Chapter Fourteen

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Hey friends!!:)) I'm so happy for you reading my story and thanks for the comments! They really mean the world to me! Also and the votes!:)) I'm so grateful that you guys gave my story a chance! But anyways! Here goes chapter fourteen! I'll try to fix errors ASAP! Alright!:)) Thanks friends! ENJOY!:)


Liam's POV

When I woke up I saw Ellie hands and head nestled into my chest and that brought complete happiness to me. Man I really love this girl! I smiled and patted her head softly as she began to slowly wake up. Ellie's head slowly began leaving my chest and a waft of cold air came and hit it right as she sat up and smiled at me blushing bright red. Her cute little lips began to open and she said,
"Ahhh.... Thank you for last night..."
I chuckled at her adorable comment because it really should have been me thanking her. Shaking my head I said,
"No Shortcake it should be me thanking you."
I kept looking at her beautiful lips that constantly kept calling out to me as she began puckering them to protest. Without her a word leaving her lips because I placed my lips right in hers and immediately she responded to me and a little moan came out of her lips. I smirked at her and right as she came onto my lap and wrapped her legs around my waist the door opened.

Ellie's POV

Right when I hopped into his waist and wrapped my legs around him wanting to feel his body pressed against mine. Someone bolted into my room screaming,
I slowly turned around and saw Shelly and Eric SMIRKING AT ME! Okay maybe they deserved to smirk after the position that they saw us in. I blushed crimson red and leaned into Liam's neck burying my head there.
Eric and Shelly said smiling in front of us. I hopped out of bed not noticing what on earth I wore to bed last night and when I heard Liam groan I turned around and looked into my dresser mirror. Oh shuckle pants! I ran to the bathroom hearing Eric shout,
"Nice outfit you got there Ellie! It would have been nicer to see more, but...”
Then I heard him scream and Liam and Shelly yell and let's just say it sounded like he was beat up pretty good. When I finished getting ready I walked into my closet and grabbed my blue jean high waist shorts and marvel T-shirt along with my white Nike high tops. I walked down my spiral stairs smelling food and I instantly smiled remembering the memory of being at Liam's house and how he cooked breakfast for me. Once I reached the bottom Liam and Eric were preparing breakfast while Shelly was setting the table up. I smiled at them and said,
"Good morning guys!"
They turned around and let me say that Eric had a black eye! I honestly started cracking up because I was wondering how he was going to explain that one to the press. Eric must of knew what I was thinking because he started laughing with me and soon everyone got the hit I was cracking up at Eric's black eye and Shelly bowed gracefully saying,
"Thank you! Thank you! The jerk needed a hormonal check!"
I smirked at Eric and nodded my head in agreement and helped set the table up and once everything was set we decided to eat.
"Do, do you got a first aid kit handy! Do, do you know how to patch up a wound cause..."
I pulled my phone out and answered it putting it on speaker.
I said smiling.
"Ahhhh... Lessia?"
Someone said.
"Ah yes? Dr. Kim? Is something the matter?"
I said curiously.
"Ahhh... I was wondering if you wanted to go catch a movie or something today? You know? Since we both don't work you know?"
Dr. Kim said nervously.
"Ummm... I can't I'm... Kinda busy..."
I said slowly.
"Well.. Do you have time now?"
I stuttered.
"I can't... I have guests..."
He said.
"Could you please call me Chen... We're not in the hospital now... Also then what about tomorrow?"
He said confidently.
He said through the line.
"Ahhh... Yes Chen... I can't..."
"She can't go with you because she's MY GIRLFRIEND! AND I DON'T SHARE SO I SUGGEST YOU MOVE ON CHEN! GOT IT!"
Liam shouted from across the table.
"So the rumors are true! You guys are together?!"
Chen spited on the line.
"Oh we're not just dating I'm marrying her!"
Liam said smirking at the phone.
I smiled back at Liam as my heart raced and I felt it constantly hit against my ribs. He's what!
"Pshhh! Alright."
He said sarcastically.
"How did you even hear our conversation anyways?"
Chen asked.
"Duhhh! You were in speaker! Dude get over yourself Chen she's not interested in you! And she hasn't been ever since she met you..."
Shelly spat out at him as she shuddered in disgust.
Eric smirked and said,
"Yeah man! You're a cocky little BEASTTURD so just get a girl that'll be just like you."
Chen screamed.
Then the line was cut off and I released the biggest breath I didn't even know I was holding in. Honestly a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders because Dr. Kim just wouldn't leave me alone no matter how many times I said no. Honestly. He had a girlfriend for crying out loud that would anything and everything for him and he couldn't get the idea that I wasn't interested! He's suck a jerk face!
"So... Married huh?"
Shelly smiled.
I said smiling.
"He didn't ask me to get married, nor had he asked to be my boyfriend so I'm kinda not sure where he got that from?"
"Oh? So your friends with benefits then?"
Eric said wiggling his eyebrows at me.
I raised my head and softly hit is shoulder saying,
"Eric! Stop!"
Eric just laughed along with Shelly.
"Yeah! Friends benefits! ALOT OF BENEFITS!"
Shelly said using her fingers as quotation marks.
I pouted and finished my food in a flash and started cleaning up because everyone had already finished while in was having my little conversation with Chen. I noticed Liam was awfully quiet throughout the entire meal and even cleaning up. Then he took Eric somewhere outside and drove off. I looked to Shelly and she just smiled like a child on Christmas day.
"What's wrong with Liam... Did I make him upset?"
I said depressed.
Shelly jumped over to the couch and motioned for me to sit next to her. I sluggishly walked over and plopped down on the couch next to her, lifted my knees against my chest, rested my head in my knees, and began to cry. I tried to think what in earth I did to make him feel the way he did, but nothing came to mind. Soon one arm wrapped around my shoulder and slowly rotated me.
"Si... Come on you need to get ready!"
Shelly said softly.
I lifted my head up and wiped my tears.
I said quietly because I couldn't trust my voice at the moment.
"Because you're going on an adventure now get up and wash that pretty face of yours alright!"
I smiled weakly and walked to the bathroom and washed up. When I finished I walked out and looked around my house and I couldn't find Shelly anywhere.
I said.
"Are you here?"
I tried again.


I bolted out the door and Shelly's brand new deep red Audi came racing to my front door. I smiled and ran out the front door locking it and hopping into the car after hearing a couple whistles and hollering.
"Erghh... Kids..."
We both muttered at the same time smiling.
"Where are we going?"
I asked excitedly.
Shelly just shrugged her shoulders as we raced down the street.

Awhile LATER...

"Okay get out!"
Shelly yelled.
"Wait what?"
I said waking from my sleep.
"Where are we?"
I asked sleepily.
"Just get out my car..."
Shelly said reaching over and unlocking the door pushing me out.
"Hey wait!"
But obviously it was too late because by the time I could reach out for the car door Shelly zoomed off leaving me in front of a huge theme park.
"Six flags Great America?"
I said as I walked in and noticed no one was there, but all the rides were on and the employees were there, but by the time I could ask anyone what was going on a little boy ran toward me with a huge grin on his face.
I said kneeling down to his level admiring his ocean blue eyes.
He just blushed and handed me a note and ran off again.
But by the time I could bolt for him he disappeared out the theme park. I raised a brow questionably and opened the note reading,

If I could be a superman
I'd fly you to the stars and back again
'cause every time you touch my hand
You feel my powers running through your veins, but I can only write this song and tell you that I'm not that strong 'cause I'm no superman
I hope you like me as I am

Mystery Boy

I had such a huge smile on my face and ran to the Superman ride as quick as I could only to see my mystery boy wasn't there.
"Hello Ms. Lessia please take a seat and we'll get the ride started!"
I took a seat slowly and buckled in and they checked me and the ride began. Although I was by myself the adrenaline and screaming didn't make me feel alone instead I was relieved I could scream my head off. Once the ride ended the guy have me another card saying,

You spin my head right round, right round when you go down, when you go down down you spin my head right round, right round when you go down, when you go down down...

Mystery boy

I stood at the exit of the Superman ride thinking to myself. What kind of ride is it? Then it clicked! The swings right by the Batman ride. I ran all the way over there and a young lady greeted me and motioned me in I squealed and jumped in the nearest swing smiling.
"I'm surprised you got it right! I thought you would have when to the Merry go Round?"
I laughed at her comment and said,
"I surprise myself sometimes!"
With that the ride started and I swung around and around looking at the entire six flags from where I was swinging, it was beautiful and I admired the view of the sun setting. As I was lowered I stayed in the seat to regain my balance and once I did I got out and was handed the next note.

You must be tired El... Meet me by the Merry go Round Love...

Mystery Man

My heart raced I already knew it was Liam, but really only TWO RIDES! HE RENTED THE WHOLE THEME PARK AND I ONLY GET TWO RIDES! I ran all the way to the merry go Round and the song Rules of Attraction by Joe Brooks came on and I slowly started singing with it. Until the Merry Go Round spun around and Liam was standing there in his tight deep red Hollister T-shirt and dark blue jeans with his black Nike's. He walked all the way up to me and slowly went on one knee. Honestly my heart stopped, my breathing hitched, and my brain crashed. He looked up to my face and said these words to me,
"You Ellie... My beautiful Ellie that I've been living and waiting for, for six years. I love you and I always have. Hell I even saved my virginity for you! I want you to know that I don't know why you left me, but it made me realize how much I really needed you in my life and I want you to know that no matter how many awards I won and how many females threw themselves on me none of it made me happy. Only your memories and your face would bring a smile to my face. When you left me it just made me want to prove to the world how much I could improve myself to make myself better for you. You helped me grow up and mature into the person I am today and I know that we both just met again and that I don't want you to be rushed into this relationship with me, but could you please, please, wear this promise ring for me? Will you promise yourself for me until we're ready to take that step into marriage. I love you, but I don't want to rush you Love. I will take things slow just for you."
When he finished I didn't know what to say all these thoughts were running through my head I was so happy! He saved himself for me, he grew up for me, and he wouldn't rush this relationship for me! Everything, all my doubts regrets, just everything disappeared when he did that for me.
I said crying.
"No words can express my thoughts! Yes I will wear your promise ring."
I said.
Liam let out a huge sigh and opened the box and a beautiful diamond ring was portrayed before me, it was simple yet elegant, it matched me perfectly. I smiled as it fit on my finger perfectly and Liam stood up. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Once we pulled away he smiled at me and I smiled back with just as much love, passion, care, happiness, and just every good feeling you could name!
"Now since I booked this whole place today. Let's make it count!"
Liam screamed.
And with that we ate, rode rides, played games, and goofed off the entire night. Nothing could of went wrong!

Mystery POV

She thinks she could get away from me? Well she gots another thing coming! I've been waiting for her and finally nows the time to attack. Just wait till everything happens! She will be mine! All in time friends! All in time! I'm so excited to finally hold her in my arms and whisper all the sweet things I want to in her ear and feel her shuddered in complete lust over me. Liam... You made a bad move my friend and you're gonna pay for it! You're brain washing my poor little Munchkin before I could even get to her. Just wait till I get you! Don't worry Munchkin I'll save you from him! If that's the last thing I'll do L.O.V.E!

Dun! Dun! Dun!!!!!!!!! So much for the PERFECT NIGHT! WHO IS THIS MYSTERY POV? ANY THOUGHTS? ANY SUGGESTIONS!? I hope you all enjoyed the chapter friends!:))


How was the little date?
Who's the mystery POV?
What about Shelly and Eric?

It would mean the world to me if you vote, comment, and share!!:) THANKS FRIENDS!!:)

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