Chapter 46

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Percy's Point of view

We were both pretty upset at this point, but she said, "Even though you won't be here when our child is born, you are still their father, so you deserve a say in what our child's name will be. What should I name our child?"

In truth, I had thought of a couple names but it didn't seem right for me to push them on her and then leave. Since she asked though I told her. I said, "If it's a girl Silena Zoe, for a boy name him Luke Charles."

"Those are nice names, but why did you pick them?" she asked.

I answered, "Do you remember that I told you a while ago that six years ago the Titans tried to retake control of the world, but we defeated them."

She nodded and I continued. "Well, all of those names were the names of friends of mine that died in order to defeat the Titans, they all died heroes."

As I said that I wasn't really looking at her, I was remembering them all. Luke, Beckendorf, Silena, Zoe, and everyone else we lost in that war.

After those thoughts left my mind I said, "Please remember that I'm not doing this today to hurt you, nor am I doing it because I don't love you. I'm doing it to protect you."

I could tell that she was trying to keep in her tears until I left, but a few managed to escape, and I gently wiped them away. Just like she was, I was fighting off my own tears. I continued and said, "I want nothing more than to stay with you, but I can't. I'm sorry."

I gave her one final kiss, before leaving her for who knows how many years.

Several months later (still Percy's pov)

Somehow I managed to keep the fact that I am a father to myself for this long. I know I'm not supposed to, but I plan on visiting my son tonight. Yes turns out that Amber had a boy, how do I know that you might ask, well even though I ended things with her a while ago I have continued to watch her from a distance. I know that might sound creepy, but I was just concerned about her and our Son.

I don't want to visit him during the day since I know that it would only upset us both If I saw Amber while I was there since I still loved Amber and probably always will. Besides, I need to see my Son at least once before I completely disappear out of his life. Staying away from Amber has been one of the hardest things I have ever done, but staying away from her and my only son will be even harder. Gods and I thought ending things with Amber was hard enough, this will be torture. When the time came for me to go see my son I didn't waste any time. I appeared in the room that used to be Amber's office but she had moved her Computer into her room to make room for Luke. Yes, she accepted the name I suggested; his name is Luke Charles Smith. I looked down at my son who was sleeping silently in his crib it seems that he would eventually have my black hair since you could already see traces of it on his head. I knew that looking at him wasn't quite enough though. I reached down and carefully picked him up, but that woke him up I was surprised when he didn't cry he just looked up at me quietly without making a sound.

Looking down at him a smile formed on my face. He had the blue eyes that most newborns have, in time he may get my eyes as well, it really didn't matter to me what he looked like. The moment I had laid eyes on him I knew that I would do everything I could to keep him safe for as long as possible. I loved him more than I had ever loved anything else, and that was saying something since before I saw my son Amber was the one I loved more than anything else, and I knew that I would do everything I could to protect both of them. Unlike a certain goddess of marriage, I didn't care what my son looked like, I would have loved him either way.

If he does get my eyes, gold with flecks of sea green, I am guessing that when he grows up he would probably be the spitting image of me. I held him like that for a while, just holding him and looking down at him with a smile planted on my face, while he looked right back at me. I held him close to me and he grabbed at my shirt and made sounds of happiness, but I pried his small fingers off it and he instead grabbed one of my fingers. I carefully pulled it out of his grasp. Huh, for a baby he has a strong grip.

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