Chapter 21- Vamp Par-tay??

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Alley's POV

For the past two hours or so the girls have been giving me a tour of this beauty called a castle.  We finally came to a stop in the back garden and my feet hurt as hell.

"Whoo!! Finally! My feet are killing me. This place is so damn huge, and beautiful!" I exclaimed, kicking off my heels and allowing the soft green grass to massage my feet and tickle my toes.

We've been to every part of the castle, except the West wings which was apparently out of bounds, for a reason I don't know. However, I didn't pry; my mother grew me well. The sisters even took me to the throne room. Honestly, it was my favourite part. The room looked like one you would see in a Disney channel castle. It was huge with a large crystal chandelier hanging from its super high ceiling. Thrones sat bedside each other reflecting royalty. The crowns were so darn beautiful as they perched on a stand in separate glass cases. In all honesty, this whole place was to die for. The best thing about it was it reflected a feel of every century it went through. It was vintage and modern at the same time.

"This is really beautiful." I complimented, taking in the beauty of the garden. Rows upon rows of various flowers blossomed, their scent intoxicating in a good way. As we walked further into the garden, we began to leave everything behind and was now entering the woods, surrounding the castle.

"This is where we would come for runs or hunting." Jasmine started. "We don't feed on humans, just animals. The woods expand far beyond your imagination. It's where we often times clear our minds."

All I did was nodded in understanding as I listened to the tranquility of the forest. Trees rustled in the wind and birds chirped. In the distance, if you listen carefully, you could hear the flowing of rivers and streams. It was so peaceful, it put my mind at ease.

After a few more minutes of admiring the place, the three of us went back inside the castle. Upon reaching the garden, I picked up my shoes and held them in my hand.

"We seem to wear the same size, c'mon, I'll loan you a pair of slippers." Abbi offered and I smiled gratefully.

We climbed the stairs to her room while Jasmine went to greet some guests. So far the only persons I've seen around the palace are the guards and staff. I asked Abbi about other family members and friends and she replied saying most were in a meeting, others haven't arrived as yet.

Upon reaching Abbi's bedroom I sat on the bed with a bounce, admiring the large space. Her room was really spacious and beautiful. It was elegant. The walls were a dark shade of red, almost black. The carpet with a brighter shade of red. She had a huge Queen sized bed, wardrobe, dresser, night stand, table, chairs and sofas as furniture. To the left was a huge walk in closet and on the opposite side was a bathroom. The room was themed red and black and was drop dead gorgeous.

"It's now 3:35 so we've got a few more minutes to kill before getting ready for dinner." Abbi announced bouncing on her bed like I had done.

"What do you mean about getting ready for dinner?" I raised a quizzical brow.

"Jake didn't mention that this would be a formal family dinner?" She asked a question of her own.

I shook my head no and she sighed.

"So I'm guessing you don't have any change of clothes." She concluded.

"My dress is formal enough." I defended.

"You've been wearing that all day A. Plus this party will be more extravagant."

"Party? No one mentioned a party." I protested.

"You'll be fine A." Abbi tried to assure me.

"Fine my ass." I muttered before standing up. "Where is Jake?" I demanded.

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