Chapter Six

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Ellie's POV

I fidgeted in the cream colored seat as Liam stared intensely at me.
"Cassie wanted me to go to the party... I wasn't planning to go until Rain texted me after school. Rain really wanted me to go.. But I told her I had nothing to wear. Rain said Cassie got me a dress and that it would be at my house when I got home. I got home and tried to tell my parents that Rain and I were having a cram for exams... since winter break was coming soon... I should of known they wouldn't allow me."
I said tearing up and shaking my head.
"My parents have always been over protective and overbearing parents, I got yelled at. Now I see why. I've caused you trouble... I'm no good."
Liam said holding my hand,
"You're not trouble if this didn't happen I would of never got to see you or even..."
Looking into his eyes all I saw was sincerity, no pity, no guilt, I was happy.
"Sorry. Where was I? Oh yeah. I got upset because I couldn't go anywhere or somewhere with anyone, it was only family. So I grabbed my purse and went upstairs furious. My sister Illyium knew that I really needed to go so she said she'd covered for me. So I texted Rain to meet me in my back yard while I got dressed into that outfit Cassie picked for me. Once I saw her outside on my backyard I dropped my purse so she could catch it, put on my coat and hopped out the window. After that Rain and I booked it!"
I said laughing at the end. Liam just laughed with me saying,
"Wow! You just dipped like that! Girl how high was your window?!"
I tried regaining my breath to speak, but only laughter kept escaping my mouth. Finally I calmed my giggles down and said,
"It wasn't that high off the ground so it wasn't that bad. Then we ran all the way to Rain's car which wasn't that far off from my house and drove off to the party. I met Cassia there and she forced me to take my jacket off and I got mad, but took it off anyways. Then started walking into a hallway where I found the kitchen. I tried fixing my dress and Martin commented on how the dress wasn't going to get any lower..."
I saw Liam's face tighten and I touched his forehead with my index finger and said,
"You look better when you smile."
Then Liam's face loosened up into a light smile and I started again,
"So he tried to flirt with me and I ignored him and tried to find some water and he told me there wasn't any till I found some in the fridge. Right when I was about to drink it he snatched it from my hands and when it was almost done he gave it back to me. Calling him a beasturd. Sadly... I said it out loud instead of in my mind... That's when I walked out the kitchen and I saw Cassie in the living room dancing with this super fine Asian guy and as I walked up to them someone grabbed me by the arm. Then when I turned around I saw Eric and he kissed me..."
I broke at the last part and Liam pulled me into him and I felt his warmth spread around my body as I sat in his lap cuddling into his chest. I gained my composure and said,
"I couldn't pull out so I pretended I wanted to straddle him and I kicked him in that area. Then he cried like a baby and I yelled at him and ran out the house and that's how I saw you. Crazy right? I went to my first party and all this happens to me. Karma is a witch sometimes huh?"
Liam just sat there silently processing everything and rubbed my back in a comforting motion. After he processing everything he set his forehead on mine and he closed his eyes. On instinct I did as well and soon everything was silent. The only thing we could hear was each other's breathing. As I squirmed closer to him I felt his heartbeat on mine and that's when I realized our heartbeats matched. Almost opening my eyes to look at him he leaned in but hesitated.
And that's all it took to kiss me! I hesitated at first but we started slow and then it escalated. He placed his hands on my lower back and pulled me in closer, my hands went up to his soft curly light brown hair while I pulled his head closer to mine. This felt right, this kiss meant the world to me, out of everything that happened to me this was the best part. When he pulled away from me I let out a little whimper and I pouted my lips. Liam laughed and I just crossed my arms over my chest and stared at him, my body felt cold. Almost as if something was missing, my body longed to be with his. Liam stopped laughing and pulled me closer to his chest making my muscles relax and my breathing calm.
"I'm sorry, but I'm not allowed to attack you because I don't want to get in trouble with your little sister. I proimsed her to go on your pace. A promise is a promise and I'm a man of my word Ellie."
I lifted my head up from his neck and nodded slowly. Liam pulled me in and I didn't mind because I was basking the moment of being close to him. What I failed to realize though is  I fell asleep in his arms.

Liam's POV

Ellie was finally going to tell me what happened. My mind raced with all these crazy thoughts, Was she raped? Did someone hurt her? Someone tried to do something to her didn't they! I'm so going to make them pay! Wait what's happening to me? Why am I getting so possessive over her? She told me everything from jumping out the window to Eric kissing her. My body tensed up a couple times and I felt this rage take over, but right when Ellie stopped to bring me out of lala land I loosened up. She even allowed me to seat her on my lap and I hold her so close. When she was next to me I felt whole, I felt so complete; it was so right. My instincts kicked in and I kissed her. My mind jumped for joy, but I remembered that promise with Illyium and I tried to stop, but she responded back to me. She kissed me back! I screamed in my mind. My body started to heat up and I pulled her into me and she wrapped her hands in my hair pulling my head closer to her's. Then things started to get a little hot from there and I could no longer help myself because my instincts were took over. Luckily I stopped myself and when I did Ellie pouted and crossed her arms over her chest, which didn't help me because it only emphasized her breast even more. This action made me crave her body being close to mine again. I laughed and told her the promise I made with her sister and she just slowly nodded her head still looking upset. So I pulled her in closer and she melted into me and little did I know she fell asleep. I chuckled to myself lightly and I picked her up bridal style. Lightly settling her in the covers when my door quietly clicked open. My father and mother slowly crept in as I sat on the other side of the bed opposite of Ellie rubbing her forehead admiring her in her sleep.
"You must really love her don't you son?"
My dad said.
I looked at Ellie and then back at my dad and said,
"Yeah dad honestly I do. I love her..."
"I can see that son... Take care of her she's not like the other girls you've dated before I'm surprised!"
He said in amazement.
I nodded my head and watched Ellie sleep.
"Liam. I really like her a lot! I want you to take care of that little girl alright!"
My mother said quietly.
I nodded my head and thanked them for helping me with everything and thought wait what are they doing here?
"Hey mom, dad no offense, but why are you here?"
I said.
My parents giggled quietly together and eyed me then Ellie.
My father started off quietly ruffling his hand through his hair.
"We kinda... Wanted to check on you two and over heard the whole conversation with Ellie and we saw you guys..."
"Kinda break out in horo..."
They both said while looking at Ellie.
I sat on the bed gawking at my parents. Like honestly! My parents were embarrassed about what happened between me and Ellie? My parents walked in on me and another girl about to strip each other down and they chased her out like no tomorrow! But... Hey now! Don't get me wrong! I'm still a virgin alright! And I am not. Let me repeat this again I am not a player!
"So...." I trailed off, "You heard and saw everything?"
They both nodded like children about to get scolded on because they invaded their child's private time, but instead I just started busting out laughing. My dad hopped over the bed and covered my mouth like he knew I was going to bust out in laughter.
My mom said quietly and I nodded my head stifling the laughter until I saw Ellie squirm in the bed. I jumped in the covers and held her close to my body while she sighed and steadily fell back asleep.
"Alright thanks mom and dad again. Don't worry about the whole peeping thing I don't mind I would of eventually told you anyways. Thanks for begin honest with me and I see you guys are going to be heading out?"
I asked curiously.
"Oh yeah!" my mother said clapping her hands together.
"We're going to another grand opening for our new movie."
My father said.
I nodded my head quietly and I laughed at them,
"Well better start going now because you guys still have to get prepped and groomed."
They nodded and left the room closing the door behind them. Then I heard their foot steps going down the stairs and into the kitchen and then out the door. I loved how Ellie just completely used me as a pillow as she leaned her head on my chest and wrapped her arms around my stomach. When I looked down at her she was smiling. I touched her face and realized she smiled even bigger when I poked her in her sleep. What are you dreaming about Ellie? Then I leaned in and kissed her forehead resting my face on the top of her head and fell asleep peacefully.


Hey friends!!:)) I hoped you enjoyed the chapter!!:)) Thanks for reading!:))


Aren't Liam's parents adorable?
What about Ellie and Liam's first kiss huh?
Is Liam getting overprotective of Ellie?

Please vote, comment, and share!:))

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