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I don't have the energy to do anything. It's not that I'm tired, I'm just trying to deal with the mess I consider my own feelings and it's mentally exhausting me. I'm not asking Anthony for advice no matter how many times I tell myself he should because he'll take my words as an opportunity to run his mouth to her about me, and I don't want that because I don't even know how I feel.

She always finds a way to sneak into my mind and it's making me go crazy. Ever since I met her, I've been set on the thought that I don't like her, but why did it become so easy for me to start doubting that thought? Whenever I told Sarah I didn't like her, it didn't feel right the second I said it. Half of me feels like I'm lying. If I told Anthony that, he'd fully think I was lying.

I just don't know anymore. Lately, there's been something about Mallory that's making me question every single thought that I'd known was the truth, but like I said, I'm not too sure about that anymore.

We won against the Giants tonight. 8-1. I want to feel good about this after we dropped the series to the Brewers, and I do feel good about it, but my mind's everywhere else. The rest of the guys were feeling fantastic about it because they said they were going to some random bar to celebrate and I somehow managed to sneak away and head back to the hotel before they said anything to me. I wonder if Mallory went. I mean, she usually goes with them because Anthony and Javy always insist on inviting her.

I opened up the door to my hotel room and turned the TV onto some local San Fransisco channel. I lied down onto one of the beds and started scrolling through my Twitter notifications and reading tweets that fans sent out to me. Even though I read the occasional hate tweet, I can't help but smile at the amount of support the fans give us. It's unreal. Sarah texts me something about the game tonight, and as shitty as this may sound, I'm not in the mood to read the text so I just ignore the notification.

It hasn't even been thirty minutes since I got to my hotel room whenever Anthony calls me. Sighing, I hit answer, and put my phone up to my ear, "What do you need?"

"Where did you go?"

"The hotel. I'm not in the mood to go tonight," I try explaining, but knowing Anthony, I don't think he's listening.

"Well, maybe you can come meet us and pour your heart out." Though I'm sure that was sarcastic, he's still urging me to go out.

"I don't-"

"Mallory's here."

My eyes widen as he says that. "That doesn't mean anything..."

"I know you, Kris, and trust me. It means something to you."

It doesn't mean anything, it doesn't mean anything, it doesn't mean anything.

Wait. Yes, it does.

No, it doesn't.

I decide ignorning the war of thoughts going on inside my mind that just became a battlefield and sigh. "Fine, I'm coming," I tell Anthony as I stand up, grabbing my wallett off the nightstand, "Where are you guys?" He tells me the name of some bar and I head down to the lobby. I ask the lady behind the front desk about the address and she kindly tells me where and she recommends taking a cab. It takes me about a few minutes to actually get one and the driver drops me off at the bar after a drive that was maybe five minutes.

I walk inside to see a few of the guys sitting throughout the place. Anthony sees me and waves me over to where he's sitting in a booth with Dexter and of course, Mallory's sitting there. She's looking down at her phone screen and doesn't notice me at first, but when she lifts her head up, her eyes make contact with my and she smiles lightly. Anthony's sitting with Dexter on his side of the booth, and though I was originally going to sit over there, Anthony shoots me a glare and tells me to go and sit next to Mallory with his eyes- Maybe I'm just imaiging things and looking for an excuse to be near her. I slide into her side of the booth, still trying to keep a distance, but that didn't last long whenever Matt comes over with drinks for everyone and slides on our side, squishing Mallory and I closer together. This is awkward. It's really awkward.

I take a drink out of the bottle in front of me despite the fact that I didn't even want to drink tonight. Dexter starts to talk to me about something, but I started spacing off again so I don't even know what he's saying. I just keep nodding my head and he's not sensing anything suspicious, so we're all good. I keep turning my head at Mallory and she thankfully doesn't notice because she's either looking down at her phone or taking a drink of her beer. She eventually notices, though, whenever she takes her eyes off her phone and back up at us.

"Oh, shit, sorry," She apologizes, "Lauren keeps sending me wedding dresses. It's all she's been doing today."

"She's getting married?"

"Yeah! She got engaged last month. But whatever," she says, shutting off her phone, "It's off. Let's have fun."


Mallory's wasted. We don't even know how she's so drunk, she didn't even drink that much. Dexter ended up going back to the hotel so its just the four of us at the booth, and now that there's more room on our side, Mallory still insists on sitting close to me. She takes another drink, laughs for no reason at all, and she rests her head on my shoulder, completely surprising me.

"Mallory?" I ask, looking down at her.


"You feeling okay?"

"Yep! Just fantastic," she slurs and I sigh.

"Do you want me to take you back to the hotel?" She needs to leave, and I won't let her go alone. She told me that it's not safe to leave a drunk person alone. I'm honestly surprised I remember that because I was drunk off my ass whenever she told me, but it's so important.

She sighs at first, not saying anything, and then she lifts her head from my shoulder. "Yeah... I'm tired..." We both get up from the booth and she nearly topples over as she stands up. I hold onto her to help maintain her balence and we get into a taxi after standing outside for a few minutes. The drive back to the hotel is quiet, and it's still pretty quiet up until the time she shows me where her room is. She pulls her room key out of the back pocket of her jeans and inserts it into the slot, opening up the door, and we head inside.

I take a bottle of water out of the fridge and when I turn arounnd to give it to her, she asks me something that I don't even know how to answer.

"Why do you hate me, Kris?" I don't even know where that came from. It takes me by surprise and I just stand there, staring at her.

"I don't hate you, Mallory..." I tell her, handing her the water bottle. She just shakes her head.

"Yes, you do, and I'm just really confused about why you do," her speech is slurred and it's still obvious she's drunk. I'm not going to talk to her about this when she's drunk.

"Your drunk. Drink your water and get some rest," I tell her and she sighs.

"But I'm-"

"Mallory," I cut her off and she sighs in defeat. She takes a drink of her water and lies down on the bed. She grabs the remote off the nightstand and turns it onto some random channel and turns to me.

"You can leave, you know. I'll be okay," she assures me and I shake my head.

"You said you're not supposed to leave a drunk person alone."

"I'm not drunk, Kris," she tries being serious but ends up breaking out in laughter. I can't help but break a smile.

"Mallory, you're drunk. Trust me."

She smiles at me again. "I guess you're right."



I hope you liked this bc I kinda like the way it turned out :)))


big things are happening next chapter. i've already started writing it by the time this gets published, so y'all better stay tuned and prepare yourself !!!

i dont have a lot to say, bUT thank you guys for the support. it means a lot to me !!!

and shoutout to GoliathRider15 for their support and their stories are bombbbb so :))

vote, comment, have a great day. lots of love

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