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I woke up that next morning with the bright California sun shining through the hotel room curtains. I prop myself up on one elbow to look at the bedside clock. 8:17. I turn my head and look at Kris. He's still sleeping, and I realize that the one time he's not being a piece of shit, he actually looks kind of cute. I hate to admit that, but it's true. I grab my phone off the nightstand and see that Anthony sent me a text at 3 AM last night.

rizz: i met some girl . sorry that i didn't come back . i'll bring you coffee in the morning to make up for it

I sigh as I read the text message and stare up at the ceiling for a minute before pulling myself out of bed. I open up the fridge and grab another water bottle for Kris and I leave it on the nightstand before quietly leaving the hotel room, trying to bring attention to myself, but Dexter's voice stops me right after I'm shutting the door, "Mallory?"

I freeze in my tracks and slowly turn around to face him, "Hey, Dex," I say awkwardly, "What are you doing?"

"I'm going down to get breakfast... But the actual question is, what are you doing?" He asks, clearly talking about me leaving Kris's hotel room at 8:30 in the morning. Not suspicious at all...

"...Going back to my room..." My voice starts trailing off and Dexter has a confused look on his face.

"Why were you in... Nevermind. That's none of my business," Dexter says to me before he tries to walk away but I call out to him.

"Dex, nothing happened, I swear," I insist and he turns around, looks at me for a brief second, and starts to walk away again. I sigh in defeat and walk back to my hotel room.

I go back to sleep once I get to my room and I'm woken up about an hour later by someone knocking on my door. I groan as I get up to answer it and see that it's Anthony with my coffee.

"Morning, Sunshine," he says happily and lets himself in. I would make a comment about that goddamn nickname but I'm honestly too tired so I'll just let it slide this time. He hands me the warm cup and I thank him.

"Did you have fun last night? You kind of left me stranded," I joke and he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, I guess. Nothing too special," he says with a shrug before asking me a dreaded question, "What was Dex talking about earlier?"

My eyes widen as I'm taking sip of my coffee. "What was he talking about?" I ask him, trying to play it off like I don't know what he's talking about, but I sadly know.

"He said that he saw you leaving Kris and I's room this morning. And he also said you looked like a 'giant mess', his words, not mine, and you were acting pretty suspicious," he stares at me and I sigh.

"Nothing happened. I wasn't going to leave him alone because he was drunk off his ass. You didn't show up so I just fell asleep over there, that's all," I explain and Anthony looks puzzled.

"Well, why does Dex think something happened?"

"Hell, I don't know! He wasn't even there last night so he didn't know that Kris was drunk. But it's whatever, I guess. I'll just have to explain what happened," I shake my head and Anthony just sighs.


"Mallory?" Kris calls my name in the clubhouse after the team's 6-1 win over the Angels. I turn around and walk over to where he's standing.

"Did you need me?"

"I just wanted to say thanks for not letting me die last night," he says and I look up into his blue eyes.

"Well, it'd be kind of shitty of me to let you," I reply sarcastically and he rolls his eyes.

"I'm just saying. And you slipped away before I could even tell you."

"Wow. You're actually being kind of nice to me for once. Didn't know you had it in you," I joke and he shakes his head and laughs.

"Don't get used to it, Sunshine," he says before walking away.


"Mallory, didn't you just miss Arizona?" Anthony jokes as we step into a hotel in Phoenix.

"Of course," I reply with sarcasm. I've been in Arizona since Febuary. I was able to get away for three days and now I'm back. I just want this roadtrip to be over.

We get checked in and I get onto an elevator with Addison, Jason, Kris, and Ben. Kris is standing right next to me- and he's also pretty close - and I can tell that he's staring down at me. I take a step away from him. The elevator doors open and Jason and Ben step off onto their floors. I move further away from Kris now that there's more room with only three of us on the elevator. Addison gets off on the floor above Jason and Ben, leaving Kris and I alone on the elevator. He's still staring at me.

"Why are you staring at me?" I ask, annoyed and he chuckles.

"Because you're beautiful."

"Stop quoting the Fault in Our Stars."

"But that was such a good movie," he complains and I turn to him.

"Book was better."

"Of course you would say that," he laughs and I roll my eyes.

"You're an asshole, Kris."

"I'm well aware of that."

The elevator doors open and we both step off, parting ways to our hotel rooms. Mine is clear near the end of the hotel hallway and I collapse on my bed as soon as I walk in. I turn on the TV and watch an old rerun of How I Met Your Mother when my phone vibrates.

kris: hey, sunshine. forgot to mention this but you left your shoes in my room last night and i have them rn. want me to bring them now or tomorrow ??

me: tomorrow? im kinda tired:)

kris: you sent me a smiley face

kris: omg

kris: this is the happiest you've ever been with me


hey guys! this is my last chapter before I leave for florida! i think i'll try to write a little bit on my phone but i'm not making any promises because I don't want to be distracted by this the whole trip:) hope ya understand

but omg !! i'm seeing the cubs play the marlins on the 24th !! i'm 100% sure that kris will be even prettier in person and i'll probably die but whatever

vote, comment, whatever. have a nice day:)

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