Chapter Two

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Ellie's POV

I was standing in front of the living room trying to find a place to sit down, but sadly there were not any opening places. You're crazy El get your emotions in check. My brain said. As I slowly analyzed the room trying to find Cassie throughout the herds of people. Until finally someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around I seeing Eric Turner, he as the most hottest guy in school everyone fell into his dashing good looks and charming language of speech. Supposably... My mind chirped. Looking at him closely he was wearing a dark blue Aeropostale T-shirt that tightly hugged his well toned upper body, black skinny jeans, and black Nike shoes. Eric had short blonde hair, blue eyes, light complexion, a well fitted body because he was a football player, and most of all his dashing killer smile that curved around his slim, but muscular cheekbones. Martin's so much more attractive... My head said.
"Take a picture sweetheart it lasts longer." Eric said as he smirked at me.
I rolled my eyes and completely ignored him walking toward Cassie as she began dirty dancing with this one really cute guy.
"Hey are you just going to completely and utterly ignore me?"
Eric shouted through the loud booming music. I kept walking though pretending that his efforts to try to talk louder than the music failed. The thing was I should of turned around when I had the chance because right when I was about to reach the distracted Cassie my arm was yanked back and Eric stood there and pulled me into a forceful kiss. There were gasps and even pure screams from everyone in the room and even the music stopped. Eric began bitting my lips asking for an entrance, but I would not let him in. This was my first kiss and it was not something I wanted to give away to some crazy hormonal beasturd that could not keep his Little Eric in the clothing. I began pushing him from his chest with both my hands, but failed only to feel his pecks flex and his muscles harden in my hands. Then I started to think plan b, I lifted my leg and wrapped it around one of his and took the other leg and slowly lifted it to make it look like I as going to straddle onto him and I used that leg to kick his little friend. He yelped in pain as he fell to the ground cupping his hands around his precious area.
"The next time you get any nerve to touch me again! I'll make sure you have no kids!"
I shouted as I stormed out the door ignoring everyone's death glares and curses about how the guy on the ground didn't deserve what I put him through. Seriously now I was the one that got forced to kiss!? I yelled in my head and I walked outside opening my purse to find Rain's keys in my purse. She left these here for me so I could leave! I said in my head. I knew then that Rain still did care for me and she must have slipped it in secretly when me and Cassie were having a complete stare down on one another earlier at the party. Holding onto both my arms I shivered walking to the black Porsche that was parked pretty far away from the house; no I mean mansion. I think I was halfway there when I saw Liam Winters. Liam Winters was this guy in my calculus class that sat right behind me. He had short light brown curly hair, light brown eyes, a light tan, and cute little lips. Unlike Martin and Eric, Liam was sweeter and more respectful. Liam was 6', skinny, and most of all... He was my crush.
"Hey Ellie!"
Liam said smiling warmly at me even though the harsh cold weather was making it difficult to show any emotion. I tried to say hi, but my body began to feel stiff and I could not feel my body anymore. The only thing I remember was seeing darkness and feeling warmth radiate on my frozen skin.


Hahahaha!! Cliff hanger!! Sorry friends that it's so short! Now you're going to have to wait and see what happens to poor old Ellie?

How do you feel about Eric?
How do you feel about Liam?
Where was Martin in all of this?
Who are you rooting for huh?

Please comment, vote, and share!!:))

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