Bonus Chapter

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This is the end friends!!:) The journey was long and hard! I know you guys though that was a crazy twist huh?! This is how they got together loves!!:)) Let's find out! I'll try and fix the errors ASAP! Enjoy!:))


Eric's POV

Three months after Liam passed...

I was finally getting married to Shelly and I was happy, but I would spend all my free time with Ellie. Even though Liam's death was tough for all of us Ellie took it the hardest... Well of course she would, but not only Liam, but Tristien as well... He died from internal bleeding in the brain, but he woke up asking for Ellie and she rushed to the hospital. I don't know what he said to her, but it was something that made her very, very, emotionally cautious around me for some reason. Ellie has come along way and I applaud her braveness and forgiving heart. Martin wasn't placed in prison. Sadly because he had a mental illness in his brain and that caused his obsession for Ellie to go haywire, but! Don't get upset now he's in a mental institution where he won't be getting out until he's dead. Cassia, well, after she found out about her son dying and Martin proclaiming his undying love for Ellie in the court room. She went bonkers and almost committed suicide, but with Ellie's big heart and fast timing Cassia went to receive help. From what I've heard she's been doing well.
"Eric! Eric!"
"Ahhh... Yeah?"
"I've been calling you for about two minutes love... What's been on your mind we're getting married tomorrow honey."
I oscillated back and forth and said,
"No it's nothing baby... Just thinking about everything."
Shelly nodded her head and continued with her final touches on the wedding as Ellie sat in the the beautiful wooden chair that was wrapped with a white cloth and tied neatly in the back so that it looked as Shelly called it, "Simple yet Classy." Ellie was hushing her babies from making too much noise. My heart warmed up when I saw her looking at me and making ugly faces at me to pay attention to Shelly before I got yelled at again. Ellie always did things to make me laugh or keep my head on during the whole wedding process. I turned my head over to Shelly and saw her mugging me and quickly turn back to finish her final commands on what the reception hall should look like.
"Why don't you just call the wedding off Ric?"
I heard from behind me.
I slowly turned and saw a figure of someone oddly particular.
"Lee? Is that you?"
"Of course!"
I rushed through the curtains and low and behold Liam was standing there in his everyday dark blue jeans and white V-neck T-shirt.
"Lee... You know I wouldn't do that to you... She loves you and we're like best friends... I can't it's wrong of me."
"Ric... There's no one else out there, well besides me that is, but I'm dead, anyways there's no one else out there alive that I'd rather her to be with than you. I'm so grateful to you on how you've been there with her since I was gone. I know you love her. So why deny it now? You've spend so much time with her and getting her to open up again and be herself. Sometimes I wonder if I took her from you..."
"Wait Lee? What are you talking about?Why are you here?"
"To make you see that you're not really happy with this wedding Ric... I know how much you actually care for Ellie. There's something that you don't know about you and her."
"And what's that?"
"You guys are soul mates, but I got into the way and became her husband while you were her soul mate. That's why you love her that's why you're so drawn to her! This is how you can't forget her! That's why! You dumb ass your soul mates! Plain and simple... That's why I had to go home... I was selfish and wanted her for myself when I knew you were supposed to have her. You love her Ric and you know that."
"Lee... I love Shelly... I loved Ellie... There's a difference... Maybe it's just brotherly love that I have with her now, but I'm just mistaking it for love! Soul mates? Not possible! She doesn't love me Lee! She never did! Ergh! I don't know?!"
"Ric... Don't fight what you know your heart wants... You know what Ellie. Ellie she always..."
"Ric! Eric! Get your sorry booty up!"
I bobbed up and Ellie was standing there. She looked so beautiful. Even though she was 25 years old she didn't look a day over 18 holding little three and a half month old Lisa in one arm gurgling while I could hear Tidus whining in my arms.
"Did you sleep here again Ric?"
Ellie said as she placed little Lisa in her little white crib and walked over to me grabbing Tidus and wrapped the blanket over his face covering her perfectly rounded breasts from my face as she sat across from me breast feeding Tidus.
"I don't know?"
I said still dazed that Ellie was practically breast feeding Tidus in front of my face. Don't call me a pervert because Ellie has been my first love from like ever! If your first crush was practically a cloth away from seeing the actual thing I bet you'd be just as stunned as me.
"Wait what time is it?"
"Time to get your suit on sir."
I checked my phone and boom! There for weekly alerts was Wedding Day! Yes I know I had to remind myself about my wedding. Yes I know. Lame.
"Oh dang it! Ellie I'm using the guest room!"
I said running down the hallway.
I could hear Ellie's melodic laugh down the hall as I ran and I also heard,
"Everything wedding related you need is in your room Ric. I had Pete drop it off late last night."
I snickered thinking, she knows me too well doesn't she? I quickly hopped into "my room" as Ellie calls it and she wasn't lying when she said everything wedding related was there. My suit, shoes, flowered pin, hair products, boxers, lotion, and all the above was there waiting for me. I hopped out of my shower and got dressed walking out the door. Was I ready for this wedding? My heart asked me. What am I thinking? I'm marrying Shelly I've love her. I chanted in my head over and over again. As I descended the stairs I noticed that the house was quiet. I walked into the kitchen and found a note on the counter table.

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