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"Good morning, Sunshine," Anthony chirped as I walked down the hotel hallway. I roll my eyes at his nickname he started calling me the first time I even met the team.

"Do you have to keep calling me that?' I complain and he grins.

"Yep!" I groan at his response and he still has that stupid grin on his face.

Tonight's opening night in Anaheim. It's a bit nerve-wracking, but I have enough faith that it's going to turn out okay. But things are still a bit hectic with the team. And why wouldn't it be? They're under a lot of pressure. All throughout the offseason, the media has been all over the Cubs and how it's finally their year. I'm not going to lie, I think it is. I say that every year, of course, but I feel like it's different this time. 

Anthony and I get onto the elevator and I wait a moment before pressing the button for the doors, waiting to see if there's anyone coming, and I notice the absence of the 6'5" pain in the ass.

"Where's your best friend?" I joke to Anthony.

"You're right here, silly," he jokes back and I roll my eyes.

"No, dipshit. The other half of Bryzzo."

"Well, he's still in the room. We're getting him donuts, by the way," he informs me and I scoff.

"Why would I get him donuts? He hates me," I say, but Anthony doesn't answer. 

Anthony and I walk down to the Krispy Kreme that's not too far from the hotel and pick up a dozen donuts and we stop at a Starbucks to get four coffees because I told Kyle that I'd bring him something.

In the short time that I've been working for the Cubs, I've managed to get close with just about anyone. Anthony and Kyle are like my best friends. Dexter treats me like his sister. David- Grandpa Rossy- is surprisingly chill. Everyone was pretty welcoming towards me on my first day down in Mesa- except for the  6'5" pain in the ass Cubs fans know and love, Kris Bryant.

I don't even know what his problem is towards me. He was kind of okay on my first day (he just told me "Welcome," and went on with his business) but he's been the biggest smartass I've ever met. Okay, he's the biggest smartass when I'm graced with his presence. He tends to avoid me and the only time I'm really around him is when he's with Anthony or if it's because my job forces him to be around me.

We get back to the hotel and I stop by Kyle's room to give him his donuts and coffee before Anthony drags me along back to his room that he's sharing with Kris.

Anthony opens up the door to the room and Kris immediately gets up from his spot.

"I was starting to think you got lost or something-" Kris starts to say and his icy blue eyes lock on my body, stopping the words that were getting ready to exit his mouth. "Oh. Morning, Mallory," he says with a cold tone and I look down at my feet.

"Morning, asshole," I mutter but I know that neither of them heard me because they're talking about God knows what.

I turn around to head out the door but Anthony's voice leaves me in the room, "Where are you going?"

"My room. I'm hungry. Why?" 

"Well, you could just eat here with Kris and I. We enjoy your company," Anthony tries to tell me and I'm internally rolling my eyes. Kris enjoying my company? Hilarious.

"I'm pretty sure Kris doesn't want me here, so I'll just take my donuts and go..." My voice starts trailing off.

"Mallory-" Anthony starts to say but Kris cuts him off.

"Um, you should probably go. Do important stuff. Whatever," he tells me and I sigh.

"I'm leaving. Joe said to be at the stadium at three... Don't be late," I tell the both of them and then I'm out the door. I go back to my hotel room and mentally prepare myself for tonight's events.


Alright, hello. Here's the first chapter to Heartlines. I started this because there just isn't enough love for Kris Bryant on here, so here is my contribution. 

It's kind of a shitty chapter (And it's pretty short, too), but it (hopefully) gets better from here !! Vote, comment, do whatever. :)))

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