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"Mallory, get up!"

I wake up to the sound of someone banging on my hotel door and a voice coming from the outside. It's 8:28, who in the hell would need to see me so early in the morning?

I groan as I drag myself out of bed and I open the door to see Kyle's smiling face.

"Morning!" he chirps as he lets himself in and I stare at him.

"I was sleeping," I complain, "Did you need something?"

"Mallory, I am going to teach you how to live," Kyle declares and I narrow my eyes at him.


"It's an off day! I'm not going to just sit around and be bored in my hotel room all day," he whines.

"Don't you have other friends?"

"They're all busy. Mallory, let's do something."

"What are we even doing today?" I ask him and his has a devious grin on his face.

"You'll see."

"Kyle, you are the worst mini golfer I've ever seen," I laugh as he misses yet another attempt on getting it into the hole.

"Shut up! I'm fantastic," he says and tries to putt the ball again. By some miracle, it went in. "See! Told you," he cheers and I roll my eyes.

"Yep. Only took you seven tries," I remark and he laughs before we move on to the next hole.

I ended up winning our little game of mini golf. Let me just say that it's a good thing Kyle is sticking with baseball.

We stop to get lunch at a Steak 'n Shake right across the street. We sit down at a table near a window and order drinks.

I pick up a menu and as I'm reading it, Kyle breaks a silence between us.

"Dexter wanted me to ask you about-" He starts to say but I cut him off before he can finish his sentence because I know how it's going to end.

"Nothing happened with Kris. Tell him that."


"Kyle, you were there. You know Anthony pretty much forced me to take care of Kris's drunk ass. Do you really think Theo would be happy with me if I just let him pass out in the middle of the street?" I tell him and Kyle sighs.

"I'm sorry. Dexter just put it in a way that sounded suspicious and he wanted me to ask you," he apologizes and I look back at the menu without saying anything.

Dex is like a brother to me. I said that earlier. But I really, really wish he would keep his mouth shut.

Lunch wasn't awkward despite that small conversation Kyle and I had. We went back to talking about stupid things like how to pronounce ramen noodles and it wasn't a big deal.

Kyle insists on paying despite me arguing that I should be the one paying. He said it's "the good thing to do".

As we're walking out of Steak 'N Shake, Kyle and I run into Kris as he's walking into the restaurant. Fantastic.

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