Chapter Four

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Martin's POV (At the party)

My mind was racing with thoughts about Ellie as I stood there weighing the pros and cons. Chase her! My mind chanted continuously. My instincts kicked in. I bolted through the kitchen door, running through the hallway ignoring all the seductive glances and touches females gave me. As I reached the living room I heard screaming and hooting. I was confused because the loud music stopped booming through the house. What's going on? I thought, this has to be big in order for the music to stop. Right when I got there, I saw Eric kissing someone. Woah he made a move that quick already! No wonder everyone's so eager and curious! My mind laughed. Wait a minute that girl... the way her fingers looked, the curled hair, the beautiful tight black dress that hugged her body like second skin... ELLIE! Shit! I said inside my mind, does he not know she's mine! I saw the way he tried to deepen the kiss, but from what I could see she wasn't giving it to him. I stood there in complete shock as I saw her start to straddle his hip with one leg and slowly raise her other leg on his. Every guy slowed as her dress slowly rode up on her deliciously creamy tan thighs. Calm down little Martin! I told myself. Soon after I heard a loud scream and that snapped me out of my thoughts. Looking up I saw Ellie yelling at him and there was my buddy on the ground holding his precious babies. Shit! That's what you get for touching my girl! My mind screamed. I ran my hand through hair and right when I was about to approach the group she left. Ellie just ran out of the house. It looked as if she was going to break down in tears and I felt this tug in my heart, like I had to do something. I was just about to bolt to the door when someone grabbed my arm. Turning around I realized it was Brittney Golding, my.... girlfriend.

"Babe! I've been calling you for like ten minutes straight!"

She said in her annoying voice.

"Oh you were? Sorry I didn't hear you...."

I said looking at her.

Britt (Brittney) had chocolate colored skin, big circular brown eyes, small pink lips, a clear complexion, short black shoulder length hair, and was skinny like a tooth pick. She was wearing her skin tight gold dress with some black stilettos and a gold shoulder purse.

"Aww baby what's the matter! Come on let's go dance!"

She said squealing this time.

I just looked at the door for a couple more seconds weighing the pros and cons once again. Just leave the annoying girlfriend and go after Ellie! Dang she's out there alone with no coat.

"Baby.... Why aren't you coming to dance with me? What's so important out there that I have to stand here and look at you clueless!?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and said rubbing her arm reassuringly,

"No it's nothing... I'm just having a crazy day and I'm trying to get it out of my mind baby."

Yeah right you big fat liar! She's the best thing that fucking happened to you this whole entire day! More like this whole entire senior year so far! My head told me in a super obvious tone.

"Okay baby come on let's dance."

"Wait I need to talk to Eric first...."

"Baby why do you need to talk to Eric?"

"I just need to talk to him hold on."

I pushed her away as she stumbled a little and made a frustrated grunt at me. I didn't care I continued walking in front of the crowd. Eric finally getting up from his embarrassing outbreak when I wrapped my arm around his shoulder for a bro hug and he laughed. Eeryone took that as get back to what we were doing previously and continued as if nothing happened. The thing was Eric and I both knew that this was going to be the hottest gossip the world as ever known. We walked outside and I stood face to face with the man that tried to have a fucking making out session with Ellie.


Eric said quietly.


I said trying to sound normal like I always did when we talked.

"She kicked my balls man.... A GIRL fucking rejected me!"

He screamed throwing his hands in the air like a mad man.

Now that was my cue to start laughing and so I did I laughed my arse off.

"I know man I saw it."

"Bro.... I think she's fucking sexy! Did you see how she wrapped her leg around me! Bro do you know who she is?"

What? I said mentally, this dumb ass; no offense, but he's my bro so who cares? He didn't know it was fucking Ellie! Good cause it's gonna stay that way! I told myself.

"Nah man I don't know who she is... Sorry bro..."

"Damn man... I just wanna get in between them legs that's all."

"Bro... Come on stop talking like that."

"Dude you just like that because you got Britt, before you used to be as crazy as me!"

"No man.. I never slept with Britt or any other girl! Just put some ice in your balls and enjoy the party."

"Alright man I will and I'm going to find her Mart I'm telling you I will."

"Eric just find some other female to pounce on alright?"

Then I took my leave and walked down the stone path trying to find Ellie. Attempting to look through the darkness was no help because I couldn't see. Shit Ellie! Please say your okay.... please. I chanted in my head as I walked back into the house. Britt kept being annoying and telling me I should dance with her. Of course me being me I just ignored her and thought of Ellie.

Eric's POV

There she was, the girl that I was gonna get laid with tonight. She was sexy! Her black lace dress hugged her slim, but slightly thick body like second skin. Her perfectly loosed curls bounced with every strut she made in those gold pumps as she held her gold clutch.

"Turn around..."

I whispered to myself.

Noticing that she didn't play attention to anyone or anything, but kept walking forward turned my erection on even more. I jumped out if my seat and the girl sitting next to me whimpered because she thought I was going to sleep with her? Hell no! It took two steps to get to her and when she turned around? She was stunning! Her slightly tanned colored skin, big brown eyes, cute little pink lips curled up in a slight smile, her no makeup face was perfect although she had a couple blemishes it was okay because she was drop dead gorgeous! She just stood there staring at me and I couldn't help it, my player instincts came flooding out,

"Take a picture sweetheart it lasts longer." I said as I smirked at her.

She just rolled her eyes and continued walking.

"Hey are you just going to completely and utterly ignore me?"

I said and guess what! She did! She completely ignored me, me! Eric Turner, star quarterback at Cambridge High!

I grabbed her and on instinct again I kissed her. I tried so hard to deepen the kiss! I tried so hard to make her realize that I wanted her so badly, but she just wasn't having any of it. Soon, I felt her leg wrap around mine and as she slowly lifted the other one. It was only when I realized my babies started hurting that, she kicked me in the balls. Like no lie someone kicked these precious babies. (Hahaha! It goes both ways!) Then she yelled at me like really a girl who rejected my touch? All I could think about was her and the pain. The next thing I know Mart comes walking up to me and takes me out to talk. After our conversation my mind was set. I'm going to find this mysterious girl whether Mart likes it or not! And when I do this is, this is going to get interesting. :) I thought to myself waking back into the house.


Hey friends!:)) Just like I promised! The POV'S from Martin and Eric!:)) Expect Liam's POV soon friends!:)) Hope you enjoyed it!!:))


Why do you think Eric wants to find Ellie?

How do you feel about Brittney?

Thanks Friends!!:)) Please:

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