Chapter 11- Why is your house covered with blood?

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Jake's P.O.V (the morning on the day of the date)

Today was my date with Alley and I couldn't wait. I invaded her thoughts during the week to find out what would woo her. Today I decided to give her a surprise treasure hunt throughout the day, and trust me, it's gonna be hard.

I can barely think of clues to rhyme and where to put each note. I was thinking of googling it but decided against it.

I got to school really early and set up everyone. I even compelled Mrs. Grey, the cranky old librarian, to keep one of the notes.

Yeah, being a vampire has its perks; I can compel people. If I drink from humans I don't kill, I just compel them to forget and all, but I mostly drink from animals and blood bags.

Sooo. Back to the main topic here.

I made sure nothing at all will ruin my perfect plans. I even sneaked into her house after she and Selena left. Creepy, I know.

Right now I'm walking up to her. They just arrived a few minutes ago.

"Hey." I said walking up to her at her locker. I've been watching her a lot I feel like a stalker.

"Hi." She replied with her beautiful smile.

"Ready for our date tonight?" I asked with a smile.

"Oh shoot! It's tonight? I totally forgot!" She exclaimed jokingly with a little sarcasm.

"Oh yes Alley dear." I replied playing along.

"You better make sure I have fun. If I don't, I'll castrate you in your sleep." Alley said taking a threatening step towards me. That step certainly didn't affect me.

I chuckled, "Oh I'm so scared Alley bear."

"You should be." I wrapped an arm protectively around her shoulder and leaned down to kiss her cheek.

"I have a little surprise for you throughout the day." I whispered in her ear and I saw her shiver a little. I smirked knowing I had an effect on her "See you later?"

She bit her lip and I couldn't help the growl that escaped. Don't she know not to do that? Damn! I just wanna kiss those small pink lips so badly.

She nodded.

"Sure thing. See ya."

"Walk you to class milady?" I said in my real accent, which by the way is British. My family and I are originally British but we changed our accents because we move across the world a lot.

Alley giggled, "Sure."

Alley and I walked together to her class chatting and laughing all the way.

When we reached I gave her her books and opened the door for her.

"See you at lunch princess."

"See you Jay." And with a wave I left not wanting to stick around and spoil my plans. I plan on avoiding her all day till lunch. I know, it's gonna be hard but I have to it for everything to go perfect.


The day flew by extremely fast an before I knew it, it was time for lunch. All my classes were boring and throughout them all, all I could think about was Alley. It's not like I need to learn that stuff anyway. I already did, so much times I even lost count. Plus, being a vampire my memory is excellent.

I Can't Believe I Fell For A Vamp...On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara