Chapter Twenty Six

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The MOMENT OF TRUTH! WHO GOT SHOT! GOODNESS! I'll try and fix the errors ASAP! Enjoy your read loves!:))


Ellie's POV


I slowly lifted my head and relapsed my hands from my belly and Liam's face looked pained. All the color drained from my face. No! No way! This is not happening!
I shouted and Martin was standing a few feet away from me laughing as he held onto the gun.
I checked the wound and blood continued to pour out of the wound uncontrollably.
"Baby.. Please don't leave me!"
Liam said as his breathing was shortening,
"Name them... Tidus Hudson Winters... And the girl... Lisa Emery Winters..."
My face brightened at the names that he gave them and my heart skipped a beat. He thought of names! I held onto my babies as Martin slowly made his way to Liam cranking his gun.
"Any last words Liam? Before I kill your sorry ass?"
Liam coughed out blood while holding onto his wound laughing saying,
"Hell no! Go to hell Martin!"
Then Martin laughed. Right when he was about to pull the trigger he stopped all of a sudden and he fell face forward and the police rushed in and took Martin away. It looked as if he was drugged from a sleeping bullet or like something of that nature. While some of the police took Dr. Kim's lifeless body away and the stretcher came out and they took Tristien away.
"Dr. Lessia..."
One of the cops said and I looked up to him and he smiled lightly at me I slowly cowered into the wall and held onto my babies for dear life. At this point in my life I couldn't trust anyone. The cop gave me a sympathetic smile saying,
"We need to get you to an ambulance not only you, but Liam too."
I slowly held onto Liam's hand checking for a pulse. The pulse was there, but it was fairly faint. I nodded my head cautiously watching him and stood up as they took us to the hospital.

Liam's POV

I was zoning in and out of consciousness. All I heard were slurred words and the only ones I could make out were dying! Hurry! Okay! Faith!
I whispered and I was out.
"Hey Liam..."
I turned my head and I saw Granps standing there smiling at me.
"Granps! Oh my goodness! Where am I?"
"Liam... You're... You're... Dead...."
I stopped walking towards my grandpa and fell straight on the floor. I never got to tell my wife I loved her! I never got to tell my wife how much I love my little ones! I never get to walk my baby girl down the aisle and chase away all the boys she brings home with a shotgun! I never got to tell my son I was proud of him for being able to ride his bike, take his first step, find his first girl, and teach my kids how to love your spouse.
"I can't be dead Gramps! I can't! I have so much to do, to say, I can't leave like this! I'm fucking 26 years old for crying out loud!"
My grandpa made a sad face and shook his head saying,
"Lee.. I'm sorry you're not going to be able to go back...."
Tears fell and I didn't care to stop them. My tears fell and I wept for what felt like hours, but really it was only a few minutes. I sat on the white ground and looked up towards the white ceiling. The whole place was white. I was practically in an all white place.
"God! Can you hear me!"
I shouted at the air.
Breathing again I said,
"Please let me tell my wife I love her and my kids to be a great role model for mommy! Please God!"
My grandpa came next to me and gave me a shoulder hug and helped me up.
"For you my son. Then you can go home."
A strong, powerful, but loving voice said.
Then I was sent down to earth again. I was in the operation room and I could hear the doctors trying to figure out a way to tell Ellie I passed without giving her too much emotional hurt because she did just give birth six hours ago. I couldn't smell nor could they see me and as they walked it of the operation room I saw Ellie standing there with a helpless look in her eyes as the doctors came out to deliver the horrid news.

Ellie's POV

"Before we speak we'd like you to know we have good news and we have a bad news. Which one do you want to know or hear first?"
I looked into their eyes and saw truth. I slowly looked at my little ones in Pete's and Jenny's arms and rubbed my arms saying,
"The bad news first."
Eric walked up behind me and slowly stood next to me.
The doctors all looked at each other and took a deep breath in saying,
"I'm sorry he's... Dead..."
My world went dark. My face fell. I dropped to the floor and wept. I had no mom, dad, Illyium, or Liam. Death plagued me like it always did. Whenever I was happy something near to me was taken away. Jenny and Pete held into Tidus and Lisa looking at me with worried eyes. Eric luckily caught me on time and Shelly ran to engulfed me in a hug that was direly needed.
"Why Ric! Why! Why does everyone around me die! If anyone of you guys die I'm going to break!"
"Well Ellie... I'm going to have to be a vampire for you then because I'm going to die from old age sooner or later."
Shelly smacked Eric's shoulder and Eric hissed while I laughed at his little joke.
The doctors looked at me with much compassion and continued on,
"Now for the good news. Before he died... His last breath.... He said your name... And during the operation he was slowly trying to talk. We got out Eric, keep, safe, Ellie, love, and babies."
I smiled and thanked the doctors for their efforts and hugged each and every one of them.
All the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Everyone's face looked stunned at whatever was right in front of them. My back was faced away from whatever was behind me so when I turned around I didn't even need to know or see who it was because I already knew it was Liam. I jumped on him so fast I swore I could've got whiplashed.
"You're alive! See I knew you weren't dead! I knew you'd come back for me I love you so much Liam... You don't know..."
Liam slowly set me down and looked like he was mulling over on what to tell me. I noticed his eyes were focused on someone behind me so I turned around and saw Eric there staring back at Liam. It was as if they were having a internal communication with one another, but it was cut when I placed my hand on his cheek and turned his head towards me saying,
"Baby... What's wrong?"
Liam stood there and hugged me crying.
"Ah yes?"
I said as I turned around seeing two doctors one make and female.
"I need you to go over these birth rights and name your kids."
The doctor said as he stood there with the papers in his hand.
"And who are you talking to by the way?"
I gave the female doctor a very confused look and said,
"I'm talking to Liam? You don't see him?"
The doctor shook his head in disagreement and said,
"Now I need both the mother and father to sign here and name the kids and you need to..."
"Okay... I know what to do."
Then the doctors sighed in defeat then left and I turned back to Liam and the smell of the hospital hit me.
"You're seriously going to leave me officially aren't you Lee?"
Liam shook his head just like the doctor did and said,
"I'll always watch over you Ellie... My beautiful Shortcake... I'm just here to say goodbye... God gave me just that much... Tell Tidus that I said be strong and listen to mommy... And tell my beautiful baby girl Lisa that daddy's sorry he won't be able to walk you down the aisle, but tell her I would of been honored. Tell my baby girl to stay away from boys and listen to mommy. Tell my boy to treat women with respect. And finally that I love them both and that I'm sorry I couldn't be there to see them grow up, but it was time for daddy to go home with the angels now. Someone else is hoepfully gonna take my place."
I slowly nodded and cried holding him tight, but I knew deep, deep, down inside that no matter what I'd love Liam. Even if I was to remarry. He was and is and always will be my first love. As Jenny, Pete, Grams, and Eric came I released him from my tight grip to allow them the chance hug him goodbye and gave Liam the chance to see his little ones up close as I held them in my arms. Rain, Juan, Zac, and Shelly just stood a couple feet away and just waved. Tidus and Lisa looked at Liam and smiled.
"I love you two angels... Be good for mommy."
Then with that he kissed their little foreheads and vanished. I cried so bad that I swear my babies could feel the hurt and anguish my voice as I wept because they wept with me. Eric engulfed me in a hug while Shelly quietly took the babies away from me.
"Hey Ellie... At least he got to say goodbye okay... Please come on smile... You've got papers to sign.."
Eric said as he handed the papers to me.
I completed the papers and I loved how Liam was actually able to sign the papers and fill out his part of the paperwork to prove that he was the twins real father.
Eric held onto my shoulder and brought me to the little clinic. Eric was telling me to stay awake. I don't know why, but I could hear the insecurity and fear in his voice as he said it, but due to all the stress and heartache I blacked out. I blacked out to one thing. Liam Henry Winters... The love of my life, my first love, my protector, my sunshine, my life, my husband, my father to our little babies had died. And I was alone.


I'm sorry!!! Loves!! I had to do it!! >.< I was debating on whether or not he should of died and.... Liam just had to.... You'll understand soon! Just wait loves! I cried writing this chapter...

Please vote and comment friends!:)) I'd love to hear your opinions!!:))

Until next time my loves!!:))

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