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"You're the cutest thing that I ever did see," Kris and I sing in unision with Steve Miller Band on the car radio. We're driving to Wrigley for the July 4th festivities that the team always puts on. My window is slightly rolled down and we're acting just like two dumb young people in his car that I can guarantee anyone driving by or walking the streets can hear and definitely judge us. But do I care? Of course not. He brings out the best in me, even if that includes acting dumb to an old song on the radio.

"Really love your peaches, wanna shake your trees..." Kris wiggles his eyebrows at me after singing this line.

"You're such a dick," I laugh out and he rolls his eyes.

"I'm your favorite dick, though."

"Maybe. Anthony's up on the list."

"Okay, now hold on-" We come to a red light and I take it as an opportunity to give him a quick kiss.

"No, you're most definitely my favorite."

"Mhmm. Thought so."

I'm so used to being tense all the time. After everything that has happened with my family, and going through an abusive relationship in college, I am constantly on edge. It's in my nature at this point- Twenty-four years of age with the stress and emotional baggage of a Sixty-year old, isn't that sweet?

I'm brought out of my inner self-pity party when I feel Kris put his hand on my knee, and it seems like all the weight in the world has been lifted from my body. Crazy how some people can change you with just one touch.

We listen to the radio before parking in the player's lot and coincidentally, Anthony and Emily are just getting out of his car. 

"Hey, lovebirds," Anthony chirps when Kris and I actually come in contact with him. 

"God, you're insufferable sometimes," Kris remarks and Anthony just smirks.

"Someone has to be!" 

The Cubs, when they're in Chicago for the Fourth, always do fireworks for the players and their families. Kris went last year, though he and Anthony stuck out compared to the others, considering they were both single. At least Bryzzo, as the fans like to call them, had each other. They're still the real lovebirds, in my opinion.

It's not long until the actual fireworks start, and with my head on Kris's shoulder, looking up at the color in the sky, I come to a realization. For the first time in my whole life, I am overcome with happiness.


*taps mic* is this thing on

this part wasn't long but crumbs are better than no food right

long story short: I missed lots of things. I missed baseball, and writing, and I missed my Chief Resident asshole Kris Bryant, and I missed Mallory. 

also, wattpad accounts were hacked, so if my information is being stolen and sold, I might as well make that shit count

anyway. I don't know if anyone's even here but if you are... hey :) good to see you again. I think for the next few updates, i'll have to do a few time jumps and fillers. 2016 was four years ago and I hardly remember what I did last week, so

it's really good to be in touch again. let me know in the comments how you are :) love yall

(also chapter 28 hehehehe love u kyle hendricks, my 2020 opening day starter)

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