Chatper Eleven

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Heyyy FRIENDS!!:) I'm BACK with chapter eleven! A lot has happened between Ellie and Liam right? She left AHHH!!! Will fate bring them back together or will it be too late? I'll try to fix the errors ASAP!! So please bare with them for now, but anywho! ENJOY!:)))


Six Years later
Lessia's POV (Ellie)

"Lessia! We're so proud of you!"
Greg and Lilianna said happily.
"Yeah sis I'm proud of you too!"
Eric said.
I smacked Eric's shoulder lightly and smiled saying,
"Thanks everyone I wouldn't have been able to make it through the past six years if it wasn't for you guys!"
Lilianna and Greg shook their heads in disagreement saying,
"You're the one who made an unbelievable come back Lessia! You're really strong you know that? Many people would've taken ten plus years to recover, but you. It only took three years."
I smiled and put my head down thinking about everything that happened the past six years and how hard and difficult it was for me to get over my parents death, Martin still on the loose, and ultimately my loving and caring Liam.
"How is he?"
I asked sadly.
Eric got the point and said,
"He's still single and hasn't slept with anyone! Man that guy is such a bummer. He's the best producer out there, but he's just not happy."
I was sad, but it was true he was what you called the perfect good boy. His life was sworn to secrecy and everyone wondered how such a "quite man" could make such heartbreaking, heart throbbing movies. He won so many awards and Grammys, but every time he made a speech you could see it in his face and body movements he just wasn't happy. His movies were so emotional and down to earth unlike regular romance movies.
"He was always the perfect dreamer..."
I said trailing off,
"But enough about Liam! What about you Mister Star Quarter back for the Pittsburg Steelers!"
Eric puffed his chest out and grunted proudly saying,
"It is amazing! Si (Lessia) come out to a game sometime we're going to verse the Packers this Saturday! I'll get you special tickets and you can even come to the locker room to cheer your big brother on before he goes to the field."
I laughed and thought for a bit.
"I guess I can come, but I have to see if the hospital would need me first."
I said tapping just index finger on my chin thinking.
"Awww come on Si! You've never actually seen me play before!"
Eric said while pouting.
"Quit being a big baby Mr. Pouty Pants! You're ruining your bad boy looks remember?"
"Who care no one’s here to see except you, Greg, and Lilianna!"
"Oh shush up! How's Rain and Cass?"
"Oh them? They're good! Rain became a midwife and Cass is in France studying the ways of the Patisserie!"
"Really! That's great I'm so glad that they're living their dreams!"
"Yeah, but Rain never stopped asking about you Si.... She's still asking about you... No one knows why you disappeared and everyone doesn't know that Martin is the crazy master mind..."
"That's good it needs to stay that way Ric..."
"Are you sure? But for some reason I can't shake this weird feeling that something's wrong with Cassia..."
"Why what's wrong with her?"
"I don't know? She asked for you a couple times and then just stopped? Weird? Yes!"
I laughed at that one and said,
"She's a amazing friend Ric don't worry about her she's rough, but caring yes!"
"I don't know Si.... Just be careful alright. I don't want people finding out about you."
"I know Ric... We must take precautions, but honestly look at me."
I said twirling around in a circle,
"I'm different now and you yourself know that for a fact."
He nodded his head and hugged me one last time. I'll see you Friday alright! I'm not staying in a hotel with my teammates or I'll go crazy!"
I stood there laughing at him then hugging him back and saying,
"Alright!! Will do I'll see you soon! You too Greg and Lilianna! I'm going to miss you guys! Your room is still the same big brother!"
We all group hugged and they left without another second passing. I sighed and walked into my room and shut the door calling the clinic to see if they needed me Saturday and they said no, but the kids would definitely miss me Dr. Kim said. I chuckled at Dr. Kim's comment and said goodbye hanging the phone up. Dr. Kim was my friend, but he was always trying to peruse me, but I loved Liam too much to consider being in a relationship.
I sighed and ran my fingers through hair and decided to get some cleaning done because Eric would probably be here sometime tomorrow in the evening and took my blue iPhone, placed it in the stereo and push random shuffle in my English playlist. Since the stereo was in my living room the music was able to boom throughout the entire house. I grabbed the broom and began sweeping swaying my head to the song I am ready for love by India Irie. The song was so emotional and as the song was reaching the climax I started to cry because it felt so real. This song described how I felt about Liam and I sang my heart out. Through all the therapy, rehabilitation, and roughest moments in my entire six years it was Liam's movies, his face on magazines and TV shows that helped me pull through and become a stronger women that I was before. The door bell rang and I turned to the door. I began looking around the house and it didn't seem all that bad. So I walked to the front door and looked through the peep hole or well tried to look through it, but something was covering it and I laughed and opened the door to find Eric standing there with his bags in hand.
"Hey Si! I came early because I wanted to settle in. Still kinda jet legged because you know I just got off a plane a couple hours ago to quickly came back on a plane a couple hours later. If you get what I mean?"
He said standing there.
I moved to the side to let him walk in the house and he came in with a huge smile and I closed the door and locked it walking behind him.
"Ellie! What did I tell you about listening to sad music?"
Eric said standing there with his bags in his hands am staring at me.
I trailed off,
"It wasn't my fault, but my iPhone's! It played that song first on shuffle Ric!"
He dropped his bags and a loud thump was heard and he hugged me tightly asking me was I thinking about Liam and that's when I broke. I wept like crazy and Eric just hugged me tighter and told me that I was strong and that crying was the best option for me. He told me to keep crying and let it all out. Eric picked me up and placed me on my long white couch and told me to hold on and I tried to fix myself up and when he came back he had two tubs of butter pecan ice cream and handed me a spoon I took the spoon and the tub of ice cream while wiping the tears away.
"You're such a girl Ric!"
I said laughing.
"I know now let's watch a movie!"
Ric said happily browsing through my movie rack.
"I found it!"
He screamed and I looked over to him raising my brow curiously. He shook his head and said,
"Nah ah! You have to wait my little sister! The movie is going to be a surprise!"
I rolled my eyes and opened the tub of ice cream getting a spoonful and placing it into my mouth and feeling it melt as I began crouching on the pecans.
"MmmHhhmmm! So good!"
I said smiling.
Eric turned around and smiled walking next to me and started eating his own ice cream tub while we watched the Korean Drama Secret Garden. It was so sad! We both started balling our eyes out on the one episode where the main character girl got into a huge coma because she was a stunt woman!
"Snnhhh, Snnhhh. Why! Why did she have to die! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!"
Eric cried finishing his tub of ice cream.
"You'll find out at the end Ric! Oh my goodness"
I said laughing at him wiping the tears off of my face.
He just say there crying and hugged me tightly balling out,
"Why! Ellie why!? Come on!"
"Hurry up and put the next episode on and we'll find out Ric."
I said pointing at the DVD player laughing again.
Eric got up and put in the last episode and we sat there both crying because at the end they both were together again, but the boy’s mom was an arse!
"Awwww! So the dad did it for a reason! To protect her! I love him! His mom is an ass!
If I was him I would have just said screw you I'm getting my money!"
Eric said throwing his hands in the air wiggling them.
I shook my head and said,
"Eric watch your potty mouth or I will hit you next time! You know I don't like cussing so stop! But his mother is rich person minded so of course it's going to be like that... Not everyone is nice when they're rich."
Eric just nodded his head in agreement and got up from the couch saying,
"Let’s go to bed I have a game tomorrow Ellie."
I got up and said,
"Yeah you do I'll see you in the morning."
Then we went to our respective bedrooms, but before I shut my door I turned my head around to see Eric slowly dragging his feet along the wooden floor tiredly.
I said.
"Yes Ellie?"
He said looking up tired.
"Thanks for tonight I really appreciated it!"
I said smiling then yawning.
"You're welcome Ellie. I see you as a sister and you're the one that changed me that night I kissed you. I'm sorry about that though. Get some sleep I'm taking you shopping later in the morning."
I nodded my head while saying,
"Okay. Thanks and Ric there's no problem with that. You're forgiven! I'll see you later today."
Then we both walked into out rooms and closed the door. When I got into my room I washed up, put my sleeping clothes on and jumped into my bed snuggling with the covers falling asleep.
I heard.
I said.
"I've been waiting six years to see you."
I said turning around and there he was... It was Liam standing there in all his glory. He held his hands open to me and as I was running to him, but I was stopped and yanked back.
"Where do you think you're going Ellie?"
Martin said.
I screamed and when I woke up Eric was already in my room pressing me against his bare chest.
"Shhh. Shhh. Everything's fine."
He said rocking me back in forth.
I finally stopped crying after what felt like a millennium and Eric told me to freshen up while he went and got breakfast started. I walked into my bathroom and started a warm shower. Right when the water hit me all my tense muscles loosened up and I felt calmer than before. I walked out the bathroom and put on light blue jeggings on with a white cami and tan cardigan and threw on my white converse. When I got out to the kitchen the smell of bacon and pancakes hit my nose and I smiled at the vision in my head when I saw Liam standing there in his long sleeve shirt and boxers. Eric's voice snapped me out of my trance and I piled the food that was laid in front of me on my plate. The silence was comfortable and when we finished we cleaned up and left for the mall. Once we got into the car we locked the doors and Eric said,
"So! What kind of mall should we go to today huh?"
I tapped my chin and thought of a bit weighing the pros and cons for each store and I came to conclusion that it had to be Southridge Mall.
"I guess Southridge Ric."
I said smiling then sighing.
"Si... Please I know you had another nightmare and I'm not gonna force it out of you, but just tell me soon alright."
Eric said sighing. The drive to Southridge was quiet after that and when we pulled up to it I stormed out and turned around smiling,
"Come on Mr. Star Quarter Back! We gotta hustle!"
Eric just laughed and shook his head running in front of me and I knew he was gonna piggyback me so I jumped on his back and he brought me into the store. "Now let's go shopping!"
I screamed as we walked into Sears.

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