Chapter 36- Trapped

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🎉🎉🎊🎉New Year Special 🤗😊💜😇


Jake's POV

For the first time in my five hundred years I've never felt so helpless. As I stared at the young girl beside me I found myself struggling to get the right words out. I didn't know what to do or what to say, being afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing.

Alley stared ahead, immobile. I knew she was in deep thought and every part of me wish I knew how to make her feel better. Her eyes stayed glued to the blank screen of the television in my living room. It has been this way for roughly fifteen minutes.

Her family was still a no show and I knew worry was spreading through every inch of her bones.

"What can I do to help?" I whispered, finally breaking the silence.

"I don't know." She said, monotone.

"You need to contact Daniel. He must know something." I tried, rocking my brain for anything that might help.

"I can't. It's too risky." 

"C'mon Alley. Think. You're the smartest person I know and one of the most powerful. Trust in your power." I encouraged.

"What power?" She rhetorically asked, releasing a bitter laugh. "I barely know anything about these 'powers'." The way she said the word powers was bitter and sarcastic.

"I'm not talking about magic." I clarified. "I'm talking about love. The power of love."

For a while she just sat there saying nothing. That was until her face lit up as though she discovered something.

"That's it!" She smiled broadly, first time all day. "Mom and Chris both have magical powers so Selena and I could try to connect through to either of them."

"Right. Just like what you did to find Selena that one time." I caught on.

"Exactly." She smiled. "Just a little different this time."

"Alright then." I stood up and faced her. "Contact Selena and tell her to meet us at your house. I'll be back."

I left the room and headed up the stairs. I walked towards Ramiere's room where I saw him laying on the bed when I pushed open the door.

"Yo. I'm heading out." I notified him.

"Ya, sure." He replied mindlessly.

I immediately realised something was wrong, with his short answer and due to the fact that he kept staring blankly at the wall.

"What's wrong bro?" I asked, concerned.

"Nothing. It's cool." He waved me off.

Now that definitely proved something was up.

"No no. Now I gotta know." I walked into the room and sat on the edge of the bed.

He sighed heavily before answering, "I-I kissed Rachel."

"What?" I roared. "Dude she's like our sister!"

"Yeah Jake I know but I couldn't help it, okay? She was so upset and she looked so damn broken all I could think about was taking her mind off it. It just happened." He defended himself, running his hand over his face and gripping his hair in frustration.

"Was it willing or were you  forced to?" I questioned.

"I don't know man. Maybe I did it willingly. Maybe I've always wanted to, but maybe I was afraid to hurt her. Maybe I knew she wasn't my mate and maybe I knew I'd probably leave anyone when I find her. So yeah, maybe it was intentional."

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