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"Hey, Kris?" Sarah says as she enters the living room. She has two bottles of water and she hands me one as she takes her place on the couch.


"Can I ask you something?" She's slouched down enough to the point where her head is on my chest and she's forced to look up at me with her big, brown eyes.

"Go ahead."

"That Mallory girl... She seems nice and everything, but is there something going on with you two?"

Oh, Jesus Christ.

"Sarah-" I start off with, but she cuts me off.

"It's not that I'm jealous, but..." Her voice trails off, probably losing her train of thought.

"You shouldn't even be jealous. We're not together, Sarah," I remind her and her eyes widen.

"You know I like you a lot."

"You also like Patrick a lot." She's pretty open about whatever relationship she has with Patrick. Not that I care, but she just talks about him a lot.

"It's not fair for you to bring that up..." she argues and I just shake my head, followed by a sigh.

"To answer your question, no. I don't even like her." But even as I said that I'm not even sure if I'm telling the truth anymore. I tell myself that I don't like Mallory, something seemed annoying to me whenever I first met her and it just put me off completely, but I can't even figure out what it is. Jesus, I can't even figure out why I don't like somebody.

Sarah just sighs and lifts her head off of my chest, turning back around to look at me. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have even asked because of what I have with you and Patrick and just-" Sarah starts rambling again. It's something she does often, and I thought it was annoying at first, but now it doesn't even phase me.

"It's fine, Sarah. Not a big deal," I reassure her and she shoots me a smile. I grab my phone off of the coffee table to check the time and I realize that it's probably time for me to leave for Wrigley. "I should probably head out," I tell her, standing up off of the couch. I don't need to say why I have to leave because Sarah already understands.

"Oh, okay. I'll take you? It's not a big deal," she offers and I'm about to decline because I have my own car, but then I remember that my car's still over at my apartment, so I just decide to accept it.



Waking up in my old bedroom is nostalgic. Thinking about all of the guys that snuck their way in here (but when I say "all", I actually just mean one guy) in high school, those long ass nights with my then best friend just talking about nothing I'd find important now but those little, important middle school things like how much we loved Gerard Way and Pete Wentz. Part of me wishes I could turn back the time to when I didn't have a care in the world other than when I couldn't find my black eyeliner during my emo phase.

Yesterday's game ended up getting postponed due to rain -again- so I just decided to drive home to Joliet to give me something to do. It had been a few months since I had gone back, and since my stepsister's getting married next month, I should probably stop by to visit before the wedding. My stepdad let me stay at the house so I wouldn't drive at night. It's probably a good thing because I'm kind of a shitty night driver.

I walked downstairs that next morning only to see Delaney sitting on my old sofa, reading something on her phone, and her head shoots up once she hears me walking down.

"Mallory! I missed you," she says as she engulfs me in a hug. She was busy all of yesterday so I didn't actually get to see her, but she promised she'd stop by.

"I missed you, too. How's wedding planning?"

"Stressful. I'm so exhausted, I'm just ready to get this over with. But let's talk about you! You've been, like, everywhere?"

"It's all work stuff. Just a whole lot of helping out, but I enjoy doing it, so that's what matters, right?"



I ended up leaving Joliet after I talked to Delaney for a few more hours. Just a whole lot of catching up considering I don't think I've been home since Christmas and we've both been way too busy, but it was nice seeing her again. Delaney and I were really close growing up, not as close as I was with Dallon, but close.

The drive back to Chicago was around 40 minutes and by the time I was within city limits, it was close to the time I would have to show up at Wrigley, so I ended up driving there instead of stopping by my apartment for a few minutes.

"Sunshine," Anthony says immediately as soon as I open up my car door. I saw him getting out of his own car as soon as I pulled in and he waited so he could talk to me. "How was Joliet?"

"Same old town I've always known it to been. Nothing new," I shrug.

"Ah, well I'm sure it was good to be home, right?" I nod at his comment and I can't help but Kris getting out of someone's car. I move my head slightly enough to try and see who it was with him, and it was Sarah. Something about that doesn't sit right with me.

"You said they weren't together," I mutter to Anthony. He raises his eyebrow, confused for a second. He turns around to see Kris and he finally understands what I mean and he turns back to face me.

"And you said you weren't jealous."


This really wasn't my best. I needed to get a chapter out so this is just a filler


shit's getting ready to go down !! within these next few chapters so y'all better get ready for whatever i'm gonna throw to you

but anyways, thank you guys for all the support. it means a lot to me.

and big shout out to unique_writers_unite because she was going to rip my head off if I kept procrasinating so she's been a big help. check out her stories bc y'all won't be disappointed

and also. i have a little side story for my boy kyle hendricks. it's called "Chasing Pavements." I only have a prologue up right now but go and check that out? :)

vote, comment, have a fantastic day because I love you guys

(also, in spirit of the rivalry series going on, i just wanted to say f the cardinals !!!)

wonderwall ♔ k. bryantWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu