Chapter 19- Drunk and Kidnapped

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This chapter has been written for weeks now.. Sorry. I keep forgetting to publish.


Alley's POV

The whole night the girls and I danced, drank, played games and enjoyed ourselves. All the while I could feel eyes watching my every movement and I knew that indubitably, it was Jake. My girls ditched their boyfriends just to keep me company all night. Aren't my friends the sweetest?

I was so angry, I did everything without thinking, just to burn away the anger that was coursing through my entire body.

Right now I was pretty sure that I was drunk beyond imagination.

"Grab somebody sexy tell them hey...
Give me everything tonight
For all we know we might not-" I sang to the music blasting and danced my way around. I'm pretty sure I was singing crap some of the times.

Suddenly I felt really dizzy and was spinning with everything and everyone else. Though the feeling was awful, I couldn't help but giggle. My stomach churned and black dots clouded my vision. I blinked a couple of times to get rid of them, but that was futile.

I felt my body falling, but before I could touch the ground, an arm snaked around my waist, lifting me bridal style. I leaned into the hard muscular chest of the mystery person and inhaled their intoxicating scent.

My eyes travelled to meet empty blue eyes staring down at me. His brows creased in worry and his jaw clenched in anger. I raised my hand to soothe out his brows.

"Stop worrying mystery guy." I whispered sleepily, before another giggle escaped.

He heaved a sigh and replied, "You're gonna be the death of me, princess."

Those were the last words I recalled before I slipped into oblivion.


Jake's POV

I stared at the sleeping figure of my girlfriend lying on Cassandra's bed when there's a party in full swing downstairs. I still couldn't believe she was able to sleep so peacefully with this much noise. I guess, the effects of alcohol. Who am I kidding, Alley sleep so dead she'll probably be able to sleep through an earthquake, tsunami and hurricane in one, alcohol or not.

After I caught her on the dancing floor, she knocked out a few minutes after.

A few minutes later of me just staring at Alley and thinking, the door creaked open. My head shot up only to be greeted by the figure of Stacey.

"Hi." She greeted with a smile.

"What do you want?" I demanded, my face passive.

"To talk." She shrugged, walking over to where I was.

"What about? How you're ruining my relationship!?" I voiced angrily.

"Look, I'm sorry about that. Actually I'm not. You deserve better than her Jake." She said, placing her perfectly manicured hand on my shoulder.

I shrugged her hand off.

"Don't touch me." I told her, coldly.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes.

"Stacey leave. Whatever we had for only three damn weeks ended 3 damn years ago! I was sixteen and stupid. You were available, I was broken. I thought you would help, only to find out you were another bitch added to my list of ex-girlfriends. So I'm asking you kindly to haul your ass out of here. I don't need you. I finally found the girl for me and I won't allow anyone to ruin what's just starting!" I shouted at her, ensuring she realized how serious I was.

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