Bonus Chapter 2

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Tidus POV

Eighteen years old


"Okay Mom! I'm heading out!"
I shouted outside from my bedroom door. Stomping was heard from the hallway and Evelyn my little sister came inside saying,
"Big brother Tie!!! Are you bringing me to the park?"
I laughed and nodded my head towards her and scooped her up saying,
"Put on your shoes and get a sweater on then we'll go to the park."
Evelyn smiled and clapped her hands running down the hall into the her own little room. Our family has grown immensely in the past fifteen years. There was me and Lisa; who are the oldest, eighteen, Danny, Dillan; who are the second and third oldest; they are fifteen years old, then Ryan who is next and he is ten, and lastly little Evelyn and she is four. My parents are still going strong and their love for one another has grown so much over the course of the last fifteen years. I desperately want that kind of love, but I know that finding your soul mate isn't as easy to find. I know who my father is. He is the great Liam Winters, he still is terribly missed by everyone including my mother, but we all know that God had a better path for him and we respect that. My mother and Eric love us unconditionally as if we were his own. He has practically raised us from newborns to where we are right now. I consider him a father and the best father one could possibly ask for.
"Big brother Tie! Are we leaving yet?"
Eve groaned.
I snapped out of my daze and nodded my head saying,
"Yes we are Eve shall we go?"
She said popping the "p."
As I got her seated in her booster seat I saw Lisa run out of her car in tears. I immediately told Eve to stay inside the car because it was big kid business.
"Lisa! What's going on?"
I shouted as I ran after her.
She took a left turn and bolted towards the fountain in the middle of our garden. I knew that something must of happened with her jerk face of a boyfriend Austin Parker.
"It's the dick! Isn't it?"
I said walking slowly behind her and wrapping her in a brotherly hug.
All she could do was nod her head and agree with me.
"Lisa I told you that he would just play you..."
Lisa turned around and held onto me saying,
"I know Tidus, but I loved him."
"Lisa. You don't know what love is. Not even I know what it is, but mom and dad? They know what love is and you can see it by the way they're around one another and the love that they've shown all of us and how their love grows stronger every anniversary, fight, argument, child, and moment that passes. If you want love wait."
"You know you sound like an old man right? One that's been dreaming about finding 'The One' you know?"
I chuckled at her lines and said,
"Come on I'm taking Eve to the park and you need to get out more instead of being tied down."
Lisa smiled and we walked into the car to drive Eve to the park.

Ten minutes later

"Yay! We're here!"
Eve shouted and sprinted out towards the play ground. Lisa and I just chuckled as we and sat down on the bench. We waited for Eve to either drag one of us into the sand box with her, protect her from the evil bugs, or swing her on the swing.
"You were right though Tie... About Austin. Everything about him."
Lisa said quietly.
"What's gotten you all shaken sis? You can tell me and trust me you know this Lisa."
"I know Tie... He... He... Tried to force me..."
"Force you to have sex with him!"
I whisper shouted.
Lisa started to ball her eyes out again and I wrapped my arms around her and told her that everything was gonna be alright because I would for sure kick his ass for hurting my little sister! This ass just thinks he can get away with this.
"I'm telling dad."
Was all I said before I dialed him up.
"Yeah son what's up?"
"Nothing much just wondering what you're doing right now you know?"
"Well I'm in a big meeting with the high school about getting the CEO of the NBA to come and tour the school why?"
"The ass of a jerk Austin almost force Lisa to have sex with him! That bastard almost raped her!"
"Oh hell no! Where are you guys!"
"I'm at the park with Lisa and Eve. I caught Lisa running to the fountain when I was buckling Eve into the car seat and I didn't know what went on until now."
"Get home now I'm calling your mother."
"Okay dad bye."
"Bye son I love you all."
"We love you too."
I called Eve over and we all headed towards the car. The car ride was quiet and you could feel the tension rolling off my body at an insane rate. Eve did not even talk throughout the entire ride because of the tension. I felt so bad that I had to cut the park short, but dad said go home and home was where I was going. Once we pulled up to our house my mother was waiting there silently crying and we all rushed into her arms. We never got old enough for my mother's hugs. My mother didn't even look a day over thirty although she was actually forty.
"My babies. Lisa! Oh my goodness come here everyone inside okay!"
My mother rushed us inside the house and my father was standing there running to Lisa and holding her dearly saying,
"He's going to prison for this! For life actually! I don't care what is wrong with him he's going!"
"Dad. Why is that I still love him? What is love why can't I have what you have?"
My dad sighed and sat us all down even little Eve was sitting down listening attentively to my father speak.
"Sweetie that's not love. Love is something that your mother and I display to you on a daily basis and continue to show you constantly. You and Austin had a form of love, but it wasn't the love that will sustain you both, a love that is only made for your soulmate the one God has destined for you."
I saw my mom grab ahold onto my fathers hand and from the look in their eyes you could tell that it seemed like there was only the two of them in the room.
"Mom and dad thanks. I'm happy that you guys love me so much and I'll go to the police and testify. I don't want a crazy stalker on my hands."

I could see the shift in my mom's face from sadness to worry as Lisa said that and dad quickly said,
"He's already in jail. I brought him to the police personally myself."

I laughed at my father's statement and said,
"Dad one day I'm going to find my soulmate, but until then I'm waiting."
"That's the right way to go son."
Someone said and I turned around seeing Liam, my father, standing behind my mother holding lightly onto her shoulders and then disappeared.
"Thanks Dad."


Another little bonus about Tidus lol!!:) Any requests on a little bonus chapter?

Until next time loves!:)

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