Chapter 36

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Percy's point of view

Today we are revealing Piper to the camps. Unlike the last time we are going to camp Jupiter first instead of Camp Half Blood. There wasn't any real reason for this; the plan was that since Camp Jupiter was now used to my visits I would arrive first and get the Legion to assemble on the field of mars as they had when I was revealed. The fact that Jason was already at camp Jupiter would only help me unless he had let the news slip, but as far as we knew both camps were still unaware of Piper's ascension to godhood.

When it was time I teleported to Camp Jupiter for once I didn't scare Frank and Reyna. I told them what to do and then headed to the field of Mars. Once the Legion had assembled I chatted with Jason, Frank, Reyna and Hazel for a bit until the rest of the gods arrived and then I had to take my place among them.

Zeus explained why we were there without interruption this time and the campers were shocked when we revealed Piper, many looks were directed at Jason as if the campers were wondering why he hadn't told them. Piper and I talked to the campers for a minute before heading to Camp Half Blood. Let me rephrase that Piper spent most of her time with Jason. When we got to Camp Half Blood I took my place among the gods.

The campers were gathered near the dining pavilion I looked out into the crowd of Demigods and spotted some of my friends including Nico, Leo, Connor, Travis, Will, and Grover along with many others. I also spotted Christina. I'm going to stay at camp for the rest of the day until we know if Ares is going to claim Christina or not. Ever since she got to camp Christina has been staying in Hestia's cabin, since she hasn't been claimed yet.

The reason for that is after Hestia got her throne back she also got an honorary cabin at camp, but she decided to allow the unclaimed campers to use it instead of the Hermes cabin. Hermes has enough kids of his own without adding the unclaimed campers to his cabin. Once again the campers were shocked by Piper becoming a goddess after that the other gods left Piper and I to do what we wanted.

After they were gone I went off to find Christina, I wanted to see how she liked camp so far. After I spoke to her I talked to some of my friends.  After that I walked down to the beach and sat there for a while just thinking about everything that had happened recently and basically everything that was on my mind.

Annabeth's point of view

I couldn't believe that they made Piper a goddess it should be me in her place; she hasn't done nearly as much as I have for the gods. They should have made me the new goddess. Sure she helped on the quest to defeat the giants but she still hasn't done nearly as much as I have. This made me angry I'm a daughter of Athena with my mom on Percy's side I must be the smartest person there is maybe there is a way I can get them to see sense.

I was wandering thorough the camp when I saw Percy sitting on the beach quietly. I walked over to him and once again tried to get him to forgive me and give me another chance but this attempt ended the same way as the others, except this time he must have been angrier than any of the other times because he made a huge wave that threatened to crash down on top of me until I ran off. I went back to my cabin and cried.

At this point I'm not sure what I'm going to do I want Percy back but he obviously doesn't want me. I need to do something, I don't want to be miserable my whole life don't know what to do, Percy doesn't want me, everyone at camp shuns me, most of the gods hate me. I need to come up with a plan I can't just sit here and mope about it, ugh but what will I do? Aphrodite why do you have to make this so difficult?

Christina's point of view

I'm really starting to get worried, when Percy brought me here he said that my father should claim me but I have heard nothing from him. When I asked some of the other campers they said that my father should have claimed me already. Why hasn't he? Does he not know about me? Or does he know about me but he just doesn't care.

After the campfire was over with still no signs from my father I started walking toward the cabin where I had stayed since I got here. I had been told that once my father claimed me I would be moved to his cabin but at this point I was wondering if he would claim me at all. I heard someone else walking behind me at first I assumed that it was just another camper headed to their cabin but when the person caught up to me I realized that it was Percy.

He walked along with me until we reached Hestia's cabin. Once we got there I turned to him and asked, "will my father ever claim me?" I'm sure I sounded whiny but I had just lost my mother two weeks ago, so unless my dad claims me I basically have no parents. He sighed before answering which worried me. I got the feeling that I'm not going to like what he tells me.

He finally said, "I wish I didn't have to tell you this but your father seems to be pretending that you don't exist, I fear he has no intention of claiming you." My face fell when he said that. So my father knows about me but he just doesn't care. Percy continued speaking he said "That's why I came to ask you something, do you want me to adopt you?" he asked with a hopeful expression on his face.

I have to admit I was shocked by his question. Percy seemed like a really nice guy, he had told me about my parentage, brought me to camp which was beginning to seem like home, and ever since he had brought me here he had come to see me and asked how I was liking it here. He really seemed to care about me even though we had just met four days ago.

And then I thought about my current father, whoever he is, Percy had said that he thinks that my father has no intentions of claiming me as his daughter. He had no problem impregnating my mother; now that I am at camp he completely ignores me. After I had considered this the choice was rather obvious. Obviously I want a parent who actually cares about me and so far Percy had been nothing but nice to me. The decision made I said, "Yes I want you to adopt me."

After I said, that Percy smiled. Then he gently put his hand on my forehead and I felt a rush of power go through me. When he removed his hand he said, "I will claim you as my daughter tomorrow morning at breakfast, now you should get some sleep you have your first sword lesson tomorrow don't you?" I sighed and nodded. He just adopted me and he's already acting like a parent. I walked into the cabin and then quickly looked out of one of the windows; my new dad was already gone.

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