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A/N: sorry about doing this unannounced but i changed the title. i was listening to music and wonderwall came on (i get all my story titles from songs so) and tbh i just liked it more than heartlines so pls don't hate me and tell me what you think or if you want me to change it back

The last game in St. Louis was delayed for three hours. Three hours of us all just sitting around, waiting for the tarp to come off the field. Even though I really didn't have to do anything, I'm still tired as hell. I don't even remember what time it was when I fell asleep last night, but it felt like I was only asleep for a good hour before I had to leave to go to the stadium. I was planning on sleeping on the way to Cincinnati, but I was barely even alive when the game ended.

I sit down in a seat right next to a window, putting in my earbuds and playing Panic! at the Disco on Spotify. Most people don't view that as ideal music to try and fall asleep to, but Panic! at the Disco calms me down more than anything else. I pull the hair tie off my wrist, throwing my hair into a loose ponytail, and rest my head against the plane window. I close my eyes for a brief second before I can hear two people sit down in the seats next to me. "Hey, Sunshine!" I pause my music and turn my head to face Anthony and Kris.

"Oh. Hi guys," I say tiredly, pulling out my earbuds. Kris is sitting right beside me with Anthony sitting next to the aisle. With the three of us sitting in the same row, it feels crammed with Kris's body pressing against mine.

"Are we bothering you? Because we can move," Anthony says, obviously taking note of my current exhausted state, and I just shake my head.

"It's fine. Just don't be too loud..." I mumble and lean my head against the window. I close my eyes and try to block out everything.


"Mallory, wake up," I hear someone whisper and my eyes flutter open. Instead of having my head against the window, my head is resting on Kris's shoulder. "We're here."

"Oh, sorry," I lift my head up and rub my eyes. "I didn't notice I moved."

"It's fine. I was going to wake you up and tell you to move but it was kind of cute and you weren't getting on my nerves for once so I decided against it," he remarks and I roll my eyes.

"Oh, I'm sure." Kris leaves his seat with me following behind him and we both grab our things before getting off the plane with everyone else. After checking into the hotel, I finally got to do what I had been looking forward to doing all day, sleeping. Without anyone waking me up this time.


I've watched no-hitters happen in my life on TV, but I've never got to actually see one happen. That is, until tonight. And not only did Jake throw a no-hitter, but it was 16-0. Getting no hit isn't an amazing feeling for the opposite team, but when you also give up sixteen runs? Jesus Christ.

I congratulate Jake on his no hitter before I leave the stadium and take a taxi back to the hotel. I immediately change into a pair of my sweatpants and one of my t-shirts when I make it back into my hotel room and I turn on the TV to an old rerun of The Office when my phone rings just a few minutes later. I grab my phone off the next nightstand and see that it's Anthony. "Where'd you go?" he asks as soon as I answer.

"The hotel. Why?"

"You just kind of... Disappeared. We were going to ask you to get drinks with us but you left. You should come out, though," he says.

"Too late. I already put on sweatpants and I'm too lazy to change."

"But, Mallory," he whines, "It's boring without you."

"Ugh, fine," I groan and drag myself out of the bed, "Where are you guys?" Anthony tells me the name of the bar and how he claims its within "walking distance" and hangs up the phone. I change out of my current clothing just to put on the clothes I had on hours before and head out the door.


I walk into the bar and immediately spot Anthony sitting with Addison, Kris, and Javy at a table. Anthony waves me over and I make my way over there. I'm forced to pull up a chair and I slide it between Javy and Kris. "Look who decided to showed up," Anthony says as he slides me a beer bottle. I don't say anything and just take a drink. We just sit and talk for the next hour about pointless things until my night changes when someone comes over here.

"Mallory! How are you?"

I turn my attention to the guy standing at the edge of the table. "Brendon... I'm great. How are you? It's been a while."

"I'm good! I moved up here a few months after we broke up. But what have you been up to? Find your journalist job or whatever you were so determined to get?" The grip on my bottle tightens as he asks that question and I inhale sharply. Still an asshole.

"Not yet, Brendon," I answer, my tone radiating with hints of annoyance. Why did he have to come over here?

"Ah. I won't bother you anymore-" Good, please leave- "How long are you in town? We can maybe catch up over drinks tomorrow night or something?" he suggests and everyone at the table's state is shooting daggers at me.

"I..." My voice trails off and I look down at my hands before bringing my head back up to face him, "Yeah, that sounds like a plan. I have to be at the game tomorrow, but I'll meet you here after that?" Oh my god, Mallory, what are you doing? You said you didn't want anything to do with this asshole.

"Nice. I'll see you tomorrow, Mallory," he says before walking away and the silence at the table is lethal. I stare down at my drink and I can't help but notice everyone is staring and it's practically burning a hole through me.

"I'm going back to the hotel," I eventually say quietly, breaking the silence as I stand up from the table.

"I'll walk you back," Kris says as he stands up and I shake my head.

"'You don't have to. Just stay here."

"No, it's fine. I was getting ready to leave anyways," Kris insists and I just sigh. We both leave the bar and start walking back to the hotel. It's quiet for a few minutes before Kris breaks the ice, "Sorry for asking, but who was that guy?"

"My ex from college. We tried staying together after, but it just wasn't working," I explain and he furrows his brow.

"Really? It looked like there's more to it than just that."

"What makes you think that?"

"Him being there apparently upset you enough to the point of leaving. I feel like it's more than just 'things weren't working out."

"It's just..." I sigh and look up at him, "It's a long story."

"I have time." I just shake my head and don't say anything else. I'm not in the mood to try and explain what Brendon and I had right now and I really hope Kris understands that.

We eventually make it back to the hotel after the rest of the walk there is silent. We board onto the elevator and he presses the 5th floor and the doors close. Even though I keep my head down, I notice Kris briefly stare at me a few times until the doors open again and I follow behind Kris as he steps off the elevator. Before walking to his room, he turns to me, "I don't know what it is that happened between you and that guy, but don't go if it makes you that uncomfortable."

"Goodnight, Kris," I mumble, staring down at the floor and we both walk off in our opposite directions.

why do i make it seem like they're always going to bars

lol but anyways

this is at 1k reads !!! honestly i have no idea how this happened and i never thought i'd even get 10 reads so thank you for sticking with me and my shitty writing

the nl lost the all star game but im so so proud of all the cubs all stars ❤️💙

also i have a jonathan toews fic published so if you're into hockey then you should go and check that out;)))

sorry this is kinda short but i needed to get an update out. and this was kind of just a filler chapter but vote, comment, have a good day !!

wonderwall ♔ k. bryantWhere stories live. Discover now