you probably think you're unlucky for being mated with a crazy witch. So, to sum it all up, it's really wonderful." My tone was laced with sarcasm and unintentional bitterness as I spoke.

"I don't believe any of them would be thinking that. I know I don't think that." He said softly.

"Yeah well, thanks I guess."

"So how are you?" He questioned with genuine care.

"I honestly don't know anymore. In fact, I don't know anything anymore. How about you?" I answered honestly and asked in return.

"Better now that you're speaking with me." Was the heart felt reply I got, making me smile a little.

"Didn't peg you as the cheesy type." I joked.

"Didn't peg you as the run away type." He retorted.

I laughed. "I didn't run away."

"Sure you did. You ran from your problems. It's okay though, I understand."

"Well thank you for your understanding."

"Just know I'm always here for you. I'll leave you to enjoy your sleep once more." Luke concluded.

"Thanks Lucas. And now that you mention it, I don't think sleep is my number one priority right now. I have relationships that need fixing and a whole lotta explaining to do." I sighed exasperatedly

"You'll be fine. Catch up later."


After that I ended the call and got out of bed, determined to fix things with everyone. I was finally ready to face my problems.




"It's okay A. We understand." Lola concluded, giving e a hug.

I Can't Believe I Fell For A Vamp...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt