Chapter Ten

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Woahhh FRIENDS!!:)) 100 reads!!:)) I'm super happy!!:)) Thanks friends for sticking with this story!!:)) I hope you'll like this chapter!:)) Well I'll try and fix the errors ASAP!! So bare with them for now! Thanks FRIENDS!!!:D ENJOY!:)))


Ellie's POV

I told them everything about my whole entire high school year to be more precise... It wasn't all that interesting or amazing, but Lilianna, Greg, and Eric listened so attentively and added their two senses in only a few times and I didn't mind. After I finished they all nodded their heads and looked deeply at me.
"Ellie... No one can know where you are not even Rain or Cassie."
Eric said.
It pained me to not be able to talk to my best friends, it hurt me to have to leave, and not be able to be at my parents burial, but I knew my parents would want me safe and I knew that I wanted Liam safe. So I had to do this. It's now or never.
"Just to inform that you need a new identity and everything. We will fix this easily!"
Greg said and Lilianna clapped her hands together saying,
"Shopping time!"
I tilted my head slowly to the left saying,
"Shopping why?"
Lilianna shook her head and said,
"Tsk, tsk, tsk! You can't look like you anymore Ellie. In order to be safe you need to change everything."
"But the personality?"
I said.
"But the personality."
Lilianna sighed.
I nodded my head and they helped me out of bed and I got ready and went off to the mall while Eric and Greg went to prepare the paper work for my departure and new-so-called-identity.

5 hours later (Still Ellie's POV)

"Bye everyone!"
I said smiling.
"Bye El... We mean Lessia!"
Greg and Lilianna said as they hugged me tightly and steadily.
"We'll check on you twice very month! The first and last week of the month to be exact! We'll come for the weekend and don't worry anything! Everything's settled, school, food, money, name, and etc. I'm sure going to miss you!"
Lilianna said while Greg held onto the little group hug we had. When they released me I was gasping for air and when I finally had enough air in my system Eric walked up to me and hugged me saying,
"Take care. I'll be visiting you often alright. Don't be surprised at my actions if I just start living with you alright?"
I nodded and laughed at the last part me said,
"Alright I'll..."
Before I could finish the intercom came in saying,
"Plane 301 going to Milwaukee, Wisconsin is taking off in thirty minutes please check in with the attendant to verify your flight..."
Then it kept going on and in about the other flights.
Everyone looked down at the ground and I pulled Greg and Lilianna into one last hug and thanked them for everything they've done for me and they just said,
"Anytime! You're like the daughter we've always longed to have Lessia!"
I shook my head in a up and down movement wiping the tears away from my face.
"I'll walk you to the attendant."
Eric said walking in front of me lightly holding my wrists and pulling me along playfully. Honestly Eric was like the older either I've always wanted or what I've always wished of having.
Eric said.
"You mean Lessia?"
I said.
He coughed and fake laughed saying,
"Yeah Lessia! Sorry... I just wanted to say something to you..."
"I'm sorry...."
"For what?"
"For taking your kiss and being a douche to all those girls that I've dated and dumped and slept with El.. I mean Lessia. Like that night when you rejected me I realized what an ass I was and how I'm going to wait until marriage to finally sleep with another girl. I've grown very protective of you El... Sorry... Lessia because you've changed me for the better."
"Eric! That's great! You were a douche at first, but honestly you're actually not that bad you're actually like the brother I never had and always wanted."
"Ewww! So like I kissed my sister! Sickkk!!"
I punched Eric's shoulder with a little force and said,
Eric laughed and hugged me tightly saying,
"Lessia... Be safe call me very night before you go to sleep. I don't care about the time zone crap! Just do it alright EVERY night OKAY?"
I nodded my head and said,
"It sounded more like a demand than a question Eric!"
Eric too nodded his head and said,
"It was. If you don't call me you'll regret it alright?!"
I laughed and slowly reached into my purse and grabbed six little gifts out if my purse and gave then to Eric. Eric looked down into his hands and gave me a questionable brow look.
"These are for us?"
I said smiling from ear to ear.
"Can I open it?"
"Of course!"
Eric opened my gift to him and saw a football grip gloves that were signed and autographed by the Steelers Quarter back. His eyes opened wide and his mouth dropped.
"No way! Lessia seriously! oh my goodness you don't know how much I love this guy!! No homo!! But seriously!! He's like A SAINT!"
I chuckled at his thought and said,
"I know that's why I got it for you silly! I kinda sorta asked Lilianna about you guys while we were shopping and bought some things while she wasn't looking and slipped the gifts into my shopping bags."
Eric laughed and said,
"Wow Lessia! You're a ninja!"
I huffed and crossed my arms pouting my face,
"Hey that's racist! I'm Asian what do you expect!"
"Wow Lessia I know you're Asian kinda hard to... Ah miss, but thanks Lessia! I really mean it!"
He said pulling into another bone crushing hug. Me and Eric started getting states at people and whispers.
"Ahh.. Eric... People are getting a little curious and I'm trying to run away so I'll be going now!"
I said sadly.
Eric trailed off and released me,
"But don't forget to call every night and I'll come see you often alright!"
"Alright Eric... Don't forget to give the gifts to everyone and Eric?"
"Yeah Lessia?"
"Keep Liam safe..."
"All the time See! (Lessia)"
I nodded and handed the girl my ticket and she checked it and scanned the contents then told me where to go and how to get there I nodded my head as I saw her catching glances at Eric every now and then, but Eric no longer cared for the attention of the girls. Once she finished I gave one last look of my home and I walked into the port and whispered to myself,
"Let's start a new life shall we?"

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