Chapter 5- He likes me?

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Alley's P.O.V

The following day I went to school and was greeted by the one and only Jake Knight at my locker.

Guess what he had in his hands.

Yup, chocolates!

"Hi?" I greeted, more like a question.

"For you." He handed me the chocolates which I tentatively took.

"You know your reason for doing all this is stupid." I told him.

What the hell was this guy's deal?

"Just smile and I'll stop."

"What if I don't want you to?" I found myself asking.

I was secretly enjoying the gesture, but I so wasn't going to tell him that.

"Well your actions say otherwise." He pointed out.

He leaned his body against the locker beside mine, which was his, and folded his arms across his broad chest as he stared at me, his gaze unblinking.

"It takes great patience to deal with me." I shrugged.

I turned to exchange a book before closing the locker and giving him my full attention.

"Well then, it's a good thing I'm very patient." He smiled cheekily.

I rolled my eyes.

"How'd you get my number?" I suddenly remembered to ask.

"I have my ways." He replied vaguely, with a shrug.

"Right." I mumbled.

The bell decided to ring and that was when I remembered that I had a class to attend.

"Well, I guess I'll see you around." I told Jake as I spun on my heels and started in the direction towards my class.

"Next time I see you I'll be sure to get that smile." He called after me.

I didn't reply and kept a straight face as I kept walking. As soon as I was out of sight I released a huge smile.

That boy was something else entirely.




I hadn't seen Jake or his friends since we last spoke yesterday morning.

It was lunch on Wednesday and instead of being in the cafeteria as usual, I found myself walking towards the back of the school, a place no one goes unless they were up to no good.

I had no idea what compelled me to go there. Maybe a small part of me secretly enjoyed the company of a certain blue eyed bad boy. Maybe an even smaller part of me wished to see him again.

Upon arrival, I stumbled into Calvino's infamous rule breakers, sitting on a low wall, drinking and chatting boisterously.

"Hey." I greeted them, as I took a seat at the edge of the wall beside Jake.

"Lil A." Mark nodded in my direction.

"Jake's girl." Austin replied.

"Baby girl!" Joey shouted excitedly.

"Miss resting-bitch-face." Jake responded.

"Ugh. I hate you guys." I groaned, rolling my eyes at their responses.

"Want?" Mark shoved a bottle of vodka my way after taking a swig.

"Nope." I said pushing it back towards him. "Never again will this bitch get drunk."

I Can't Believe I Fell For A Vamp...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora