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a/n hello my friends i hope y'all are prepared

I lean my head against the plane window and shut my eyes, trying to block out everyone around me. The Cubs lost today, losing the series to the Giants, and a lot of the guys aren't too happy. I don't blame them, though, because losing is always tough, but you just have to move past it, I guess.

"How are you doing, Kyle?" I turn around to face him as he sits in one of the seats behind me. He was the one pitching today and he ended up taking the loss.

"I'll live with it. But how are you doing, Mallory?"

"Fantastic. Just fan-freaking-tastic."

Kris has been avoiding me. It normally wouldn't surprise or bother me, but now I have no idea why because of how he was whenever I was drunk as hell, though I'm honestly surprised I even remember. Now he's just being cold and distant again, and it's killing me. What's up with him? Why is he so goddamn complicated?

I lean my head against the window again and shut my eyes in an attempt to asleep, but it's another failed attempt as Anthony makes his way over and sits down next to me. He's somehow still in a good mood and I'm so tired that his happiness is annoying me.

"Hey, Sunshine," he chirps and I look at him for a brief moment, mutter a hello, and lean my head back against the window. I hear him talk to a few of the other players around, obviously including Kris, and I bring my head up and turn to Anthony.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course?"

"What's going on with Kris? He's been avoiding me and-" I'm cut off by Anthony's quiet laughter. I furrow my brow and he stops laughing once he sees my face. "Why are you laughing?"

"Oh, Mallory. I just find it funny how you claim that you have no feelings for him."

"I don't... " My voice trails off because I don't really know what else to say other than "I don't", and I just leave it at that.

"Oh, I'm sure. But anyway, there's going on. He's just in a mood over a loss. Don't take it seriously, Sunshine. It's nothing you did," he tells me and I sigh.

"Are you sure?"

"Almost positive."


I saw the Arch this morning. Javy, Matt, and Anthony practically made me go once I told them that I've never been in the Arch. I originally planned on just sleeping in the hotel room, but part of me is actually glad I went because I enjoyed it. Matt mentioned that Anthony invited Kris but "his lazy ass wouldn't get out of bed" (Matt's words, not mine), and that doesn't even surprise me one bit.

I'm hiding away in the clubhouse at Busch. The game's going on right now and I really don't go into the dugout during the games unless Joe needs me to get something. I'm sitting on the floor with my back up against one of the lockers and my head staring up at one of the TVs in the clubhouse showing the game, and I can feel my heart beating in my chest. It's the bottom of the ninth and walk-off situations are always beyond stressful not only to me but to anyone else that watches baseball. My heart slows down a bit after Moss strikes out and Molina grounds out, but in the end, I have nothing else to do than just sigh and watch as Grichuk hits a walk off home run. Shit.

Things start getting hectic with reporters swarming around the players, so I really don't have any other option than to help out Joe with a few things. By the time I finish, which it really didn't take too long in the first place, things have slightly calmed down, and I decide to go and find Kris just so I can talk to him why he's been avoiding me. Unless Anthony is right and he's just in a bad mood, but I'm such a nosy bitch that I feel the need to have an answer to everything. But by the time I find him outside of Busch, he's talking to Sarah. Why is she here?

"Mallory! What are you doing?" Kris asks me as his attention darts away from Sarah and to me.

"I was going back to the hotel? What are you two up to?"

"We were going out for drinks," Sarah butts in and smiles at me, "You can come too if you want."

"No, that's fine. I'll leave you two alone," I tell her as kindly as possibly and my eyes trail over to Kris again who appears to be staring me down. "I'll see you tomorrow, Kris. Have fun," I say and walk back to the Hlilton that's across the street from Busch. I press the buttons into the elevator and sit in silence as it takes me up to the eighth floor, and I walk down the long hallway back into my room. I set my purse on the chair near the TV and dig my old Green Day shirt and Nike shorts out of my suitcase. I change out of my current clothes and throw on those. I go into the bathroom and remove my makeup, put my hair up into a high ponytail, and go flip on the TV to some random channel I'm not even paying attention to. I send a text to Kyle to see how he's doing, though I'm not expecting him to even answer me because it's somewhat late (even though it's only 10).

It's probably about an hour later whenever I hear a knock at my door. I groan and get out of bed, turning the TV off, and opening up the door only to see Kris standing at the other side.

"Why are you here, Kris?" I question him. He lightly pushes past me into the room and I sigh, shutting the door. Sure, Kris. Just let yourself in.

"You left me with Sarah. Why?"

"I don't need to be around you two when you're shoving your tongues down each others throats. Third wheeling isn't my favorite thing in the world, Kris," I say, annoyed.

"That's not what we were doing, for your information," he informs me and I roll my eyes. "But I'm sorry I can't direct my attention on you all the time, Sunshine. Must be rough."

"Why are you such an asshole?" I groan and he smirks.

"Why are you so annoying? In fact," he steps closer to me, so close to the point where my back's up against the wall and his face is closer to me than it ever has been, "You're so annoying, that I really want to kiss you right now just so you can shut up for once."

"Then how about you stop being such a coward and actually do it?"

I'm sarcastic. I'm sarcastic as hell. Anyone that knows me can tell you that. And if I said that to any of my other friends, they'd know I was just being sarcastic.

Kris knows that I was just being a sarcastic bitch, but that didn't stop him from anything.

I'm not complaining about it, either.

He connects his lips to mine and there's something about this. I don't know what it is, but it has me intoxicated, and I want every last bit of it. I cup his cheek, trying to bring him closer to me, even though I don't even believe that it's possible right now. Both of my wrists are pinned above my head before I know it. He finds the hairtie in my ponytail, removing it from my hair, and he tangles his fingers in it as it cascades back down to my shoulders. He pulls away for a second and presses his forehead to mine.

"What are we doing, Mallory?"

"I wish I had an answer." My arms are now back at my sides. He sighs before tangling his fingers in my hair again.

"You're really pretty. Have I ever told you that?"

"While you're sober? I don't think so."

"I figured. I should tell you more often, though, because I mean every word of it." He cups my face with one hand, connecting our lips once again, and lacing our fingers together with the other hand.

I don't understand how this happened. I don't understand why we're letting it. But there's one thing I do understand, and it's that he's the only person I want to be around right now.


lmaooo i don't write smut !! never !

but anyway


im gonna let this sink in with you guys

i don't have a whole lot to say, but vote, comment, have a fantastic day because i love and appreciate you all more than you'll ever know :)))

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