Chapter 29

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Percy's Point of view

I was just about to head to my next lesson with Apollo; I will just say that I'm not really looking forward to it, especially since I assumed that we would be doing archery again.  Also, things were a lot more awkward between me and Apollo ever since he and Hermes crashed my date with Amber.  When we were around anyone else we did our best to hide it but when it was just us, well you get the idea.

When I got to his palace he met me at the door and led me to the same room as the day before. I groaned and he chuckled I said, "Why don't we just give up Apollo, it's obvious that I am no good at archery." 

instead of answering my question he said, "I spoke to your father, he suggested that you try using a bow with a connection to the sea. No sword felt right in your hands until you got Riptide am I right?" 

"True," I admitted.

When I had first arrived at camp half-blood none of the swords felt right in my hands, and then Chiron had given me riptide, it had been the first sword that felt right in my hand. I suppose I could be having the same problem with bows.  Apollo spoke again he said, "your father gave me this one for you to try," 

he handed me a bow, and I have to admit it was beautiful; it was a combination of sea green and gold.  Then Apollo handed me a quiver of arrows that had the same design as the bow.  After he had passed me the quiver of arrows I expected him to step behind me and tell to try it but instead he glanced at the bow and quiver that I now held and then he complained "Cuz you're stealing my colour scheme,"

This just caused me to chuckle at him and then I said, "My shade of gold is a little darker than yours." 

he frowned but let it go and then he said, "give it a try"

After that, he stepped behind me making sure he was out of the way so I wouldn't accidentally shoot him with an arrow. 

I got ready to shoot, then I knocked an arrow, pulled back the string and then fired. I watched in surprise as the arrow looked to be flying in a straight path toward the target, but it seems my aim was a little off or something because the arrow just missed hitting the target. I just stood there for a moment surprised, but then I snapped out of it when Apollo stepped out from behind me to see the result of that shot. A look of surprise crossed his face when he saw where the arrow had landed.  I couldn't really blame him, the day before my arrows hadn't been landing anywhere near the target, and this time it had only missed by centimeters.

He corrected my stance and then told me to try again not bothering to go behind me. This time I hit the edge of the target. As the lesson went on he would get me to shoot, and then correct my errors, and it seemed that I improved a little with every shot. By the end of the lesson I hadn't gotten a bullseye but I was getting better.

I had learned that due to my being  the god of heroes I have more freedom when it comes to helping demigods, and visiting the camps, and I am still somewhat less restricted than the other gods when it comes to any demigod  children I might have in the future. I am also the first god to hear the prayers of demigods but I would only hear them if they were praying to me or to the gods in general, I wouldn't hear them if they were praying to their godly parent.

At this morning's council meeting we had decided that I would visit camp Jupiter and see if they had found the person who had attacked me. My dad had been against it But the rest of the council had managed to convince him that I could take care of myself.

I had kind of wanted to see if Reyna had figured out any of her new powers, to be honest I wasn't even sure what she would get when I blessed her.  I guess that we'll find out. I teleported to camp Jupiter and reappeared in the principia scaring Frank and Reyna half out of their wits. I couldn't help but laugh. Now you might think that I would be laughing my podex off but being in my Roman form made me a bit more serious, so I wasn't laughing that hard.  

I think the two Praetors were a little annoyed that I'd scared them but they hid it well.  They bowed and then asked, "Lord Perseus what brings you here?"

 In response, I said, "The council and I were wondering if you have made any progress in finding out who threw that pilum?" they exchanged glances and then said, "We questioned the entire third cohort, none of them had anything to do with it. They were all telling the truth."

 This caused me to frown. I thought for a moment and then I said, "the culprit must have swapped their pilum with one from the third cohort in order to keep our suspicions off them." 

"What will we do now?" frank asked, "We can't question every cohort?" 

I thought for a moment and then I thought of something. My loyalty and heroes domains, I could use my powers to see where everyone's loyalties lie, and if I find one that seems odd I can use my powers over heroes to find out more about the person. I would prefer not to have to resort to this but we may not have a choice, what Frank and Reyna don't know  is that we will be revealing piper the end of next week and we don't want  another attack then. I look at Frank and Reyna and then I explain my idea. I explain that I would rather not resort to such methods but we may not have a choice.

In the end, they agreed  not arguing  too much. That might have something to do with the fact that I'm a god  now even though I haven't changed much. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the many people in the camp both legionaries and veterans.  But before I got any further I realized that it would probably be best if I discussed my plan with the council before putting it into action.  I explained to frank and Reyna that I felt it would be best if I discussed my plan with the council first and that I would be back soon to let them know what we had decided, And to possibly put my plan into action.  I teleported to the throne room to see if anyone was there, I also returned to my Greek form. When I arrived in the throne room   Zeus was sitting on his throne.  I said, "Lord Zeus would you summon the council?"

 "What do you wish to discuss?" he asked. 

In response, I said, "I just came from Camp Jupiter; they haven't found the person who threw the pilum.I thought about what we could do to find the person sooner and came up with a plan that should work but some of you may not like it since it would be a breach of the campers' privacy. To be honest, I don't really like it either, but I believe we have no choice." 

 Zeus seemed to think for a moment, and then said, "very well I will summon the council, and then you will explain this plan."

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